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Is WvW Roaming dead with new balance patch?


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"acidic.4356" said:

> > around almost every zerg fight ppl will be hanging back on their warclaws rdy to run in and stomp the downs, ridiculous. (i myself have done it, because its an easy mechanic to abuse )

> How is it any different from 5 man power res that zergs "abuse" in their otherwise near immortal boonballs?


its just an "extra gimmick" introduced making wvw worse, why bring it as an extra, why have both, surely get rid of both? and 5 players ressing is different than one mount stomp, for a start if someone goes down its up to those 5 to react.. still id rather get rid of both scenarios...


this is my point - almost everything introduced since hot came along has been for the worse... just my opinion on wvw

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