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[Legendary Armor] A well deserved "Thank You!" to the Devs.


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I know I was a bit critical about wanting some form of externally-expressed **Glory ** for having or completing the Legendary PvP Armor set. I retract that notion completely now that I've started crafting it. Simply put, for those who have already dedicated themselves to the Leagues since Season 1, it's easy to obtain. So I understand the political stance Anet took on not changing the armor's looks when upgrading to Legendary (i still like my original idea though!)


Yes, I know the armor set will essentially be another grind based item in PvP but then again, everything in this game is. Yet it will still be an accomplishment for certain players like myself who have already dedicated a lot of time to Leagues since Season 1 and have created a lot of the armor the moment it was launched. I have no regrets for starting this crafting path and have everything to gain from it as I'll be participating in WvW in the future. Theory crafting will be a breeze in the PoF expansion so I'm looking forward to that as well.


For us players with no current carrot-on-a-stick motive, we have another objective to obtain. Those of you who don't care for Legendary Armor, already partook in the achievement unknowingly while it will take many new player several seasons to get a single armor piece.


So again, I like to take this time to thank the Devs for implementing more PvP Legendary gear to us SPvP players.


Thanks and happy hunting!

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Before saying a thank you is well deserved you should look at it from the perspective of a player that purely plays PvP. What does this player gain from this so called PvP content? Absolutely nothing. Why make it in the first place if its directed for players that play the other content like wvw and pve as well? The "PvP" legendary armor is a spit towards anyone that doesnt take part in the other game modes and should not be thanked for to begin with. The fact that its even named "PvP legendary armor" is a joke.

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> @Forsty.7968 said:

> Before saying a thank you is well deserved you should look at it from the perspective of a player that purely plays PvP. What does this player gain from this so called PvP content? Absolutely nothing. Why make it in the first place if its directed for players that play the other content like wvw and pve as well? The "PvP" legendary armor is a spit towards anyone that doesnt take part in the other game modes and should not be thanked for to begin with. The fact that its even named "PvP legendary armor" is a joke.


To answer your first question, he gains a legendary armor, a set that _should_ be a lot cheaper and not as time consuming to get compared to PvE. This assumes this player solely plays PvP. Sure quite a few PvP players don't PvE or WvW but you still can't argue about the easy-to-obtain armor set.


Not sure how this is more directed to PvE players when it would take months (some a year) for them compared to weeks (or instantly) for a PvP player.

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> Legendary sets are only useful for WvWer and PvEer.


> The armor set has no cosmetic value or prestige value.


While you are correct in that it has no purpose in PvP, I don't see the point of your comment. PvP and WvW leg armors were introduced as a way for players who dislike PvE to gather legendary rank armor, they were never intended to be unique skins. Its just letting people play the game the way they want and still have access to the same level of rewards, which I think is great.

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:

> > @Forsty.7968 said:

> > Before saying a thank you is well deserved you should look at it from the perspective of a player that purely plays PvP. What does this player gain from this so called PvP content? Absolutely nothing. Why make it in the first place if its directed for players that play the other content like wvw and pve as well? The "PvP" legendary armor is a spit towards anyone that doesnt take part in the other game modes and should not be thanked for to begin with. The fact that its even named "PvP legendary armor" is a joke.


> To answer your first question, he gains a legendary armor, a set that _should_ be a lot cheaper and not as time consuming to get compared to PvE. This assumes this player solely plays PvP. Sure quite a few PvP players don't PvE or WvW but you still can't argue about the easy-to-obtain armor set.


> Not sure how this is more directed to PvE players when it would take months (some a year) for them compared to weeks (or instantly) for a PvP player.


You do understand that the PvP player will do nothing with the armor right? You do understand the whole fucking point of my comment right? There is no use for it for a pure PvPer. He wont use it and its called a PvP legendary. Why?

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The armor is just a way to encourage more players into PvP and more PvPrs to try out other modes. You don't have to do try them, but some hardcore PvPrs jump between WvW and PvE between queue times. At least you can get something in a mode you enjoy. You may not use it and sure it's pointless in PvP...but at least you can have that option to try other modes without worrying about the gear grind there and just do the content.


I'm glad they gave the option. Don't understand why there is hatred toward having the option.

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1200 shards and 300 tickets, not touching that legendary armor.

there's literally no use, in a pvper stand point, there's no use, not even skin

in pve stand point, you can't pin it for raid prove and i already have sets of meta stat armor..

there's literally no point to it..not even a single bit of prestige

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**The whole point of the armors is to encourage PvP players to try other modes.** The majority of PvP players also play WvW.


It's not meant to be prestige for PvP only players. If you only play PvP, then who cares about this? **You already have your unique PvP wings to show that you are legendary at PvP.**

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It's useful to have so I can change from Berserker to Marauder when I play Story and WvW. Right now I just have two sets of trinkets I switch from depending on what build I want, but it's useful to be able to change armour stats as well. My main complaint about the armour is that it takes so much gold due to the gift of condensed magic and might. Everything else I pretty much already have. PvP isn't exactly a gold farm so it's not in my reach unless I farm in PvE...

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@Everyone, I too want an acknowledgement of an accomplished armor set. I am also more thankful that we can even get Legendary Armor in PvP. Appreciative enough to make a thead about it because I feel we don't have enough of these type threads. If you don't agree that's fine. I'm not going to argue as to why you or any other person feel the way they do towards PvP rewards.


> @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> Funny how to show that you're legendary in PvP you have to look like a flaming idiot, or you could just match manipulate and smurf like some have done in the past.


Though I agree that match manipulation of some form or another happens, that's not the sole reason why these certain players with hundreds of games remain in the top 250, season after season. Many of these players don't match manipulate, that's seen in the number of games they've played.


And all you other imprudent players afraid of a little baby-booming PvE'rs zerging up a storm in the bronze leagues.... what's the concern? We NEED a strong playerbase in PvP... platinum players don't get made overnight. PoF expansion would be perfect for this new wave of players attempting to weep the rewards - we will all be relearning our classes and theory crafting builds. There's no other perfect time for a new wave of PvP'ers than now.

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I was 2 (1604) points from top 250 last night (mostly played with a kitless engie build and a bit of auramancer) all done in soloQ. No match manipulation. I also solo roam wvw, so the armor is useful.


I'm really glad that after dedicating myself to pvp as a solo player, I'm finally going to get a nice reward. pvp legendary armor would be better with it's own skin, but it's for sure the only place in the game, where I have a shot at legendary. I've been playing for 5 years, and I still don't have a single legendary. Now I just need to decide which armor weight.

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