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Achievement Daily Cap


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I might as well get this out of the way before people go crazy. I understand why the cap has been put in place. Or at least think I do? I assume it's for the new people joining the game. Allowing them to catch up to the people that have been here for 5 years. Yes us vets got content the new guys won't ever see but that's not the point. We are vetrans of this game for a reason. We put the time into getting the higher AP. The new guys? If they want it they will work for it...just like we did. Even if it was just 10 mins a day to get daily done. You still showed up and logged on.


There shouldn't be a cap or the cap needs to be dramatically raised. Why you ask? Take a look here.

[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_rewards](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_rewards "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_rewards")


Explain to me how we are supposed to reach _**60k**_ ap? All other arguments of "they don't have rewards planned correctly" ....don't even start. It's plain as day. All rewards are set in place up to _**60k**_. If I did my math correctly. Hard cap on AP ATM is _**36,363**_. That includes **ALL** forms of AP. Yes, there will be new content that will come....slowly if I might add. But, if the AP isn't increased allowing us to reach higher goals...let's just say time, money, resources, and effort was wasted on skins that will _**never**_ be seen. Which is why the daily AP cap should be bumped up dramatically or removed all together. Let us enjoy those skins.


On a final note. The cap has not been raised in 3 years. I think it's time to bump it up. 15k ap. 10 ap a day. 4 years to hit cap. Game has been out for 5 years. AP rolled over into the new system. As long as you have not been under a rock, away from the game for more then a year, or just plain lazy. You should be nearing the cap.


Soruce. It's down a little ways in the article. Putting this out here. Date of this article is March 28, 2014.

[https://guildwars2.com/en/news/pvp-reward-tracks-and-gear-unification/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pvp-reward-tracks-and-gear-unification/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/pvp-reward-tracks-and-gear-unification/")

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I actually like the cap. I'm not at it quite yet but I look forward to the day when I no longer get an itch to do boring dailies just so I can grab an extra 10 AP.


Dailies are not forced on you. You make the choice to do them even for the extra ap. It adds an extra 10 mins to the time you are online. Making the game seem like it has a little more life around. Not saying it doesn't...but, it does bring those back to the older maps where the newer guys are exploring/mapping for the first time. It brings people to unranked/ranked pvp everyday at reset. Making that mode at least pop a little more. But, if you do them for the ap what happens when you reach the cap? Done with it? Making the older maps/pvp die off a little? It's always been said 1 person makes a world of a difference.

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Maybe ANet doesn't expect anyone to get to 60k. They have to figure out the rewards before anyone gets close and because a lot of this stuff can be datamined or is otherwise available to the public, we learn about it early.


I would prefer that ANet added more points each year than they currently do, but only if it meant they were also adding more things to do. They seem to have found their rhythm finally: instead of attempting content updates every two weeks (outside of breaks) as they did during LS1 days or only releasing stuff as ready (which often felt like 8-10 months during the various content droughts), they've hit upon 2-3 months for LS updates with 6-8 such updates between expacs.


The problem is that we eat up that content far quicker than they are producing it. Early adopters finish LS chieves within days of its release (sort of time-gates or bugs) and several people (including, apparently Dulfy) are more/less done with just about all the achievable PoF chieves, barely 3 weeks after launch.


I suppose ANet could add chieves for all sorts of additional arbitrary accomplishments (not as if that would be all that different from other achieves), such as collecting all Sunspear minis, unlocking various skin sets, etc. But that wouldn't mean that there was more to do, just that we got more rewards for doing it.


tl;dr I don't see a problem with some AP chests being realistically unobtainable. I think the bigger underlying issue is that ANet can't add new "content" to the game anywhere as quickly as we can consume it.

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I know it's not forced on me, it's just a little nag in the back of my mind that bugs me if I choose not to do them. So I personally would be happy if the source of that little nag vanished.


And I'm not sure the daily AP really adds much to the world. Maybe the events one does a little (I ignore this one as I find it tedious) as people pop into map chat and spam "events??????". A jumping puzzle one has some interaction with mesmers porting people around (this is probably the best daily in terms of bringing people together). Daily gathering...home instance (or a few silent seconds in Orr/HoT). Daily vista, major city (or a few silent seconds in Orr/HoT). WvW dailies...just brings in a flood of PvE players that turn into bags if they stay too long. PvP dailes probably also brings in bad players (good PvPers probably will be PvPing anyways) looking for quick AP (I don't PvP as I don't want to subject a team to my terrible play).

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There is an option to solve the problem and help both the veterans and the new players. It is quite simple. Once a person has hit the cap, the daily APs are 5. So a veteran needs twice the time to play, to get the next 15k than a new player. Reached 30k? 2 AP per completion. 45k? 1 AP per completion until the GW2 servers shutdown for good.


I would also be fine with 1 AP after reaching the first 15k cap.

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They should start rewarding better for permanent achievements. ~1.2k for the whole expansion is a joke when rewards go upto 60k. Raising daily cap is not the solution since it would devalue permanent achievements even more.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I suppose ANet could add chieves for all sorts of additional arbitrary accomplishments (not as if that would be all that different from other achieves), such as collecting all Sunspear minis, unlocking various skin sets, etc. But that wouldn't mean that there was more to do, just that we got more rewards for doing it.


> tl;dr I don't see a problem with some AP chests being realistically unobtainable. I think the bigger underlying issue is that ANet can't add new "content" to the game anywhere as quickly as we can consume it.


If you cannot produce enough content to keep people playing, you need to create goals people can go for while waiting for new content to be ready. Be it legendaries, tons of achievements or super grindy achievements (such as doing 5000 bounties). For most achievements you only need to do something a single time. Of course people finish them quick if you just need to do X a single time in your lifetime and then can forget about it.

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> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> There is an option to solve the problem and help both the veterans and the new players. It is quite simple. Once a person has hit the cap, the daily APs are 5. So a veteran needs twice the time to play, to get the next 15k than a new player. Reached 30k? 2 AP per completion. 45k? 1 AP per completion until the GW2 servers shutdown for good.


> I would also be fine with 1 AP after reaching the first 15k cap.



Love this idea. Nice, easy, and simple.


> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> They should start rewarding better for permanent achievements. ~1.2k for the whole expansion is a joke when rewards go upto 60k. Raising daily cap is not the solution since it would devalue permanent achievements even more.


> If you cannot produce enough content to keep people playing, you need to create goals people can go for while waiting for new content to be ready. Be it legendaries, tons of achievements or super grindy achievements (such as doing 5000 bounties). For most achievements you only need to do something a single time. Of course people finish them quick if you just need to do X a single time in your lifetime and then can forget about it.


Wouldn't devalue perm as much as you'd think....think of them as a little boost if someone wanted to get a little more AP that day. A nice steady stream of ap would be nice so their rewards can eventually be shown. Honestly I'd love to have the hellfire back piece. Even going as far as wanting both back items. But, they are 39k then 42k. That won't happen with the hardcap in place/lack of higher AP things.


As for longer and more intensive achievements for PvE...such as ex - 5,000 bounties. I'd love. Something to do and work for. Maybe even more dungeon specific ones to attempt to bring players back.

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I can't see them ever doing it. The amount of AP we get for achievements in PoF is incredibly low, so they clearly don't want us gettting too far along the ap track and dailies will do exactly that. If we're only getting 1 point achievements in PoF, I really can't see them giving us more 10 point daily achievements

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> I can't see them ever doing it. The amount of AP we get for achievements in PoF is incredibly low, so they clearly don't want us gettting too far along the ap track and dailies will do exactly that. If we're only getting 1 point achievements in PoF, I really can't see them giving us more 10 point daily achievements


I hate to admit it but, your probably right. Which is sad. They did put effort into making/animating the backpieces which no one...as it stands right now...can even obtain. When those resources/time could of gone to other content added to the game. :/

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> They should start rewarding better for permanent achievements. ~1.2k for the whole expansion is a joke when rewards go upto 60k. Raising daily cap is not the solution since it would devalue permanent achievements even more.


> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I suppose ANet could add chieves for all sorts of additional arbitrary accomplishments (not as if that would be all that different from other achieves), such as collecting all Sunspear minis, unlocking various skin sets, etc. But that wouldn't mean that there was more to do, just that we got more rewards for doing it.

> >

> > tl;dr I don't see a problem with some AP chests being realistically unobtainable. I think the bigger underlying issue is that ANet can't add new "content" to the game anywhere as quickly as we can consume it.


> If you cannot produce enough content to keep people playing, you need to create goals people can go for while waiting for new content to be ready. Be it legendaries, tons of achievements or super grindy achievements (such as doing 5000 bounties). For most achievements you only need to do something a single time. Of course people finish them quick if you just need to do X a single time in your lifetime and then can forget about it.


It is fair to say that if they want to appeal to people who need external goals to keep playing, they need to keep adding goal-oriented things to the game. The community includes lots of people who don't follow lists, don't care much about AP or event achievements, and/or primarily care about things that aren't part of any paternalistic-list crafted by ANet. I do like using AP-centric chieves as a starting place, but I also create goals for myself and I would have also been happy if ANet had never added AP chests to the game.


Even if ANet added a lot more arbitrary achievements, folks (like yourself) would grind them out in no time unless they were Hungry-Hal or Druid Runestone variations, gated by time and convenience... and then that would just delay the inevitable. It simply isn't realistic to expect that there will ever be that much content in GW2 or that many achievements.


I'm not saying that they did a great job with PoF ("adequate" seems appropriate to me) or that there isn't room for improvement elsewhere. My point is that I don't see a problem with learning that ANet has plans for 200k AP achievements, but isn't adding 170k worth of AP anytime soon. I'd rather have more stuff like acquiring the Griffon than ever see anything like decoding 45 verses of the Flameseeker Prophecies, even if that means only 2k AP/year.

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> @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> There is an option to solve the problem and help both the veterans and the new players. It is quite simple. Once a person has hit the cap, the daily APs are 5. So a veteran needs twice the time to play, to get the next 15k than a new player. Reached 30k? 2 AP per completion. 45k? 1 AP per completion until the GW2 servers shutdown for good.


> I would also be fine with 1 AP after reaching the first 15k cap.


> And as we are at the topic: Agent of Entropy

> Could you (devs) please add some sort of minor reward upon completing the 200. Does not have to be valuable, an Unindentified Dye, a blue bandit purse or even one of those shiny baubles which sell for 50s at a vendor. Or just remove the repeat, once the AP cap is reached?


I like this idea. That's why I proposed it several years ago, and repeated it occasionally. But, as is typical for ANet, they didn't respond in any way. Including telling us a good reason for having the cap. I've given up, but I still respond when people post the obvious, as you have.



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I also agree that the cap should be raised. It doesn't have to be much but it should be raised. Permanent AP's are nice but some people cannot do them for various reasons and therefore they too should be able to acquire the listed rewards. The person who logs in every day and completes the dailies and spends gems on a regular basis vs the person who logs in for a week, completes the content and then leaves until the next update, which one is healthier for the game?


We see comments all the time about the people coming back to the game having taken 2,3,4 year break from the game. Did those people buy gems during that time? Did they answer a question a person asked in map chat? No, they did not. Why should they be able to get the same AP's as a person who has been here the entire time?

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It's all smoke and mirrors anyway. There's very little hope of any new player ever catching up to me, because I have living world season 1 achievements and they never will. They can only really catch up on dailies. I do the daily every day either way, because 2 gold for ten minutes work is worth it to me, not even counting the karma or spirit shards.

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It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.


But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.


> But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )


This was December 10, 2014. GW2 base release date August 28, 2012. This was put in 2 years after. Fast forward to today. 10 ap a day. 4 years to hit cap. 3 years after this has been in place. Time for a raise, removal, or something like HnRkLnXqZ's idea(see up above)...for those of us who like to get our AP. Hm...I'm gonna have to do some searching and see where the "new players catching up" came from. It's just what I've always been told/seen since the release of this.




[https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-new-daily-achievement-system/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-new-daily-achievement-system/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-new-daily-achievement-system/")



Wow it's been a long time since I've read this. Interesting few lines in this though. "We want the rewards to help drive players to the content, not general rewards for all achievements." Rewards? That's kinda meaningless...since there are far better things to do with your time to be more efficient.

"So now players concentrating on achievement points only need to ensure they finish three daily achievements." So now that the AP hunter has hit the cap the content you want to push us to becomes meaningless. As said before....other things are a better time/efficient thing to do.

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> @AtlasSi.9130 said:

> > @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

> > There is an option to solve the problem and help both the veterans and the new players. It is quite simple. Once a person has hit the cap, the daily APs are 5. So a veteran needs twice the time to play, to get the next 15k than a new player. Reached 30k? 2 AP per completion. 45k? 1 AP per completion until the GW2 servers shutdown for good.

> >

> > I would also be fine with 1 AP after reaching the first 15k cap.

> >


> Love this idea. Nice, easy, and simple.


> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > They should start rewarding better for permanent achievements. ~1.2k for the whole expansion is a joke when rewards go upto 60k. Raising daily cap is not the solution since it would devalue permanent achievements even more.


> > If you cannot produce enough content to keep people playing, you need to create goals people can go for while waiting for new content to be ready. Be it legendaries, tons of achievements or super grindy achievements (such as doing 5000 bounties). For most achievements you only need to do something a single time. Of course people finish them quick if you just need to do X a single time in your lifetime and then can forget about it.


> Wouldn't devalue perm as much as you'd think....think of them as a little boost if someone wanted to get a little more AP that day. A nice steady stream of ap would be nice so their rewards can eventually be shown. Honestly I'd love to have the hellfire back piece. Even going as far as wanting both back items. But, they are 39k then 42k. That won't happen with the hardcap in place/lack of higher AP things.


> As for longer and more intensive achievements for PvE...such as ex - 5,000 bounties. I'd love. Something to do and work for. Maybe even more dungeon specific ones to attempt to bring players back.

10 AP might not sound like much, but it is compared to the amount of permanent AP added. Doing the daily every 3rd day for a year would be worth more AP than completing this whole expansion. Or a month worth of AP being worth as much as roughly 3 living story episodes.

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Raising the daily cap will also raise it for the old players who will just reach the new cap the same as everyone else and still be ahead, while putting the starting line even farther behind for new players. If the issue is that historical AP is no longer obtainable, then the solution will be to do something about that. The current leaderboard is inherently flawed. Not only does it make the standings effectively meaningless (equivalent to measuring the age of the account), there are much better ways to do this sort of competition, especially now that so many achievements have been added with the new Fractal and HoT categories. As is, the achievement leaderboard isn't even worth checking, let alone getting upset over.

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If the cap were to be increased, I'd like to see it increased to 1 AP per day that GW2 has existed (perhaps 15k + 1 per day if it's retroactive). That way every day it will continually increase by 1, but anyone who is not at the cap will still receive 10 AP per completion. Once you reach the cap you can continue to do dailies every day for 1 AP at a time, or you could do one every10 days, or leave for 6 months and then catch up in 3 weeks after you return.


Anyway, I'm opposed to just removing the cap because I do think it helps new players to... not fall further and further behind, and because it's nice for veterans to have the luxury of taking days off without feeling like they're missing irretrievable achievement points.


On the point of PoF not giving enough AP, I thought it was fine at first (and really I still do) but since it was pointed out, if they were to increase the amount of AP from permanent existing AP sources it may devalue the large amount of Season 1 and unobtainable AP. That or they could combine historical and seasonal AP into one grouping with a cap so every time you do Halloween, Wintersday, SAB, Dragon festival, etc. they slowly chip away at any missing historical AP.

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> @Leablo.2651 said:

> Raising the daily cap will also raise it for the old players who will just reach the new cap the same as everyone else and still be ahead, while putting the starting line even farther behind for new players. If the issue is that historical AP is no longer obtainable, then the solution will be to do something about that. The current leaderboard is inherently flawed. Not only does it make the standings effectively meaningless (equivalent to measuring the age of the account), there are much better ways to do this sort of competition, especially now that so many achievements have been added with the new Fractal and HoT categories. As is, the achievement leaderboard isn't even worth checking, let alone getting upset over.


Putting the starting line further behind new players. Let's cater to new blood and just throw our player base away that have supported the game for x amount of years. I strongly dislike this mentality. Historical AP is an issue. That I can 100% agree with you. It's got to be one of the causes of this cap anyway. As for leaderboards...me personally I cannot speak for everyone. I have hit the cap. I would like to gain the skins. Number doesn't matter to me. Most achievements are done. All that's kinda left is PoF, WvW, and PvP achievements....and getting all the champ titles in this current PvP state is a little intensive. That is coming from someone who does almost nothing but PvP. Lol.


> @Glacial.9516 said:

> If the cap were to be increased, I'd like to see it increased to 1 AP per day that GW2 has existed (perhaps 15k + 1 per day if it's retroactive). That way every day it will continually increase by 1, but anyone who is not at the cap will still receive 10 AP per completion. Once you reach the cap you can continue to do dailies every day for 1 AP at a time, or you could do one every10 days, or leave for 6 months and then catch up in 3 weeks after you return.


> Anyway, I'm opposed to just removing the cap because I do think it helps new players to... not fall further and further behind, and because it's nice for veterans to have the luxury of taking days off without feeling like they're missing irretrievable achievement points.


> On the point of PoF not giving enough AP, I thought it was fine at first (and really I still do) but since it was pointed out, if they were to increase the amount of AP from permanent existing AP sources it may devalue the large amount of Season 1 and unobtainable AP. That or they could combine historical and seasonal AP into one grouping with a cap so every time you do Halloween, Wintersday, SAB, Dragon festival, etc. they slowly chip away at any missing historical AP.


Increased by 1 point a day. I can agree and be happy with that. At least it's something ya know?

The other point veterans having the luxury of taking the day off. These are just random numbers being thrown out there. So what happens let's say...2 years from now. 50% of the community has hit the cap. They are all now considered veterans. 50% of the player base isn't consistently logging in anymore...decreasing online player numbers. Didn't they want to use these "dailys" as a way to push us to older content and keep us logging daily? Well, you remove that you remove the push to older content/logging daily. Thus less people around to do things with. Not logging 1 day turns into 1 week then 1 month and so on. Hate to admit it but, I've been there myself.



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Why do new players need to catch up? Catch up with what? The leaders of the Leaderboard? Never, ever going to happen. Not with a cap in place. A cap doesn't only limit 'Veterans', it limits new players, as well. Do new players even _know_ there is a Leaderboard? Do they care? Does any player but the top, I don't know, 50? 100? 10? even look at the Leaderboard?

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