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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > > The current thief build is D/P thief. Its only stunbreak is Shadowstep (which is also its only way to clear conditions quickly, so put either on the thief and the other becomes a death sentence). Other builds use 2, but again, one is shadowstep. None use 3. At best you could say the average is slightly above 1.

> > >

> > > Save Shadowstep for large CC's that you would die in (overcharged Shot, Jade Winds, etc). For every other kind of pressure, like getting caught by smaller 1-2s CC's or conditions, it's far far far from a death sentence. Core D/P Thief is top tier survivability. For conditions and or smaller CC that won't require a Shadowstep, if you're alive at any point, just press withdraw, walk away in stealth and leap more stealth. Shadow's Embrace is plenty of condition removal so you will never die from conditions while you have Withdraw up.

> > >

> >

> > 1-2s CCs *are* a death sentence. And no, Core D/P Thief is anything *but* top tier survivability. Of course not, its not supposed to be. Its a burst build that doesnt want to fight prolonged fights because it cant. You have no defenses, almost no sustain (you dont run Shadow's Rejuvination after all, so all you have are the 1k heal from mug, and the 500 heal from shadow siphoning and 300 heal from venom, except you use up the venom pretty quickly anyway.). And no, Shadows Embrace is anything but plenty of condition removal. It removes one condition every 3 seconds. The average condi burst contains 3 or 4 conditions and kills you in 2 ticks. You wont even live to see the second condition cleared. No, you will always die from conditions while you have withdraw up if you dont have shadowstep up.

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Normally you dont use long cast-time attacks against a thief after ccing them. Steal is a factor, plus its redundant since once thief is locked down, they die to a stiff breeze. But still, if the thief uses steal because otherwise he is finished after your second CC, you are still in a highly favoured position. The best the thief can do is run away at that point. And he wont be able to reengage for about a minute, because his defenses are all down.

> > >

> > > This scenario doesn't exist because you don't just walk up to a thief and CC them. They're either in stealth, or about to stealth. The scenario you are giving an example for would only be true if WIthdraw wasn't an instant reset button.

> > >

> >

> > Oh no, the scenario doesnt exist because a thief would run as soon as they run out of stunbreakers. Or even before that. If they stuck around to fight, then theyre not in stealth, nor are they going to stealth. Even if they were to stealth, thats still good for you, you know their immediate location, and you can unload heavy damage on them. Withdraw is hardly an instant reset button. The thief has to actively run away to reset.

> >


> Agree to disagree on literally everything then!


> Just to clarify: To do a Thief's job, thief has top tier survivability. I did not mean Thief can stand on a point with top tier survivability, like you feel the need to explain


There isnt anything to disagree with here, youre simply wrong. And this sentence "To do a Thief's job, thief has top tier survivability" doesnt make much sense. A build that is designed to be able to burst and otherwise run away is good at running away? Like yeah, thats what its designed to do.

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> @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Rickster.8752" said:

> > > I'd like to see feline grace get a cooldown of 10 seconds or something. Perma vigor from a minor trait is a joke. For a minor trait it is way too good.

> > >

> > > I would also like to see shadowstep get a CD increase and shortbow 5 get an init increase.

> > >

> > > Lastly I think infiltrators strike needs to be nerfed.

> > >

> >

> > Pretty much all of those are non-starters. Shadowsteps CD is already incredibly long for a stunbreak, and shortbow 5 is so integral to thief that any attempt to nerf it has to come with *major* compensation buffs. And Im talking damage buffs of more than 30% accross the board level of major.


> Ok then just lower the condition removal from 3 to 1 then.

> Shortbow 5 is too good. It could be given 1 extra init cost and its still really strong and thief can still do their role. Problem is currently thieves role is to "win the game" which they can do better than any other class due to how OP it is.


> I would also like to see stealth capped at 3 seconds.


Also a non-starter. Thief already has way too much trouble dealing with conditions. Shadowstep is fine and shouldnt be touched.


I mean, it is too good. I dont disagree. The problem is that its also the core of thief. You cant nerf it without basically destroying thief as it currently exists, which means you *need* big compensation buffs. Even a 1 initiative nerf would be catastrophic.


And no, thieves role isnt "win the game". In fact, if the thieves team is lacking, the thief has no real way to make up for it. Thief is a decap and +1 bot. It is certainly the best class at decapping and +1ing, but it pays for it by being the worst combat class, being bad in both teamfights and 1v1s. Short of Mesmer because Consume Plasma counters them.


Again, a nonstarter. That would make Shadow Refuge cease functioning, and it would have negative impact on a bunch of different traits and skills. Stealth needs to be solved somehow for out of combat situations. Im not sure however how.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> Thats the thing though. Thieves are very good at not dying. But not dying is not winning either.


> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

>And no, Core D/P Thief is anything *but* top tier survivability.


Top tier survivability. It's definition only means not dying, and nothing else. You have this delusional idea that when I say "Thief is top tier survivability." And you say "Thieves are very good at not dying" that's somehow different in the English language.


You say Thief is very good at not dying, then say that CC and Conditions are simply a death sentence. That's where you're A.) wrong and B.) Hypocrite. Thief doesn't die, we all know this, stop trying to twist my words into saying Thief is a top tier face tank.


Withdraw at the moment IS a free reset and you're wrong for acting like it isn't. If you are bad, perhaps not - any thief after Withdrawing can see if they're in danger of being hit by a reveal, use endurance as required - juke into an unexpected duration during that 3s stealth, stack more stealth. Withdraw makes it easy. Maybe we understand each other better now :smile:

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > Thats the thing though. Thieves are very good at not dying. But not dying is not winning either.


> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> >And no, Core D/P Thief is anything *but* top tier survivability.


> Top tier survivability. It's definition only means not dying, and nothing else. You have this delusional idea that when I say "Thief is top tier survivability." And you say "Thieves are very good at not dying" that's somehow different in the English language.



No, thats not actually what survivability means. If it did, then AFK builds would have unbeatable survivability. Cant die if you never fight, after all. No, what survivability *actually* means is "how well can you stay alive ***while fighting***". Thief has incredibly poor survivability. If the thief fights, he dies. However, good thieves usually dont die, because they *dont fight in the first place*.


> You say Thief is very good at not dying, then say that CC and Conditions are simply a death sentence. That's where you're A.) wrong and B.) Hypocrite. Thief doesn't die, we all know this, stop trying to twist my words into saying Thief is a top tier face tank.



Those 2 things are not contradictory at all. If the thief ever gets hit by CC or Conditions without Shadowstep up, he dies. But a good thief doesnt get hit by them in the first place. He will have run away long before that was a possibility.


> Withdraw at the moment IS a free reset and you're wrong for acting like it isn't. If you are bad, perhaps not - any thief after Withdrawing can see if they're in danger of being hit by a reveal, use endurance as required - juke into an unexpected duration during that 3s stealth, stack more stealth. Withdraw makes it easy. Maybe we understand each other better now :smile:


Its not. You Withdraw, and your opponent is gonna be hitting you with cleave and AoE. You really wont have the opportunity to dilly-dally around and see whats about to happen. You certainly arent going to be able to stack stealth, that both gives away your location and depletes your initiative. Now what you are able to do, is if you have Initiative or Shadowstep, combine Withdraw with those to run away. Here is the thing though, youll be able to run away without those as well. Now on the other hand, try to withdraw without Initiative or Shadowstep to back you up, and see how long youll live. Spoiler: Not very.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > Thats the thing though. Thieves are very good at not dying. But not dying is not winning either.

> >

> > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > >And no, Core D/P Thief is anything *but* top tier survivability.

> >

> > Top tier survivability. It's definition only means not dying, and nothing else. You have this delusional idea that when I say "Thief is top tier survivability." And you say "Thieves are very good at not dying" that's somehow different in the English language.

> >


> No, thats not actually what survivability means. If it did, then AFK builds would have unbeatable survivability. Cant die if you never fight, after all. No, what survivability *actually* means is "how well can you stay alive ***while fighting***". Thief has incredibly poor survivability. If the thief fights, he dies. However, good thieves usually dont die, because they *dont fight in the first place*.


You are under the wrong impression that Thief has to be engaging in sustained fights in order to contribute. It's a one shot spec, you are able to get plenty of kills without sustained fights. You are under another wrong impression that a Thief's survivability is running away and forfeiting fights, but in reality, the Thief is just setting up his next burst, still very much a threat - not running away. Stealth is a survivability tool, not just a tool for running.


> > You say Thief is very good at not dying, then say that CC and Conditions are simply a death sentence. That's where you're A.) wrong and B.) Hypocrite. Thief doesn't die, we all know this, stop trying to twist my words into saying Thief is a top tier face tank.

> >


> Those 2 things are not contradictory at all. If the thief ever gets hit by CC or Conditions without Shadowstep up, he dies. But a good thief doesnt get hit by them in the first place. He will have run away long before that was a possibility.


> > Withdraw at the moment IS a free reset and you're wrong for acting like it isn't. If you are bad, perhaps not - any thief after Withdrawing can see if they're in danger of being hit by a reveal, use endurance as required - juke into an unexpected duration during that 3s stealth, stack more stealth. Withdraw makes it easy. Maybe we understand each other better now :smile:


> Its not. You Withdraw, and your opponent is gonna be hitting you with cleave and AoE. You really wont have the opportunity to dilly-dally around and see whats about to happen. You certainly arent going to be able to stack stealth, that both gives away your location and depletes your initiative. Now what you are able to do, is if you have Initiative or Shadowstep, combine Withdraw with those to run away. Here is the thing though, youll be able to run away without those as well. Now on the other hand, try to withdraw without Initiative or Shadowstep to back you up, and see how long youll live. Spoiler: Not very.


Again, a good thief after withdraw will chain a dodge after the Withdraw if the enemy is in position to reveal or somehow can follow up with an instant kill shot both at a distance and without a target (not often.). To address your other point if you only have a few Initiative you just need to Withdraw, take a couple seconds to get to suitable terrain, combo Smokescreen instead of initiative costly Black Powder. So once again, you don't need a ton of Initiative or Shadowstep to back you up, and you will live. You forgot about Smokescreen.



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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > > Thats the thing though. Thieves are very good at not dying. But not dying is not winning either.

> > >

> > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > >And no, Core D/P Thief is anything *but* top tier survivability.

> > >

> > > Top tier survivability. It's definition only means not dying, and nothing else. You have this delusional idea that when I say "Thief is top tier survivability." And you say "Thieves are very good at not dying" that's somehow different in the English language.

> > >

> >

> > No, thats not actually what survivability means. If it did, then AFK builds would have unbeatable survivability. Cant die if you never fight, after all. No, what survivability *actually* means is "how well can you stay alive ***while fighting***". Thief has incredibly poor survivability. If the thief fights, he dies. However, good thieves usually dont die, because they *dont fight in the first place*.


> You are under the wrong impression that Thief has to be engaging in sustained fights in order to contribute. It's a one shot spec, you are able to get plenty of kills without sustained fights. You are under another wrong impression that a Thief's survivability is running away and forfeiting fights, but in reality, the Thief is just setting up his next burst, still very much a threat - not running away. Stealth is a survivability tool, not just a tool for running.



Im not, thats the point. Thief contributes by making even fights uneven (its not a oneshot spec, because youre nowhere close to the damage needed to oneshot any commonly played. Youll rarely break 50%. Its a *burst* spec that +1s via burst). And no, Thieves way of not dying (again, still not surviving) is running away, and yes, when they do that they forfeit the fight. If they won the fight, the thief would not die by virtue of noone being able to kill them. And stealth is an atrocious survivability tool, as it basically gives you no defense against anything other than ranged, targetted, non-channeled attacks. Anything else can and will hit you. Its basically for sneaking up and running away.


> > > You say Thief is very good at not dying, then say that CC and Conditions are simply a death sentence. That's where you're A.) wrong and B.) Hypocrite. Thief doesn't die, we all know this, stop trying to twist my words into saying Thief is a top tier face tank.

> > >

> >

> > Those 2 things are not contradictory at all. If the thief ever gets hit by CC or Conditions without Shadowstep up, he dies. But a good thief doesnt get hit by them in the first place. He will have run away long before that was a possibility.

> >

> > > Withdraw at the moment IS a free reset and you're wrong for acting like it isn't. If you are bad, perhaps not - any thief after Withdrawing can see if they're in danger of being hit by a reveal, use endurance as required - juke into an unexpected duration during that 3s stealth, stack more stealth. Withdraw makes it easy. Maybe we understand each other better now :smile:

> >

> > Its not. You Withdraw, and your opponent is gonna be hitting you with cleave and AoE. You really wont have the opportunity to dilly-dally around and see whats about to happen. You certainly arent going to be able to stack stealth, that both gives away your location and depletes your initiative. Now what you are able to do, is if you have Initiative or Shadowstep, combine Withdraw with those to run away. Here is the thing though, youll be able to run away without those as well. Now on the other hand, try to withdraw without Initiative or Shadowstep to back you up, and see how long youll live. Spoiler: Not very.


> Again, a good thief after withdraw will chain a dodge after the Withdraw if the enemy is in position to reveal or somehow can follow up with an instant kill shot both at a distance and without a target (not often.). To address your other point if you only have a few Initiative you just need to Withdraw, take a couple seconds to get to suitable terrain, combo Smokescreen instead of initiative costly Black Powder. So once again, you don't need a ton of Initiative or Shadowstep to back you up, and you will live. You forgot about Smokescreen.




A *good* thief will immediately switch to shortbow and teleport away. A *bad* thief will think that a single dodge is enough and that they are safe, then eat multiple AoE skills and cleave (or hell a prepared channeled attack) and die. You dont have the time to wait a couple seconds to get to suitable terrain. Do that, and you get cleaved down. And even with Smokescreen, you need at least 2 heartseekers for it to be worth. Assuming you start on 2 initiative, thats still 6.7 seconds youd have to wait. Not a chance. Sides, the point stands, use Smokescreen and you still are telegraphing your position and making yourself an easy target.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > > Steal is pretty unfair and needs to be looked at properly.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Instant cast.

> > > > > > > Boontiful Theft is technically unblockable by stealing Aegis.

> > > > > > > Can be used while stunned.

> > > > > > > Always dazes even with stability because of Boontiful Theft power crept design.

> > > > > > > As Deadeye can be spammed to shut anyone down without i-frames with Quickness.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > **You can't have all of these things at once**.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Stealth attacks need a reveal instead of just instant damage that you cannot compensate for.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > You can if traited, most thieves chuck in 8 traits for steal so ofc it's going to e overloaded. Steal alone is just a port skill that does nothing but grant a stolen bundle on a 30 second cd, or close to, cant remember the original cd now

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > end result is what matters.

> > > > > your logic can be applied to everything.

> > > > > weaver is not tanky at all! this is low toughtness class with low hp. But the end result is they have something close to 18k, and vomit heals barriers and all the dodges.

> > > > > Reality is that steal has really low cooldown, is almost guarantee to hit as long as you pay attention and has immense impact

> > > >

> > > > What? I never said any of the above lol, I just stated steal alone is poo, but over loaded with traits. Also, if it does fail to land then that's half of the builds traits that become useless until steal is up again, so yeah there is a slight inconvenience to having many traits crammed into 1 skill.

> > >

> > > The only time you’ll evade steal from stealth, is with the help of lady luck, realistically speaking.

> > >

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > You seem to be new, so first let me explain something to you about the Anti thieve crusader's on this forum, They have not shut up for 8 years straight, they will never stop complaining until thieves are deleted. they don't want balance, they want a one way slaughter.

> > > >

> > > > If you know how thieves function they are by far the easiest class to demolish. but why bother learning how to fight something when you can spam "nerf thief" threads and get carried by passive bullshitery.

> > > >

> > > > Want an example? look at the stealth thread, not one of those muppets realized the problem with stealth is Haste, which is getting cut down next patch anyway. (concentration changes) So rather then target the actually problem they whine until arena net lowers the stealth duration which isn't going to do anything long term.

> > > >

> > > > a skill that shots faster then it's tell? not a problem it's stealth fault!!!

> > >

> > > I’m sorry but let’s be real here, you’re by far the biggest thief apologist in the game. Regardless of your personal performance in a game mode that has more to do with strategy and less to do with actually fighting people. **How is anyone supposed to take your word for it?** I suggest you take a stroll in a game mode about fighting and killing people, then try to push your “please don’t nerf my main”

> > > Inb4 the obligatory “who are you, i’m gud, you bad” comment. We’ve faced off on dozens of occasions and you always struck me as a runner rather than a fighter. But by all means, stick with the apologist buble. I was an apologist for my class once too.

> >

> > dude it was a copy paste because you are all memes lmao


> I'm sorry but given your track record over the years, I couldn't leave it to chance :wink:


There can only be one forum meme.


Give me some thumbs up if you guys know it's me.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > > Steal is pretty unfair and needs to be looked at properly.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Instant cast.

> > > > > > > Boontiful Theft is technically unblockable by stealing Aegis.

> > > > > > > Can be used while stunned.

> > > > > > > Always dazes even with stability because of Boontiful Theft power crept design.

> > > > > > > As Deadeye can be spammed to shut anyone down without i-frames with Quickness.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > **You can't have all of these things at once**.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Stealth attacks need a reveal instead of just instant damage that you cannot compensate for.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > You can if traited, most thieves chuck in 8 traits for steal so ofc it's going to e overloaded. Steal alone is just a port skill that does nothing but grant a stolen bundle on a 30 second cd, or close to, cant remember the original cd now

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > end result is what matters.

> > > > > your logic can be applied to everything.

> > > > > weaver is not tanky at all! this is low toughtness class with low hp. But the end result is they have something close to 18k, and vomit heals barriers and all the dodges.

> > > > > Reality is that steal has really low cooldown, is almost guarantee to hit as long as you pay attention and has immense impact

> > > >

> > > > What? I never said any of the above lol, I just stated steal alone is poo, but over loaded with traits. Also, if it does fail to land then that's half of the builds traits that become useless until steal is up again, so yeah there is a slight inconvenience to having many traits crammed into 1 skill.

> > >

> > > The only time you’ll evade steal from stealth, is with the help of lady luck, realistically speaking.

> > >

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > You seem to be new, so first let me explain something to you about the Anti thieve crusader's on this forum, They have not shut up for 8 years straight, they will never stop complaining until thieves are deleted. they don't want balance, they want a one way slaughter.

> > > >

> > > > If you know how thieves function they are by far the easiest class to demolish. but why bother learning how to fight something when you can spam "nerf thief" threads and get carried by passive bullshitery.

> > > >

> > > > Want an example? look at the stealth thread, not one of those muppets realized the problem with stealth is Haste, which is getting cut down next patch anyway. (concentration changes) So rather then target the actually problem they whine until arena net lowers the stealth duration which isn't going to do anything long term.

> > > >

> > > > a skill that shots faster then it's tell? not a problem it's stealth fault!!!

> > >

> > > I’m sorry but let’s be real here, you’re by far the biggest thief apologist in the game. Regardless of your personal performance in a game mode that has more to do with strategy and less to do with actually fighting people. **How is anyone supposed to take your word for it?** I suggest you take a stroll in a game mode about fighting and killing people, then try to push your “please don’t nerf my main”

> > > Inb4 the obligatory “who are you, i’m gud, you bad” comment. We’ve faced off on dozens of occasions and you always struck me as a runner rather than a fighter. But by all means, stick with the apologist buble. I was an apologist for my class once too.

> >

> > dude it was a copy paste because you are all memes lmao


> I'm sorry but given your track record over the years, I couldn't leave it to chance :wink:


you are from NA, pretty sure you mistake me for someone else. I haven't been a apologist for thief since early HoT when we had esports. Thats just 4 years ago LUL

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BRO dang this thread really took off I left for a few days and come back to tons of replies.. still idk why people are so upset like. I re-downloaded the game to indulge in the toxic power creep after perhaps a few years of not, played low hp healer scrapper and when i saw a thief i'd just wave my hammer in their direction and they'd rotate else where like...


i still don't what's with all this hate.

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> @"Rouien.5234" said:

> scrapper

> i still don't what's with all this hate.


Play any mesmer, any necro, firebrand, spellbreaker, thief (without stealth) or even a ranger (without sic em).


Engineer is a counter to thief because scrapper is tanky and holo runs passive reveal.


Revenant vs Thief is still as weird as it was before, so no comment.

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