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welcome to condi meta


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Sigh... i've been complaining about the way condi is positioned in the game for years and nobody ever takes me seriously.


Condi was designed with the benefit of ignoring armor. It's as if if the devs forgot this was even a thing and just tried to conceptually make them like EQ dots by doing significantly more damage than direct damage over time regardless of target armor, which doens't work in GW2's fast-paced combat system. Long durations with high damage delivery doesn't work in GW2's fast paced combat system.


In many cases condi needs **both** a damage nerf _and_ a duration nerf.


It kind of amazed me that they executed all of these nerfs to direct damage with apparently no recognition that condi would become a problem. I honestly don't know why they didn't handle this damage reduction in a different way altogether, such as just reducing damage by 1/3 across the board.

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The meta is defined by the broken sustain of FB and Necro, and to a lesser extent condi rev, which do well with condi damage.


Address the sustain and watch the number of condi builds drop a lot. No need to nerf the damage except for high burst burn stacks on FB (and maybe condi rev because of the low tell AoE torment that can random spike up to 15 stacks).

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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> Imagine if we ever had a power meta......Oh wait! :#


well it dosen't need to be a power meta when the game goes on one extreme direction either condi or power its unbalanced .

something like before patch where we had some specialization exile in condi dmg and other in power dmg was good .

may be if they fix core necro and fb and to lesser extent rev and ele sustain/condi dmg ratio it might be balanced but current meta certainly isn't balanced .

+i don't mind 2v2 with condi builds cuz you don't need to fight for a point but conquest 5v5 with condi aoe on small node will be unpleasant just the memory of scourge meta is enough .

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > Imagine if we ever had a power meta......Oh wait! :#


> well it dosen't need to be a power meta when the game goes on one extreme direction either condi or power its unbalanced .

> something like before patch where we had some specialization exile in condi dmg and other in power dmg was good .

> may be if they fix core necro and fb and to lesser extent rev and ele sustain/condi dmg ratio it might be balance but current meta certainly isn't balance .

> +i don't mind 2v2 with condi builds cuz you don't need to fight for a point but conquest 5v5 with condi aoe on small node will be unpleasant just the memory of scourge meta is enough .


I'm not sure if we were playing the same game. Power has been meta for a very long time ----especially after anet deleted scourge from pvp --- almost all meta builds were power. Only exceptions - fire weaver, core necro _(meta is questionable)_, and the condi thief _(questionable again)_

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> @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > Imagine if we ever had a power meta......Oh wait! :#

> >

> > well it dosen't need to be a power meta when the game goes on one extreme direction either condi or power its unbalanced .

> > something like before patch where we had some specialization exile in condi dmg and other in power dmg was good .

> > may be if they fix core necro and fb and to lesser extent rev and ele sustain/condi dmg ratio it might be balance but current meta certainly isn't balance .

> > +i don't mind 2v2 with condi builds cuz you don't need to fight for a point but conquest 5v5 with condi aoe on small node will be unpleasant just the memory of scourge meta is enough .


> I'm not sure if we were playing the same game. Power has been meta for a very long time ----especially after anet deleted scourge from pvp --- almost all meta builds were power. Only exceptions - fire weaver, core necro _(meta is questionable)_, and the condi thief _(questionable again)_


and mesmer and fire fb (meta is questionable) and condi rev lately (meta is questionable)

previous meta war and engi and ranger are sold meta power dmg

Mesmer and ele are sold meta condi dmg

and necro guard thief and rev have both good power and condi builds .

its seams to be 60%/40% condi to power ratio with slight dominance of power not complete dominance of one of them like now .

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Last meta wouldn't have been that bad if every relevant class couldnt self stack 25 might.


Condis is only a problem in situations where lots of stacks can be applied at once. Torment with revenant and burn with weaver.


What they should do is reduce the effectiveness of might to like 10 power and condi per stack. Reduce duration of all burn sources to closer to 1 or 2 seconds and then decrease the CD of some of those skills.


Condi rev is probably fine as their only true source of torment spam is mallyx elite

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> @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

> Last meta wouldn't have been that bad if every relevant class couldnt self stack 25 might.



> Condi rev is probably fine as their only true source of torment spam is mallyx elite


I'm not asking for nerfs / buffs to rev, but I suggest you take a closer look at numerous ways that rev - herald - rene can apply torment on top of Mallyx elite skill.


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