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I just started to play the HoT story and maps ...


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I think with time you start appreciating hot maps more. At start it can be daunting if you go straight from core to hot without much experience in the game. But with experience open world in general becomes very easy and it is nice that there are some areas where you can't just 1111.

Just recently I decided to complete all hot maps on my elementalist where I was still missing most of TD completion. I was surprised I managed to solo many of the HP champs without any special prep (I did some on my ranger before but ranger is easy mode in that regard). When I first entered hot right after I dinged 80 and finished Zaithan it felt like an impossible task.

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Expansion maps are great for sure but let's be honest, it really isn't like you need a fine-tuned build to survive or even get your bearings... when in doubt, go ranger - _ranged_ ranger, lol. Just core ranger will do, longbow and a tanky pet and you'll solo all PoF HPs and a good number of the HoT ones. Equally sound and safe for general solo open-world run-ins.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> HoT is an underappreciated expansion that a lot of people tend to avoid because "mobs are harder" and "the maps aren't easy to navigate". Verdant brink and Dragon's Stand metas are some of the best content in the game, and there's a ton of small stuff to do in each area.


> PoF is between core game and HoT, both difficulty and layout -wise.


That's sad as due to the difficulty it's the only map I find going back to enjoyable. Helping other players get hp's etc is actually enjoyable if it remained somewhat challenging

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Thanks for the answers. Some interesting answers that helped me understand how people experienced the map when it got released (which I missed cause I did not play back then). I understand that the "feeling" is different now with not that many people playing (still there seem enough ... I sometimes see commanders doing the meta events) and with the mounts.


I didn't get to play that much in the last days but I'm going to keep it up (hopefully playing more soon - more time) and I will try to experience it with glider only and unlocking mounts later. At least doing most achievements, full map completions and the story (+ story related achievements) on my main. Other chars might map complete later when I have moints.


Didn't have any problems with hero points. Some champs ... someone already asked in the map for help and I needed it as well and when I went there we ended up with a few more people and the population in the map seemed okay. ... that is for Verdant Brink atm which more people seem to like. Looking forward to the other maps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A small update from me: I'm now in Tangled Dephts and out of the 3 maps I have seen so far (VB, AB, TD) I like this one the most from the layout and from the adventures. Also seems to have nice achievements with the outpost event chains like in VB which AB did not have I think (only for "powering up" the outposts).


Auric Basin felt a lot easier - except the a bit confusing layout of Tarir. (But with guides it was not that hard and outside the stuff was easier than VB.)


TD is confusing - but fun. So far I managed the explorer achievement and all the WPs and the strongboxes/insights (except one or two that require masteries to be trained). A bit harder to know how to get to certain places but the thing with the outposts and lanes and the ley hub central area ... seems like it is possible to learn this a bit. Also the wallows help. (Sometimes hard to find the way between outpost and lane area without the wallow or I don't even know if it exists.)


I'll see how it goes with the other chars later for map completion on 2nd try where I don't need the achievements and masterie insights anynore. I guess a lot of people (unless old hardcore player) don't even know every detail on the map - especially if they are only there for the events where you don't need to know every secret. (Or don't need to remember it anymore.)


Auric Basin felt a bit boring so far. Though it was easy to navigate. (Still have achievements left there and going to switch between all the maps for the achievements left once I'm finished with the main stuff.)


Btw ... the mushrooms are the hardest mobs. :D Especially the ones with the CC bar.



I guess a main problem is relying on the mini map and wanting to finish stuff fast since there is lots of other stuff left to do. As compared to the players that were "up to date" on release and could explore. Much easier to "learn" it if you explore by yourself. Better at remembering it then. Also with that many layers the mini map can get confusing. When the arrow shows it is higher and you thinkg it is just a lil bit climbing up ... when it is muuuuch higher and you need to come frome some other place and glide down there to get somewhere. (I think even Dulfy credits a lot of people that helped in her guide cause people might just randomly found stuff by accidend and shared it with each other so that at the end by helping each other it was possible to find everything.)

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