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FYI: Healer Firebrand isn't everything. Stop thinking you're entitled.

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My partner and I host daily T4 runs everyday as a Chrono/Druid duo so we will always LFG for DPS to complete the party. Believe it or not, 90% of times our session ran fast and smoothly.

But recently, we noticed there's always that one disrespectful person everyday, coming into **OUR PARTY** to join and ask for Firebrand.. Comparing us with Firebrand.. Telling us how this won't end well without a Firebrand **even before we started**... And worst of all, a Healbrand himself coming into our 'DPS Only' PUG and had the nerve... the audacity...to come at our faces like he's so entitled and asked my partner and I to switch to DPS...


Who the f are you? Who the hell do you think you are? Go to a different party if you wanna healbrand so badly or even better, MAKE YOUR OWN PARTY.


I swear to whatever human gods Tyria has left that this is something that we are starting to face everyday. If its just 1 person out of random, fine we get it, we let this slide.

But this is starting to become an Epidemic. And i'm not blaming any Condi Necros for that one.


We would be respectful if we were to join other people's PUG and as DPS players if they requested for it. Because we can read. But can YOU do the same??


So do us a favor. If you don't like something in your PUG:

Keep it to yourself, do what the party owner requested or even better, LEAVE and MAKE YOUR OWN PARTY.

And don't go telling us that Firebrand is everything because I swear to god, yeah, i'm pointing my finger at y'all for this one, i swear to god.


If y'all keep saying Firebrand is everything, I dare to chop my fingers off to bet that one day Arenanet will nerf the hell out of Firebrand the way they did to Chrono.

Learn from history.

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You're calmed down now because such a rant here in the forums won't reach any of those players you mentioned. People in this subforum do not tend to be such players besides from very rare questions/threads by inexperienced people that also won't fall into your category.

So, next time save the time for such a post and tell it to the specific player or much better: Ignore him/her because you most likely won't teach random people in a video game that do not explicitly care or want to learn.

Tell them everything is covered and your group just want to have the classes/roles that were advertised in the lfg and wish them a nice day. If they want to discuss any further be polite and write them that you are sorry but there's no need to any further discussion. In that case you win everything and either this person will accept it or rant and therefore has not only lost his self-respect (oh and i forgot, in the latter case boot them from your group but not without blocking them --> win of the day.)

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I have one rule whenever I LFG: Never argue with pugs!


The only thing you are going to achieve by trying to force your will onto a premade group is to piss them off and inevitably waste the time of everyone involved, including your own. You will get kicked, they will come to the forums to complain.


Your party, your rules. Up to you if you want to run a group that only accepts asuras on core builds wearing full Nomad gear.

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> @"Arien Geijtenbeek.7061" said:

> My partner and I host daily T4 runs everyday as a Chrono/Druid duo so we will always LFG for DPS to complete the party. Believe it or not, 90% of times our session ran fast and smoothly.

> But recently, we noticed there's always that one disrespectful person everyday, coming into **OUR PARTY** to join and ask for Firebrand.. Comparing us with Firebrand.. Telling us how this won't end well without a Firebrand **even before we started**... And worst of all, a Healbrand himself coming into our 'DPS Only' PUG and had the nerve... the audacity...to come at our faces like he's so entitled and asked my partner and I to switch to DPS...


> Who the f are you? Who the hell do you think you are? Go to a different party if you wanna healbrand so badly or even better, MAKE YOUR OWN PARTY.


> I swear to whatever human gods Tyria has left that this is something that we are starting to face everyday. If its just 1 person out of random, fine we get it, we let this slide.

> But this is starting to become an Epidemic. And i'm not blaming any Condi Necros for that one.


> We would be respectful if we were to join other people's PUG and as DPS players if they requested for it. Because we can read. But can YOU do the same??


> So do us a favor. If you don't like something in your PUG:

> Keep it to yourself, do what the party owner requested or even better, LEAVE and MAKE YOUR OWN PARTY.

> And don't go telling us that Firebrand is everything because I swear to god, yeah, i'm pointing my finger at y'all for this one, i swear to god.


> If y'all keep saying Firebrand is everything, I dare to chop my fingers off to bet that one day Arenanet will nerf the hell out of Firebrand the way they did to Chrono.

> Learn from history.


Well, isn't it ironic? Now you can feel the pain of revs/fbs who pugged BEFORE Firebrigade became a thing.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> I have one rule whenever I LFG: Never argue with pugs!


> The only thing you are going to achieve by trying to force your will onto a premade group is to kitten them off and inevitably waste the time of everyone involved, including your own. You will get kicked, they will come to the forums to complain.


> Your party, your rules. Up to you if you want to run a group that only accepts asuras on core builds wearing full Nomad gear.


This is good advice, going to quote it. TY.

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I understand your point, but unfortunately with the current meta Chrono/Druid has very low supportive buffs compared to FB/Renegade. Since the Druid's spirit rework you can't pulse stability anymore, and if the chrono swaps one of its well for a supportive trait, you'll be close enough to running a double healing comp.


So in short, it doesn't really matter which comp you run, but you might run into situation that requires stability, and you'd have no other choice to either sacrifice personal dps or have a DH to provide stability for you, or get your dps to run some defensive utility traits, which very few does.

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It's really unfortunate that you had to deal with that. To be honest as long as you're putting the pieces of the puzzle together as the content requires the difference between a meta group and an off-meta group isn't that much. It's not like a chrono/druid combo is going to make runs take 30 minutes longer than a firebrand/rene combo. You'll just have to play some encounters a bit differently or possibly slot a different utility skill to make things go smoothly. To me a hallmark of a good PvE player is the ability to adapt to the situation at hand and improvise to help push the group forward. The firebrand that came into your group could have went DPS FB and slotted stand your ground and you guys would have had no problem clearing just as efficiently as any other pug.

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> @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> Tbh I much prefer t4 runs where the chrono does all the skipping and portals when I pug.


> Also I dont think heal brands get to complain about you not running meta.


Actually only skip that chrono can make better than weaver/fb/slb would be double port on cliffside ramp. Ultimate chrono skips Times are over

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