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New patch = Less people getting insta-killed


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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > I honestly don't understand the TTK argument. Between skilled players in a duel even using glass builds it's still a chess match. Both players possess the raw damage to destroy the other in the blink of an eye, but good luck landing that damage when your opponent is as good as you are. He's going to defend and try to apply counter-pressure, and you're going to be forced to do the same.

> > > >

> > > > Am I crazy that I don't see a problem here? I'm not saying this is the end of the world. It's too big a change to know how it'll play out, and I very much hope my concerns are unfounded. But the fact is, if I love PvP in the current meta and have been playing the game mode more than I have in a long time, where is the gain in turning everything on its head for a player like myself?

> > >

> > > The problem isnt that there arent close duels or teamfights with current balance, but that the low ttk removes enough counterplay to make the game seem unfair and frustrating since a tiny mistake can result in a player dying instantly. Gw2 isnt a fps where you just need to be good at aiming and learn the map. In gw2 there is a huge amount of class and ability knowledge that players need to have to be effective at fighting other classes and builds. If you have short ttk as well, you are creating a huge skill ceiling that casual and new players will never be able to understand. Additionally low ttk makes build counters even more effective at shutting down respective builds, which again removes a lot of potential counterplay and strategy. Its a rare situation to be in a fight where everyone is equally skilled, and no one hard counters the opponents build. Lowering ttk, if done properly, gives players more opportunities to react to different situations, and gives the more skilled player a better chance of outplaying their hard counters.

> >

> > Lowering TTK by 10-15% would have worked. Lowering TTK by 30-40% is dumb.


> Yes, too much damage reduction would be a bad thing which is why it needs to be done properly, but it remains to be seen how much is too much.


More team focus on target should be enough.

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On the topic of that, I still have mixed feelings about CC doing no damage at all. Was it too much to just not allow those to do criticals and have not an absurd amount like Gazelle? Still, in the end it's true that if you dodge a CC you're still gonna take damage as it baits a dodge while you could decide to tank the CC then stunbreak with a utility to avoid damage in another way, saving the evade.


Something else that a lot of people haven't came to notice yet is that all amulets will grant Power once this patch goes live, not a single stats to pick won't have Power and that combined with no more rolls on the Weapon Strength for damage really makes everything more predictable.

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The nerf to crowd controll would have probably been felt the most by mesmer.

I mean, the ammount of hard CC you have access to...thus the amount of interrupts...

...I guess interrupt mes has finally died. Miss those days...

--I say would have if they didn't already remove crit potential with power block.

I personally feel like...

Mesmers are gonna get boned...We already play in such a way to have multiple attacks land at one instance.

And since cool downs have increased...and damage was reduced...I am not sure what mesmer is supposed to do?

Do you see where I am going?

Creating those critical damage spikes is just part of playing mes...well...I assume all professions are going to have to play like this...to a greater degree...if they still want bursty builds....but mes ALREADY does this...so again. What are we gonna do?

Just...sit there and wait...I mean that's nice and all you want cool downs to feel impactful...

Well you kinda need big damage on high cooldowns.

Again, the whole thing with mes is landing multiple attacks on vulnerable foes.

This would not be an issue but the increased cool downs...well...yeah...and clones and phantasms are already derpy since pre PoF Illusions will just tack on to ANYONE and many moons ago they did not. They were very much single target Ooooonly.


Pvp finna be a hot ass mess for the nest 4 months.

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> @"SciFiBotanist.3790" said:

> The nerf to crowd controll would have probably been felt the most by mesmer.

> I mean, the ammount of hard CC you have access to...thus the amount of interrupts...

> ...I guess interrupt mes has finally died. Miss those days...


> Pvp finna be a hot kitten mess for the nest 4 months.


Hate to break it to you, but that is pure bias coupled with intense overreaction.


Yes, Mesmer has quite a few CCs....but almost all of them barely do any damage to begin with.

0.2 on illusionary Wave; 0 dmg on Diversion, 0 dmg on Mantra of distraction; 0.2 on Magic bullet, 0 on focus pull.

I guess an argument can be made for gravity well....but thats about it.

On top of that Power Block didnt even lose damage. (Just some weakness duration).


Mesmer CCs aren't part of its damage, they enable it (which is the gold standard for this patch).





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