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Gandaran Service Medal - Ribbon


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I wanted to do all achievements that I did not do in the past, and I ran into a problem in Long Live the Lich. The Gandaran Service Medal (do events in Kourna) achi needs you to complete 3 events where you need to destroy 3 cannons to get cannoneer's medals and ribbons and such. They are supposed to happen between meta events when the "reconfigure the cannons" events are not active.

The thing is, I waited HOURS and the event never spawned. Yet I do not see any note anywhere (wiki, or Dulffy) that there is a prerequisite for these events. They are just... suppoed to spawn between metas. I waited 3 metas and nothing.

Should I post this as a bug? Anyone know perhaps if there is a prerequisite for the event?



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> @"zallesz.1650" said:

> Hi!

> I wanted to do all achievements that I did not do in the past, and I ran into a problem in Long Live the Lich. The Gandaran Service Medal (do events in Kourna) achi needs you to complete 3 events where you need to destroy 3 cannons to get cannoneer's medals and ribbons and such. They are supposed to happen between meta events when the "reconfigure the cannons" events are not active.

> The thing is, I waited HOURS and the event never spawned. Yet I do not see any note anywhere (wiki, or Dulffy) that there is a prerequisite for these events. They are just... suppoed to spawn between metas. I waited 3 metas and nothing.

> Should I post this as a bug? Anyone know perhaps if there is a prerequisite for the event?


> Thanks!


I was working on the new Leg Trinket, and am now at this step. I tried for 3 straight days...camping a cannon....doing complete start to finish, meta. Never was I able to trigger/see this.

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If I remember correctly this achievement also took me a while because the events are very much RNGish.


One thing that is important to note is that they can (randomly) pop up at *any* of the 3 cannons - so camping a single one might mean you miss the event running somewhere else on the map.

Best way to get is probably to ask in map chat & lfg and hope people shout out if they see the event running somewhere.

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