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'Page of Spearmarshal' Recipes

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Is there a good way to tell what you've already learned before buying them?


I think I've purchased maybe 2/3 of the recipes, but I can't remember which ones I've learned. Each recipe has the ability to pick one of the three armor disciplines to learn, but the "You already know this recipe" text, like you see on the individual weapon recipes, doesn't 'bubble up' to the top, if you know all 3 of the recipes inside that recipe 'bundle' already.


I tried looking through the Inventory stuff at GW2Timer, but it doesn't really let you search on a word to return a whole set of things and then easily see in the results which I know and which I don't. At least that I could see. Looking at GW2Efficiency, and it's eluding me as to how to do it there either.


Is there a way to tell short of logging in/out characters and taking notes?

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There isn't. I purchased them one set at a time entirely to deal with this: bought 6 recipes and converted to heavy. When I had more contracts, I bought 6 more for medium, and 6 more for light later on.


However [GW2 Efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/recipes "GW2 Efficiency") does allow you to filter by word, rarity, discipline, type, etc. It's perfect for this situation (you're at the vendor and want to know which, if any, recipes you should get). It's not as good at identifying recipes that you don't have that fall into a particular category (e.g. it can't show "all the recipes I haven't learned for ascended gear with Core stats").


tl;dr nothing in game; GW2 Efficiency can do this for you.



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