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Server lag

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> It happens mostly if people are doing bounties and other bigger bosses.


I'm doing personal story at the momment with a new character and I still have the problem. 800 ping doing an instanced mission or afking in a city with spikes por +3000 ping. It's not only wvw/world bosses, it's in general.


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The last two days I've been having huge skill delay, and major lag spikes. High ping issues. Unsure what has changed, but it is unplayable. Ran a speediest. My internet is fine. Average ping for me is usually 70-90. Last two days it goes over 1k. Im lucky to have an average of over 200. Whats going on?

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Me too. I'm from SEA region and almost all of my friends couldn't play properly without using VPN services ( and sometimes even with VPN the lag still persist especially in wvw and pvp ).


I can't really pinpoint the exact time when this all happened ( maybe 2 weeks ago )....but I remember that it all started when a friend of mine from SEA region experiencing massive lag while playing gw2 but I have no problem at all despite being in the same region. A week after that I too suffer from it. And slowly but surely everyone else started to experience lag.


Basically, I experienced the same problem that everyone else posted here.



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Thought it was just me. The lag started last month and the game basically became unplayable with the ping spiking to 3000. I couldn't complete the last story instance without having a friend carry me through it. I started a ticket and support made me jump through the usual hoops (the checklist) for 2 weeks and found nothing wrong on my end. Ultimately, they suggested I change servers but a) I like my current server and b) What if that doesn't fix it? I refused the offer and they just closed my ticket without further response or action. Now I can barely even log in. Don't expect tickets to help. They can't do anything for this.

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Same here, right after this last update which I got this morning, I keep lagging and then the famous "check your router and firewall" message! and finally I have to close the game and login again to be able to play for another few minutes. From SEA region too, and I'm sure I'll be asked again to share pathping result and even blame the issue to my router, wireless connection (I'm on fiber to gig lan) and etc.


BTW, it has nothing to do with doing big events or something, people in my map were less than fingers of both hands


I bet you never ride skyscale under water before


![](https://imgur.com/Tw1iH7ql.jpg "")


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Also having the lag issue (SEA). I've troubleshot whatever I could with my own home PC, my ISP but to no avail.

The game is nigh unplayable, there are some pockets of good connection here and there that I managed to put some gameplay in, but otherwise it's just a constant lag spikefest.

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Yeah I have a ticket with them and none of the solutions help. They have resolved to pointing it back at my ISP, which I have been in contact with BEFORE I contacted Anet as I wanted to be sure it wasn't something on my end in the first place.

I've started paying for Mudfish because at this point it's gotten so bad that I couldn't even load in a map.

If they rarely post at this forum - why have a tech support forum in the first place?

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Yes, thanks for your helpful reply.


Now for some actual tips of what worked (for me at least, YMMV) to the others suffering from this problem, I tried the free version of hide.me, which worked for a couple of days until that too stopped working. I am now on mudfish (3 days now) and it has been working so far, unfortunately it is a paid option.


That is of course assuming there is something wrong with your routing to the servers (my internet is working fine in all other areas and online games except GW2).

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If a VPN is helping, it is likely taking a different path to the servers, and using a different Tier 1 backbone, which is quite often the source of these kinds of issues.


for OCE, most ISP uses the route that goes up through Asia Pacific to Asia then onto Euro, then to NA east coast, the premium route that crosses the pacific directly to the NA west coast are usually used by business, which some VPN uses


i think maybe we OCE players would have better experience if we just play on the EU servers rather than NA

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  • 4 months later...

The game recently hasn't lagged too much for me, but over the past week it's been terrible, and today has been unplayable. I don't know what is wrong with GW2 servers but they need to sort it out. I've done speed tests and played other games without ANY problems. So GW2 has issues. If they don't sort it out I'm going stop playing and look for another MMO.

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