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"The Departed" has made me want to depart the game.

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what i love about tough fights that people comment about is they really are tough to most people. i also hated that fight. it is the storyline and dosent matter anyway so it should be nerfed. anyway. the comments from other people"i beat that boss naked with no weapons" " i didnt find it hard at all, i beat it with a level one toon and wet noodle" and so on and so on. i dont know if these people are lying to protect fragile ego's or trying to portray something there not, insecurity. i know what it is but cant write it in the forums. i get what your saying op, and agree with you.

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I had the issue of disconnecting right after the fight with Balthazar twice a few weeks ago. I have not gone back. Just fed up with it. I am not enjoying do the stories multiple times anymore. You go into any instance and you never now if you will disconnect or an NPC will no longer respond. Its like the game is slowly unraveling.


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> @"Galaa.8475" said:

> what i love about tough fights that people comment about is they really are tough to most people. i also hated that fight. it is the storyline and dosent matter anyway so it should be nerfed. anyway. the comments from other people"i beat that boss naked with no weapons" " i didnt find it hard at all, i beat it with a level one toon and wet noodle" and so on and so on. i dont know if these people are lying to protect fragile ego's or trying to portray something there not, insecurity. i know what it is but cant write it in the forums. i get what your saying op, and agree with you.


Since I could somehow be included in the group that thinks it doesn't make sense to nerf a content that is not hard when you learn it (I'm talking specifically about Death Eater), I would like to actually know what you think about me, instead of some veiled passive agressive strawman.

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I wish I could find the post again but someone told me to go in and connect to a different IP or something and change something in a text file and it fixed it. I was getting constant disconnects at this part of the story, as well as the final instance.


I think I may have even had similar issues with the latest episode.


Personally I think that even though it makes the story flow better, some of these porting from story instance to story instance to story instance to story instance things create more issues. At least on my end. With The Departed there is a lot of disalogue, a cinematic, and like 4 story instances you're teleported between. A lot going on and I think sometimes it's just a loading issue.


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I had the SAME thing happen to me... disc when talking to Joko. THEN, while roaming around the forest I got stuck.




Yes, I fought Bal 4 times. When I finally got to the eater of souls it was a joke. I finished it in 5 minutes.


Run back to Joko's jail cell and use a ranged weapon. Run a circle around the jail cell, he'll never hit you and you can kill him easily.

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> @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(


When it happens, ping a google for about 10 minutes for loss packets. This game is very sensitive to that, and it's possible that discord stays connected while the game will kick you out.

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> @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(


I don't know about it being a problem with GW...I've never been disconnected from an instance because of the game, it's usually something to do with internet routing between the servers and me...that's always been the problem as far as I know. As for Balthazar being a long drawn out fight, first time I did it I kept attacking him and getting up again...second time I just let him kill me as quick as possible, and then attacked him, seemed to work faster that way. Then I even killed the Eater of Souls faster, both times on Rangers, first time took 3 attacks, second he was down in one swoop because of nerf.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > what i love about tough fights that people comment about is they really are tough to most people. i also hated that fight. it is the storyline and dosent matter anyway so it should be nerfed. anyway. the comments from other people"i beat that boss naked with no weapons" " i didnt find it hard at all, i beat it with a level one toon and wet noodle" and so on and so on. i dont know if these people are lying to protect fragile ego's or trying to portray something there not, insecurity. i know what it is but cant write it in the forums. i get what your saying op, and agree with you.


> Since I could somehow be included in the group that thinks it doesn't make sense to nerf a content that is not hard when you learn it (I'm talking specifically about Death Eater), I would like to actually know what you think about me, instead of some veiled passive agressive strawman.


the thing is ardid, its in the storyline. you should not have to run it so many times to "learn it". you get in, kill the thing the first time and be done with it and move on. the storyline line is nothing. never has been. so there is no reason to make tough fights in it.

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> Beat it with a glass cannon chronomancer. @"Azuresky.1726" Do you know the mechanics behind the break bar? Seems a lot of people get hung up on that.


you can cheese him easy, run up the stairs behind him (where the portal to tyria is) just past the arch and wait for him to come up, then quickly jump off the stair case and run around back just before the arch near the bottom of the staircase, you can pretty much just afk range him dead because he's too dumb run through the arch

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> @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > what i love about tough fights that people comment about is they really are tough to most people. i also hated that fight. it is the storyline and dosent matter anyway so it should be nerfed. anyway. the comments from other people"i beat that boss naked with no weapons" " i didnt find it hard at all, i beat it with a level one toon and wet noodle" and so on and so on. i dont know if these people are lying to protect fragile ego's or trying to portray something there not, insecurity. i know what it is but cant write it in the forums. i get what your saying op, and agree with you.

> >

> > Since I could somehow be included in the group that thinks it doesn't make sense to nerf a content that is not hard when you learn it (I'm talking specifically about Death Eater), I would like to actually know what you think about me, instead of some veiled passive agressive strawman.


> the thing is ardid, its in the storyline. you should not have to run it so many times to "learn it". you get in, kill the thing the first time and be done with it and move on. the storyline line is nothing. never has been. so there is no reason to make tough fights in it.


Did you read the thread ?


It's not about learning the fight....There's a legitimate bug with the instance state that occurs after you beat Eater of Souls and as Joko starts his monologue that kicks players to the log-in screen.


Literally nothing here outside of veiled attempts to look superior are about the difficulty of said fight.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > > what i love about tough fights that people comment about is they really are tough to most people. i also hated that fight. it is the storyline and dosent matter anyway so it should be nerfed. anyway. the comments from other people"i beat that boss naked with no weapons" " i didnt find it hard at all, i beat it with a level one toon and wet noodle" and so on and so on. i dont know if these people are lying to protect fragile ego's or trying to portray something there not, insecurity. i know what it is but cant write it in the forums. i get what your saying op, and agree with you.

> > >

> > > Since I could somehow be included in the group that thinks it doesn't make sense to nerf a content that is not hard when you learn it (I'm talking specifically about Death Eater), I would like to actually know what you think about me, instead of some veiled passive agressive strawman.

> >

> > the thing is ardid, its in the storyline. you should not have to run it so many times to "learn it". you get in, kill the thing the first time and be done with it and move on. the storyline line is nothing. never has been. so there is no reason to make tough fights in it.


> Did you read the thread ?


> It's not about learning the fight....There's a legitimate bug with the instance state that occurs after you beat Eater of Souls and as Joko starts his monologue that kicks players to the log-in screen.


> Literally nothing here outside of veiled attempts to look superior are about the difficulty of said fight.


""I honestly can't see the point to "Playing", "Enjoying", this type of a tough instance. I love the story, but the time it is taking me to beat down Balthazar, and then the crazy maneuvers I have to go through to get passed the DeathEater are STUPID!!! Maybe have an "Easy" version? "

why yes i did ,did you? i was commenting on the sentence above from the op and from two other posters in this thread which basically said , nvm... already been through that. have a nice day sir or ma'am, hugs and kisses. love ya much. :3 <3 :p B)

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> @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> Just checking in to see if anyone has been having any issues with this fight disconnecting before completion still?


I just did it yesterday and it was fine but I rarely encounter disconnection bugs anymore (I think I have a "lucky" PC configuration) so I don't know how much use that is to anyone else.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> > Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(


> When it happens, ping a google for about 10 minutes for loss packets. This game is very sensitive to that, and it's possible that discord stays connected while the game will kick you out.


It is better to enter the `/ip` command in-game, and use the address that returns: the path to Google, and the path to the GW2 server, is not identical, only partly shared.


Also, if you have it, [PingPlotter](https://pingplotter.com/) is better than plain ping, as it helps identify exactly where that happens.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> > > Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(

> >

> > When it happens, ping a google for about 10 minutes for loss packets. This game is very sensitive to that, and it's possible that discord stays connected while the game will kick you out.


> It is better to enter the `/ip` command in-game, and use the address that returns: the path to Google, and the path to the GW2 server, is not identical, only partly shared.


> Also, if you have it, [PingPlotter](https://pingplotter.com/) is better than plain ping, as it helps identify exactly where that happens.


But that's the point. You want to know if the problem comes from you or gw, try another address.

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I just did this story step yesterday on my Scourge -I was dreading it, but everything was ok -no deaths/downed or DC's for.


The sucky part of getting "killed" by Balt was a bit annoying...laborious...drawn out...but that was my biggest beef with this step.

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I personally didn't have any issues with this part (disconnecting or otherwise) but there have been a looot of posts with people having connectivity issues in The Departed. I would be in favor of splitting the Balthazar portion from the part afterward into separate instances so that if you do disconnect, you can skip the boss fight the second time through. I really liked The Departed but if I disconnected near the end I can't say I would be too eager to redo it either. Plus it would help a little when replaying for achievements.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> For the commenter and any future commenter who provides the tip of "just bring a friend" for the eater of souls fight: bringing a friend is useless because they get turned into useless spirits with useless skills and non of their classes abilities. In fact, it can actually be harmful because the eater of souls can just suck on their spirity goodness and regain even more health. Sure, it helps with the balthazar fight, but it makes the eater of souls tougher. So yeah, please stop uselessly suggesting to bring help for the eater of souls.


> (if this was changed recently to turning everyone into ghostly versions of themselves with their full class abilities, then please correct me)


It's still like this, though the ghosts DO have skills that allow them to, say, heal the player or cleanse conditions from them or help break the defiance bar.... bring a friend, just make sure the friend isn't an idiot.

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I'd just say that ANet should split this story step in two parts...


That would alleviate a lot of grief and maybe even have the side benefit of resolving connectivity issues with the server.


BUT, I myself did not DC when I did this step for the first time very recently.


Additionally, there are many older posts with obsolete information on reddit and forum that discuss the story event difficulty before it was toned down at some point.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In an old post I can't find anymore someone told me to edit a textfile somewhere that would change the ip I was connecting with. It allowed me to get through this constant dc in The Departing at launch. I had to reset my pc recently and decided to give this story another run through for some more banner collection items and just for fun.


Well, here I am disconnecting in The Deparing, only to realize that they STILL have not added any checkpoints in this instance. I thought they would at least add one to get directly the Domain of the Lost, but nope. I have to kill Balth all over again, go through 10 minutes of dialogue, kill the eater of souls, another 3 minutes of dialogue, and all through that make it through 2 cut scenes without disconnecting.


I'm glad I've already done this story step, but it's sad that nothing has ever been done to fix the issues with this instance. And yes, it is most definitely this instance and nothing on my end. No issues anywhere else in the game, at least not as frequent and consistent as this particular story step.


Would be nice to have multiple checkpoints if you don't know how to fix the disconnect issue that is affecting quite a number of people. The layering of this instance seems extremely messy anyway. It's great that it seems more fluid this way, but having an instance, cutscene, cutscene, instance, cutscene is creating too many issues. Might have been better to dice the episode up.


Anyway, I'll give it one more shot for the night and if it does it again I'll just forget redoing this story.



Got through it this second time. Only advice if you're struggling is to go as quickly as possible through it. When you get to the domain of the lost and you already know the steps, just run towards each objective ignoring that the dialogue hasn't finished and it lets you skip most of it. Then it's just a matter of luck.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> Just checking in to see if anyone has been having any issues with this fight disconnecting before completion still?


I've tried it about 10 times in the last week and been kicked at the Joko taunting every time

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