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Splitblade getting a 75% damage nerf!


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Splitblade needs to be brought in line with other skill's damage reduction. Not only is it getting a 75% damage reduction but its getting a 2 sec increase to it's cool down (which is not a big deal). This skill already has a niche use and only does good damage from melee range and now you're making it useless. A/A power already lost path of scars damage momentarily, please make splitblade a 33% damage reduction in line with the other skills.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> seems like they want axe to be a condi weapon based on changes. this skill isn't what makes axe good anyhow, and power axe will be fine post patch.


It's a very nice surprise burst at close range that is hard to pull off and adds variety to spamming Auto and Winter's Bite. But if they leave it untouched, even if you manage to land all 5 axes (at point blank range) and also manage to have all 5 axes crit, you will still do less damage then a single crit auto attack while requiring .5 extra cast time. If they don't fix it, they've made it completely useless and are ruining a fairly balanced kit.

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Just a mid-week comment for the miniscule chance this skill will be saved before the patch next Tuesday.


Currently projected, the new axe auto will hit for .533 with a .25 cast time. The new splitblade will hit for .1 per axe or .5 if all axes hit, with a .75 cast time. Not only is it hard to land all 5 axes but even if you do, you will do less damage than auto while requiring a longer cast time!


If you have a 70% crit chance you'll have a 70% chance to double your damage with auto. If you have a 70% crit chance you'll only have a 16.8% chance to have all 5 axes crit.


This skill will become completely useless and is actually a detriment if used as an auto will always be better. Please change splitblade's reduced damage to .268 so it's aligned with a 33% reduction or anywhere near that!

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Now it's finally unsplit lol.. for the worse. It seems they want to take power from axe2 to axe3, which somehow reminds me of a rework of GS auto where they took evade and put it on GS4. Which is totally ok, if not for the patch which is about to drop in which they make it do 0 dmg and have 10s longer CD duh. so in the end double the nerf.

Oh and axe auto is indeed 1/4s but it has an aftercast which basically puts it in 1/2-3/4s range.

Axe4 is also one of the skills that's gonna feel very clunky to use. It also had a nice power coefficient and could hit two times.

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> @"doogal.9368" said:

> > @"Atronach.8520" said:

> >


> WAIT WAIT STOP...... they removed evade from auto GS !?????? :(


Some months ago in a previous rebalance. Now instead you can use GS4 full duration without jumping and get a chain skill 'Counter' if you successfully block an attack, which has an evade part to it.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> what they should do now is reduce the cone from whatever it is to 30 degrees or something.


This won't make a difference as splitblade will still do less than auto attack if left unchanged.


> @"Atronach.8520" said:

> Now it's finally unsplit lol.. for the worse. It seems they want to take power from axe2 to axe3, which somehow reminds me of a rework of GS auto where they took evade and put it on GS4. Which is totally ok, if not for the patch which is about to drop in which they make it do 0 dmg and have 10s longer CD duh. so in the end double the nerf.

> Oh and axe auto is indeed 1/4s but it has an aftercast which basically puts it in 1/2-3/4s range.

> Axe4 is also one of the skills that's gonna feel very clunky to use. It also had a nice power coefficient and could hit two times.


While auto does have an aftercast, correct me if I'm wrong, but that only matters if you're chaining skills. Most of the time you'd use splitblade is when the enemy is about to get in your face which you'd then kite away or switch to your melee weapon set, both of which can be done without waiting for the aftercast. There use to be a damage reward for the risk of trying to get the .75 splitblade off. Now it'll be safer and more rewarding to just use the .25 auto.


As for axe4, I love that skill. It is currently very rewarding to land. I know they plan to add damage to cc skills when they balance, so we'll have to wait and see. If the meta does go towards tanky condi, I'd probably prefer they remove the pull, add all the damage back, and just make it cripple or slow on each hit to help with kitting. You don't want to be pulling a tank condi right on top of you.

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