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Suggestion to prevent unnecessary account suspensions


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It would be great if you posted the notification (screenshot) you get when you try to log in.


Lemme just go dust off my arsenal of profane insults for LA map chat... :tongue:


I don't have a a screenshot but it just says something like "This account has been suspended. Please try logging in again in approximately X hours," where X is the remaining length of the suspension.


I will also agree that in general I have always found support to be very helpful, nice, and willing to explain, with the exception of the ticket regarding my (first and only) suspension. You *will* be told the specific thing that led to the action, yes. But they are absolutely not open to providing their reasoning other than pointing to the code of conduct (including the all-powerful catchall clause that basically says "the rules are whatever we say they are.") or discussing the circumstances around it. They give very short answers, avoid most direct questions, and in general are unsympathetic. I think a previous poster said it best that if you have some very specific circumstance like a mistake around a guild giveaway a ticket could be helpful, but I wouldn't fault anyone for thinking it wasn't really worth the time and effort to make a ticket if they already understood (or thought they understood) what went wrong.

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> @"Justas.2436" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > There is a pretty clear statement when you are suspended in the game. If it is still unclear what the reason is, I would always recommend contacting support and asking them. Just sitting out the time without changing what you did is foolish and a recipe to more suspensions. I do not see the need for any adjustments here.


> Hmmmm? They should inform what person done straight away.


They do inform them, but not in detail. Very often this is enough. E.g. it can say that your account has been suspended due to gold selling. Very often this is enough, but if it is not, contact support.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > It would be great if you posted the notification (screenshot) you get when you try to log in.


> Lemme just go dust off my arsenal of profane insults for LA map chat... :tongue:


> I don't have a a screenshot but it just says something like "This account has been suspended. Please try logging in again in approximately X hours," where X is the remaining length of the suspension.


> I will also agree that in general I have always found support to be very helpful, nice, and willing to explain, with the exception of the ticket regarding my (first and only) suspension. You *will* be told the specific thing that led to the action, yes. But they are absolutely not open to providing their reasoning other than pointing to the code of conduct (including the all-powerful catchall clause that basically says "the rules are whatever we say they are.") or discussing the circumstances around it. They give very short answers, avoid most direct questions, and in general are unsympathetic. I think a previous poster said it best that if you have some very specific circumstance like a mistake around a guild giveaway a ticket could be helpful, but I wouldn't fault anyone for thinking it wasn't really worth the time and effort to make a ticket if they already understood (or thought they understood) what went wrong.


I think part of the reason they are unwilling to go into too many details beyond "you broke this line in the ToS/Code of Conduct" is that they don't want people to take what they say and try and see how far they can bend the meanings and they probably have a lot of people argue how *they* think they didn't break that rule because they interpret it differently or something. That and the people who you talk to when you make the ticket and the people who gave the suspension are not the same person. I imagine it's really annoying to have someone badger you to undo something someone else did.


While I am sure most people in this thread are probably polite when dealing with support staff, there are a lot of people who are not. And so they probably find it easier to grey rock from the start about these particular issues rather than trying to appear sympathetic and have that person try and abuse their sympathy.


Just based on my experiences dealing with people in situations like this.


Like, one time I had to deal with someone who got kicked from a guild in another game where I was an officer. They contacted me and I tried being nice and polite in explaining exactly what they did wrong, why it was deemed wrong, and how they could improve themselves in the future. All I did was open myself up to hours of them whispering me for days on end trying to explain to me how everything I said was wrong and eventually they started stalking me whenever I was playing. Had I just said "You were kicked for X, that's it" and then not talked to them further or expressed sympathy to them in any way I would have saved myself a lot of trouble.

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