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Coming from a FB main, this one's obvious.


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> @"Tiale.2430" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Tiale.2430" said:

> > > Many of the comments about Firebrand should not be taken into account by some less inexperienced players. All the main problem is about Symbol Guardian traits and not Firebrand.

> > >

> > > The first consideration that Anet should be looking is the **Symbolic Power**. This trait can be reduced by 50%, maybe the damage.

> > >

> > > **Symbolic Exposure** can reduce the stack of vulnerability to only 1 in the first hit.

> > >

> > > **Furious Focus** can receive an internal cooldown to something like 1s or 2s.

> > >

> > > After they make some tests on this. They can think about **Mantra of Truth.**

> > > Remove one of the conditions to avoid condition spam.

> > >

> > > All these nerfs should be in steps by minor patches and see how the class keeps going.

> > >

> > > Another thing is that F2, **Tome of Resolve**, this tome right now is obsolete. It has lost a lot of value and something that could be added is a blast finisher at Azure Sun, to open up more gameplay and recover some healing.

> >

> > Why are some people so hell-bent on nerfing both Core Guardian and ~~Dragon~~ Hunter, when the issue is **obviously** with Firebrand?!

> > If symbols were too strong (which they are not), why aren't Core Guardian and ~~Dragon~~ Hunter equally over-performing? Have you thought about that even once?

> >


> Right now have a strong build of celestial core symbol that is not public yet.


Ppl have been playing symbol core for a bit though from what I heard menders. Decent variant as u can have multiple lines that are very strong, not as common as FB though probably becuz firebrand has a huge and largely expanded kit, though it has 1 trade off which is a lack of instant cast stuff which I’ve found can be really strong in 1v1s say for example boonbeast instantly getting 30secs of almost every boon in game

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> @"Arken.3725" said:

> Updated response to the changes made on February 3rd.


> - Mantra of Truth: Good changes BUT here's an issue I have overall that I'm going to get flak for. It's still a MANTRA meaning it still has the charge-up time to consider and I feel like the benefit doesn't match the risk of the charge involved.

> - Writ of Persistence: I'm unsure about this. If it were up to me, I'd just redo symbols as a whole but who am I kidding?

> - Protector's Restoration: I disagree with this one. Even though it's a symbol and compounds the issue's I've stated before, it's a relatively average trait that's now weak(ish).

> - Symbol of Vengeance: Feels like a lazy way to balance this. Symbols as a whole suck but do whatcha gotta do.

> - Daring Challenge: Uncalled for. Bad enough it does little-to-no damage.

> - Restoring Reprieve: I disagree with this change for many reasons. One, it's the only decent heal Guardian has, the rest of them are absolutely horrid. Secondly, this further pushes Guardian's into the Honor trait-line for Pure of Heart due to the necessity of it needing the heal off of Aegis. This change limited diversity even further.


And this is unfortunate what you and others asked for....nerf nerf nerf until it becomes unplayable or makes these builds unfeasible.


Everyone needs to realize that this is a never ending, perpetual cycle, so long as people are stuck in this mindset of “buff this, nerf that.” These balance issues are not this simple or intuitive...it goes beyond just buffs and beyond just nerfs.


I keep plugging this thread everywhere I post, but it’s because I’m a firm believer that balance can be attained in this game through diversity....and I don’t think enough people even know that such a different tactic then buffs and nerfs exist to try to balance a game:




I suggest giving it a read...even if you don’t agree with the initial hypothesis (which is at first pretty vague, but by the end of the discussion has a more clear and formal definition.) This thread goes abit deeper than the average “nerf this, nerf that” and looks pretty deeply into what balance actually means on a more fundamental level.

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The thing is Justice, nerfing something into oblivion for the betterment of the game is exactly what I want, even at the sacrifice of my own main. It's called giving a crap and not being selfish. I've stated what I believed should be changed based on the fundamental basics of balance(single-target>AoE, Cast-time>instant, ect). These needed to be heeded.

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> @"Arken.3725" said:

> The thing is Justice, nerfing something into oblivion for the betterment of the game is exactly what I want, even at the sacrifice of my own main. It's called giving a kitten and not being selfish. I've stated what I believed should be changed based on the fundamental basics of balance(single-target>AoE, Cast-time>instant, ect). These needed to be heeded.


Just let this one stand for itself.


This guy just made a call to nerf a class into oblivion because he thinks it will make the game better.

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> @"Arken.3725" said:

> The thing is Justice, nerfing something into oblivion for the betterment of the game is exactly what I want, even at the sacrifice of my own main. It's called giving a kitten and not being selfish. I've stated what I believed should be changed based on the fundamental basics of balance(single-target>AoE, Cast-time>instant, ect). These needed to be heeded.


I don’t play guardian, and fighting it in 2v2 was a nightmare...however my position is that nerfing it and consequently other builds and classes, isn’t the right solution.


Your point of view is that it makes the game better but in the grand scheme of things, it makes the game worse because diversity continues to drop as more and more abilities, traits and play styles become irrelevant.


I remember a time when necromancer had a larger variety of nearly viable play styles... shout-mancing, minion-mancing, shroud dancing, healing necro, boon-mancing, condi, Power, bunker... and many other classes had more play styles to choose from.


But as time went on, fewer and fewer play styles became irrelevant...it wasn’t always black and white, but now it’s getting to the point where all the classes I usto play and theorycraft for are so terrible that only a select few choices and by proxy a few play styles actually have an impact...


So this illusion that it makes the game better is just an illusion...where eventually all builds on could theorycraft default to the traits and skills that can actually function together over those that can not.


And lastly, as more play styles fizzle out, the less builds there are that can compete with other builds...so when firebrand goes out the window, other builds take their place, and that process will continue until all builds and playstyles become irrelevant, non rewarding and non impactful...

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