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"The Departed" has made me want to depart the game.

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This is still happening. October 2019, just happened twice. Once right after Joko speaks after the bird chase and second time it DC'd right after beating Balthazar. I'm so frustrated with wasting an hour+ and still in the exact same spot having to redo the entire thing. Even then it might DC AGAIN so I'm just pissed.

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Hardly necro when this has been a problem since release and still is.

The quickest answer is bring a friend. Weirdly you get disconnected less if you have a party member with you, even if they do nothing but afk.

I've found people that are willing to just sit in a party with you while they go to lunch or something. It's stupid but it works. There's clear connection problems with the servers they are using, and they aren't fault tolerant at all. They have no ability to reconnect on failure.

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> @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(


I always get random disconnects right before the story completes. Always happens right when the completion screen animation should pop up to complete the mission. I don't get them in open world though. Had this issue for years now.

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> @"Wraiven.2608" said:

> This is still happening. October 2019, just happened twice. Once right after Joko speaks after the bird chase and second time it DC'd right after beating Balthazar. I'm so frustrated with wasting an hour+ and still in the exact same spot having to redo the entire thing. Even then it might DC AGAIN so I'm just pissed.


Well, they didn't have much time to fix it, just 2 years you see. Wait just a wee bit more, they'll get to it soon I bet.



Buy something from the store in the mean time, it's all there is for GW2's endgame anyway

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