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Griffon Mount almost impossible to get now.

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I've been sequentially ticking off things to complete the collections for the griffon from north to south and have run into a wall in the Elon Riverlands.

The deadhouse event seems to at always have someone waiting for it to start but the Riverlands are so dead that advertising the event in map chat never yields more than 6 people to attend. With out a doubt, a group of 6 will wipe and fail the fight with Jabari. In talking to others who need the achievement they too have been trying for multiple days with no success.

Last night through proactively switching maps to find people from busier areas who could help, I managed to get 10 people to try, we failed because once you get Jabari down to about 25% adds get spammed very hard. After the 18 minute cooldown passed I managed to get 12 people to try, making sure to destroy the things that spawn adds before fighting him, but there was not enough time to defeat him once that was done.

The amount of effort it took to organize enough people to attempt it is unrealistically high given how dead the map is. It seems you need more like 20 people to succeed... And in a low population area that's not feasible anymore...

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You certainly don't need those kind of numbers. Half a dozen is enough if they focus. 8-10 works just fine. The issue is players get distracted by the other objectives. When there aren't large numbers, they need to focus. And if there are too large a number, it overscales


I'm only one person, but I'm on EU. If you need numbers, I am happy to contribute

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> @"Antivillian.1250" said:

> I've been sequentially ticking off things to complete the collections for the griffon from north to south and have run into a wall in the Elon Riverlands.

> The deadhouse event seems to at always have someone waiting for it to start but the Riverlands are so dead that advertising the event in map chat never yields more than 6 people to attend. With out a doubt, a group of 6 will wipe and fail the fight with Jabari. In talking to others who need the achievement they too have been trying for multiple days with no success.


Two days ago I did the deadhouse event for the "Redeeming IG-6417" collection on an alt-account and with 6 people it was not a problem. Because for that Collection I had to revisit some old maps and doing old Content, I was wondering before, if there still would be enough other players after this long time for doing all the group events, or if the old maps all are empty now.


Yes, the maps are not so crowded with players as they were in the beginning, but I always could find enough other players for doing group events with success.


I did the deadhouse-event with 6 people, so 10-12 should be more than enough.


Maybe you could try it again during "prime time" when there are more players that will do it with less organisation and which know the event.


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I think bosses scale up once you pass 9 players (or was it 10)... Optionally do it when the daily hits the map. There will be more ppl around then to help out. For the rest you could ask friends/guild and optionally you could organise the event in particular via forums and lfg ahead of time. Several achievements need the deadhouse event.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> I think bosses scale up once you pass 9 players (or was it 10)... Optionally do it when the daily hits the map. There will be more ppl around then to help out. For the rest you could ask friends/guild and optionally you could organise the event in particular via forums and lfg ahead of time. Several achievements need the deadhouse event.


Is there a daily for Deadhouse or Elon Riverlands?

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I've not done it in a while but I agree that it seems to be easier with a small, coordinated group than with a big one. I first tried it with about 20 people and the boss scaled up so much we hardly seemed to do any damage. The second time there were about 5 of us at the start, going up to about 8 and it went much better.

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It's really just a matter of how competent the players are and of course how well geared they're.


Like for example world bosses can be easily beaten and rather hard to even die to, but I'm sure everyone here has still seen players die in less then five seconds to some of the bosses if it's at all possible.

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IMHO, it's a problem with the game, not only with players. Whenever new content is released, everyone rush to get everything asap and those who come after the "hype" struggle to get their share of shiny things. When new contents somehow supersede older ones (i.e. Griffon vs. Skyscale), older things get even harder to get. On top of that, the multiple different instances for maps have makes it difficult to group enough people so one can ask for help in map chat.


From the player side, you should join big guilds, with a good amount of players online during your playtime who may be interested in helping in your journey. But from the game perspective, I believe that something like the scaling Elder Scrolls Online did years ago would be just nice.


Prior to this scaling, we used to have coloured zones (white, green, blue, yellow, orange, red) and, warmer the colour harder the content for your level. Of course, if we were in an orange or red zone we used to get more XP, but it was thrilling to attempt. However, in ESO that new system was terrible, reducing drastically the difficulty of most zones (if you played it, you're aware of the difficulties of old Craglorn compared to the "new" one) because no matter the timezone you play you would ALWAYS find a ton of players around all corners of maps, even the starter ones because of their de-centralized Guild Markets, and at endgame pretty much all zones became soloable. But here it could fit just right in because if there are fewer players at some periods of the day to do stuff, mobs would get slightly weaker to fit the strength of solo players or small groups could solve the issue.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > I think bosses scale up once you pass 9 players (or was it 10)... Optionally do it when the daily hits the map. There will be more ppl around then to help out. For the rest you could ask friends/guild and optionally you could organise the event in particular via forums and lfg ahead of time. Several achievements need the deadhouse event.


> Is there a daily for Deadhouse or Elon Riverlands?


Theres not a daily specific for the deadhouse but there is a daily for doing bounties (and even for doing a heart) in Elon Riverlands. When such dailies are up there is a lot more traffic in the map and its easier to ask ppl to help with deadhouse then.

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> @"Antivillian.1250" said:

> I've been sequentially ticking off things to complete the collections for the griffon from north to south and have run into a wall in the Elon Riverlands.

> The deadhouse event seems to at always have someone waiting for it to start but the Riverlands are so dead that advertising the event in map chat never yields more than 6 people to attend. With out a doubt, a group of 6 will wipe and fail the fight with Jabari. In talking to others who need the achievement they too have been trying for multiple days with no success.

> Last night through proactively switching maps to find people from busier areas who could help, I managed to get 10 people to try, we failed because once you get Jabari down to about 25% adds get spammed very hard. After the 18 minute cooldown passed I managed to get 12 people to try, making sure to destroy the things that spawn adds before fighting him, but there was not enough time to defeat him once that was done.

> The amount of effort it took to organize enough people to attempt it is unrealistically high given how dead the map is. It seems you need more like 20 people to succeed... And in a low population area that's not feasible anymore...


The Deadhouse event is scaled for 5 players who know what they are doing or are semi competent at the game (and can be cleared with less). Increasing the number of players without increasing the player quality will lead to no success unless you start out-scaling the event, which happens at 20-25+ players.


Your best chance of completing the event is:

- improve your own build, check metabattle for open world builds if needed

- get together a group of players and hope the competent ones outnumber the incompetent ones (this is easier with less players since your own build will make a bigger difference)

- get together a huge group of players and out-scale the event



Number of players is not significant for most group events since nearly all of them are scaled for 5 players and will scale up with more. Keep trying until the amount of players who are semi competent with the game is enough. Start by improving your own build if needed.

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