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Howto: Meta achievement for normal players?


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> @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> Its easy to say "Get better at the game."


> I arrive at 7pm at home after work ... play with the kids ... dinner ... then I have 1,5 hours for playing.

> Doing dailies, home instance, some APs, key farm, ... and then strike missions.


> My experience with the strikes:

> 1st try: waiting ~10 mins for public group .... start, PUG wipe at ~60%

> 2nd try, same group: wipe at ~50%, left group

> doing some other thing in GW

> 3rd try, waiting für 15min for enough people ... boss ice shard is not there (bug).

> That means 30-45mins for nothing.

> Same thing has repeated for ~4 days and now I have given up strikes.


> (sorry for qqing)


If you have full berserker gear on any class except necro (which some people discriminate) you can basically set up a LFG and have actual lenient requirements (i.e. one quickness Firebrand/chrono, one optional alacrity renegade/chrono, one optional warrior with banner, one healer of any type if everyone is bad at dodging) instead of joining random clueless people in the public strike.


power dragonhunter

power berserker/core warrior tactics , usually double axe but other common weapons aren't horrible such as greatsword or hammer

power renegade /herald

power tempest scepter warhorn, power sword weaver

power soulbeast with greatsword (not longbow...)

power staff daredevil

power holosmith

power chrono/mesmer on sword+focus or sword+sword

power reaper


The only time this doesn't hold true is if it's whisper of jormag (need to do mechanics) or the bugged boneskinner.


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I do not raid and I’ve finished all the strikes with achievements so it’s possible to do with no raid experience at all. It’s best to use LFG. That way I’ve rarely been in parties that failed. Just follow the commanders instructions. Public instance is usually doomed even before it started.

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I have a systematic method of completing Meta achievement with minimal backtracking everytime. Maybe that would help you as a fellow normie.


+ Do story and check list all the story AP within each instance. They usually amount up to 10 ish singular Achievements.

+ Do one-time scavenger hunts, puzzles, trials, collections while completing map marker quests in between story instances. You can do these tasks solo and that should clear up other 5-10

+ In groups (which can be easily LFG), do the champion hunt, repeat certain event chain or repeat enough Meta event boss kills or daily gate stuffs for other 5-7.

+ Check for all the easy hidden AP, 1-3.

+ At this point, you have a few left to fill. You can decide between grinding out some very repetitive AP (kill hundreds of mob) or finish a weapon collection - the slow solo way, or somewhat challenging quests that require a group effort (SoS in guild chat or LFG) - the uncertain party way.

+ Finally, those peskiest Jumping Puzzle AP or those story APs that requires a lengthy start over if you mess up a tiny bit. Them, yes, I leave them last for a random chance to get helped by professionals.

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> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > And you wonder why some players want nothing to with strikes and raids and are failing to get people to join.


> The people devoted to the side content (raids, fractals, PvP, etc...) being the reason no one else wants to play the side content is the tap-dancing elephant in the room.


Only problem is pvp and wvw aren't side content, they were actually the main content back in the day, dungeons, fractals and raids weren't intended to be side content neither, actually they were aiming for making them endgame content, the reason you can go around in your braindead open world maps farming stupid generic mobs all day is because when the game launched, with wvw as endgame and a focus on pvp tons of players comitted to this game and supported it, players who had to leave years after because of how anet managed those game modes and their communities.


Thats the reason why open world farmers are a majority today, because they don't care about the overall quality of the game, they just want to run around spam basic attacks loot crap, buy cosmetics and look shiny and stylish, meanwhile competitive players do care about combat, balance, challenge, meaningful rpg elements, and when anet failed to deliver that level of quality we experienced at launch, most left to another game that would deliver a better combat experience.


IMO they are right, they came here before, they supported anet at the most difficult stage which was launch, anet promised them as much focus and effort on pvp elements as in pve, and then anet failed those players, the thing i hate the most is reading pvers who just started playing after hot or pof, who think gw2 was always a loot farming braindead game trying to push those hardocore vets or competitive players away and never recognizing without those hardocore competitive vets they wouldn't have gw2 on the first place.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Here you go Anet, a lot of the responses in this thread are exactly why you should totally stop development of instanced content. All it does is breed elitist attitudes.


Actually i think it's more elitist to pretend every player should enjoy spamming basic attacks and nothing else, with no challenge whatsoever than asking players to step up a bit and learn about the other 9 buttons they have on their skill bar, after all this is supposed to be a "action" combat mmorpg, not a braindead android mmo with autoplay

The problem is gw2 players today prefer the shopping mall experience, and the fashion wars, but care little to nothing about the combat, which at launch was the strongest selling point they had. And it was actually great until they butchered it with hot and pof specs. And now you have to forces clashing, the veterans who supported this game because they loved the combat mechanics, the challenges, and the interesting game modes, and the new or more casual audience who enjoy repetitive dull braindead content over and over agian to farm currency or crap or get money for shinys.

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> @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> Its easy to say "Get better at the game."


> I arrive at 7pm at home after work ... play with the kids ... dinner ... then I have 1,5 hours for playing.

> Doing dailies, home instance, some APs, key farm, ... and then strike missions.


> My experience with the strikes:

> 1st try: waiting ~10 mins for public group .... start, PUG wipe at ~60%

> 2nd try, same group: wipe at ~50%, left group

> doing some other thing in GW

> 3rd try, waiting für 15min for enough people ... boss ice shard is not there (bug).

> That means 30-45mins for nothing.

> Same thing has repeated for ~4 days and now I have given up strikes.


> (sorry for qqing)


Well thats actually one of the biggest problems anet faces right now, they deliver such an easy and braindead content in open world maps and events, most players reach level 80 without even knowing how their entire skillbar works, or how to build a character, then they are dragged to this "difficult" content without knowing the basics of their own class, thats why when they released hot i thought they did a great job, making it way harder than core maps, because it was a slight step up in everyones game, but guess what, casuals cried enough so anet nerfed the entire expansion to make it easier, and now they can't even throw a little bit of challenge because playerbase already knows the best solution

welcome to cry wars 2.....

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