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Anet.. can you make a DPS meter?


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> @Verenhimo.3296 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Verenhimo.3296 said:

> > > Just as a footnote, not even World of Warcraft with it's years and years of work & FFXIV have home grown DPS meters, most developers have pretty much coceeded that the job is best left to the playerbase to create there own tools around there own needs. (Such as top guilds in WoW having there own custom bossmods & dps meters that are private.)

> >

> > I am going to disagree with this. When wow started DSP meters were not a thing, and originally were more fringe reserved only to the hardcore raider, their popularity has spiked, to the point that now they are viewed as a mandatory feature in any game with a raid, hence their arrival only after GW2 put in raids. Now, Blizzard has no need or motive to put one in, as their culture is older, it's built around the idea that things like DPS meters are still in the realm of 3rd party stuff, so it can play that card, of not their problem.

> >

> > However, GW2 is a newer MMO, and thus should cling to archaic concepts like that, Contribution Meters already exist in GW2, and are distinctly not the realm of fringe 3rd party stuff anymore, they are at this point, standard features that should come with any new raid, o in any MMO that plans to raid.


> A developer has every need to put in, there are so many things in WoW that we're just addons that got made full fledged features over the course of the games history, you want your game to be a complete package and not have your players outsource themselves to 3rd party, sometimes resource hogging addon.


> And it's not like they've not taken measures to control what they feel are extremely toxic addons, remember gearscore? remember the crazy gearscore addons? and how blizzard had to curb it with average ilvl stat, remember the virtual reality addons that let you draw on the screen? so people would literally just play follow the drawn line in raids? - Blizzard has broken the API for SO, SO SO many unhealthy addons over the years.


> Remember how there was no ingame calendar before they imported nearly all of the work done on one calendar addon and made there own.


> Same with a quest tracker.


> Same with altasloot which served as the template for dungeon journal, postal, etcetcetc.


> Same with alot of things, because they went on record saying a startling amount of players play purely without addons, they need to make sure must have addons that are huge QoL are also available to the mass majority, too.


Exactly, its all about a QoL upgrade, there are a lot of players that don't want to have to depend on add-ons, overlays, and 3rd party software, they want to just play the game, and some things should just be standard features, and a performance meter is one of them.

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> @CptAurellian.9537 said:

> > @Joxer.6024 said:

> > Oh god no!!!! Not GEAR SCORE, that which killed WOW and all that was good and great with its raids. I shudder just to think......

> There's no reason to take the hyperbolic gear score nonsense seriously. What's the point of such a system in a game that effectively does not have stuff like item levels?


Agreed, but people will try anything.

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> @Joxer.6024 said:

> > @CptAurellian.9537 said:

> > > @Joxer.6024 said:

> > > Oh god no!!!! Not GEAR SCORE, that which killed WOW and all that was good and great with its raids. I shudder just to think......

> > There's no reason to take the hyperbolic gear score nonsense seriously. What's the point of such a system in a game that effectively does not have stuff like item levels?


> Agreed, but people will try anything.

Now that's true in multiple directions ...


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

> > I wish Anet would make a DPS meter so I could monitor myself. I'm not going to download 3rd party software and risk my account in order to do that, and while the golem is a nice addition it tells me nothing of how I'm doing in actual fights. (Where I have to move out of aoe, stop to revive someone, get downed and wait for someone to revive me, use a cc skill that lowers my overall dps because it's a signet that boosts my dps when on passive etc.) And I can't find it atm but I read something about constantly having to read up on the EULA to check if the 3rd party software was still OK or not. No thanks.

> >

> > This doesn't mean I don't want a DPS meter, but not having access to an in-game one that is usable during fights is just kitten. They added raids, now they should make DPS meters available for all. Or just ban all use of 3rd party software, so everyone is on an equal footing.


> Not to mention the golem does not account team play, where other players using AoE boons, like banners for example.


It... does though...?

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Verenhimo.3296 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @Verenhimo.3296 said:

> > > > Just as a footnote, not even World of Warcraft with it's years and years of work & FFXIV have home grown DPS meters, most developers have pretty much coceeded that the job is best left to the playerbase to create there own tools around there own needs. (Such as top guilds in WoW having there own custom bossmods & dps meters that are private.)

> > >

> > > I am going to disagree with this. When wow started DSP meters were not a thing, and originally were more fringe reserved only to the hardcore raider, their popularity has spiked, to the point that now they are viewed as a mandatory feature in any game with a raid, hence their arrival only after GW2 put in raids. Now, Blizzard has no need or motive to put one in, as their culture is older, it's built around the idea that things like DPS meters are still in the realm of 3rd party stuff, so it can play that card, of not their problem.

> > >

> > > However, GW2 is a newer MMO, and thus should cling to archaic concepts like that, Contribution Meters already exist in GW2, and are distinctly not the realm of fringe 3rd party stuff anymore, they are at this point, standard features that should come with any new raid, o in any MMO that plans to raid.

> >

> > A developer has every need to put in, there are so many things in WoW that we're just addons that got made full fledged features over the course of the games history, you want your game to be a complete package and not have your players outsource themselves to 3rd party, sometimes resource hogging addon.

> >

> > And it's not like they've not taken measures to control what they feel are extremely toxic addons, remember gearscore? remember the crazy gearscore addons? and how blizzard had to curb it with average ilvl stat, remember the virtual reality addons that let you draw on the screen? so people would literally just play follow the drawn line in raids? - Blizzard has broken the API for SO, SO SO many unhealthy addons over the years.

> >

> > Remember how there was no ingame calendar before they imported nearly all of the work done on one calendar addon and made there own.

> >

> > Same with a quest tracker.

> >

> > Same with altasloot which served as the template for dungeon journal, postal, etcetcetc.

> >

> > Same with alot of things, because they went on record saying a startling amount of players play purely without addons, they need to make sure must have addons that are huge QoL are also available to the mass majority, too.


> Exactly, its all about a QoL upgrade, there are a lot of players that don't want to have to depend on add-ons, overlays, and 3rd party software, they want to just play the game, and some things should just be standard features, and a performance meter is one of them.


I guess you missed the entire part that even a multimillion juggernaught like blizzard won't make there own dps meter because it's outside of the realm of need for a fair size of the playerbase, not to mention there unable to bring such a feature rich 3rd party app into the game reasonably because there always growing in feature creep.


Raiders are very self serving, they know exactly what data they want presented to themselves, they'll be alot more secure once there is an offical addon API, if there ever is, untill then I highly, HIGHLY doubt anet will ever make one, and even if they did these people would still defer to the ones that cater to there needs (that's why there's 3-4 different dps meters in WoW with millions of downloads each, all doing different things.)

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.


It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.


> It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.


Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a fuck about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk shit when they see you're not performing "as you should".


I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> >

> > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.


> Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".


> I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


Then there isnt any dps meter, and you are insta kicked everytime you join a T4 for being a scourge, a spellbreaker, a power mesmer... While you are pretty experienced with those and can pull the highest dps of the party.

So no dps meter would be a lot of worse, because elitism would still be the same and you wouldnt have a tool to prove you are pulling more then your weight

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> >

> > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.


> Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".


> I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


The reason Crystal Desert is a host instead of Darkhaven is because of arc. We love arc.

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> @OnizukaBR.8537 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> > >

> > > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.

> >

> > Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".

> >

> > I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


> Then there isnt any dps meter, and you are insta kicked everytime you join a T4 for being a scourge, a spellbreaker, a power mesmer... While you are pretty experienced with those and can pull the highest dps of the party.

> So no dps meter would be a lot of worse, because elitism would still be the same and you wouldnt have a tool to prove you are pulling more then your weight


I played power mesmer for many years now and I never got kicked from a T4 fractal. And it's only post arcDPS creation that I started having issues with "Elitism" in pug groups.


Honestly, it will be very hard for you to convince me that it is better now that the dps mater exist than before so don't even try.

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> > >

> > > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.

> >

> > Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".

> >

> > I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


> The reason Crystal Desert is a host instead of Darkhaven is because of arc. We love arc.


Damn arc. Ecks Dee

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @zealex.9410 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > Seriously, this whole 3rd party thing is for the birds, if someone can make a DPS meter in their home, on their spare time, for free, you all can make a great one for the game that everyone can enjoy. Since you all made it clear that DPS meters are allowed,m why not go ahead and just make one for Raids and Fractals, it's not like you don't already do this for PvP with top scores for Healing, Damage, Etc... so.. just lets just make this happen, maybe give rewards for Top DPS in Fractals or something as well.

> >

> > Why? Anet would "share" "your" personal data even if they made a tool of their own. Why make a tool when the community is more than glad to do so?

> >

> > Now sure anet could make one and i like the idea of rewarding good players ( which could use more refining). But they have already given the green light to ppl to make by abet's design so it would be any diff.


> Better Quality Product, More Accessible to the players, they get to control who sees what, and it would eliminates disagreement among the players, it's simply a feature as opposed to some invasive 3rd party spyware. There are many good reasons why Anet should do this.


I'd much prefer they add an official combat log, they still get all of the above features but there wouldn't be a DPS meter in the game so only those who really cared would get to see it. (The way Blizzard does it for WoW, basically, at least, they didn't have an built-in dps meter when I still played, they did have a built-in combat log though)


It might allow official support in third party parsers and remove the reliance on "single vendor" closed-source solutions (like Arc, raid-heroes, gw2raidar,...). I mean, if the dev for one of these quits for whatever reason we have nothing again. And if the Arc dev quits then when (if) something else then pops up then we would likely have to redo our parsers ... again.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> >

> > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.


> Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".


> I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


You joined a meta party. Something you shouldn't do if you don't give a fuck anymore, because you're grouping with people who do and you're pissing them off. Don't join meta parties, problem solved. Like I already said. I really don't like to repeat myself and I don't like when people insist that I do.

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> @marelooke.9708 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @zealex.9410 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > Seriously, this whole 3rd party thing is for the birds, if someone can make a DPS meter in their home, on their spare time, for free, you all can make a great one for the game that everyone can enjoy. Since you all made it clear that DPS meters are allowed,m why not go ahead and just make one for Raids and Fractals, it's not like you don't already do this for PvP with top scores for Healing, Damage, Etc... so.. just lets just make this happen, maybe give rewards for Top DPS in Fractals or something as well.

> > >

> > > Why? Anet would "share" "your" personal data even if they made a tool of their own. Why make a tool when the community is more than glad to do so?

> > >

> > > Now sure anet could make one and i like the idea of rewarding good players ( which could use more refining). But they have already given the green light to ppl to make by abet's design so it would be any diff.

> >

> > Better Quality Product, More Accessible to the players, they get to control who sees what, and it would eliminates disagreement among the players, it's simply a feature as opposed to some invasive 3rd party spyware. There are many good reasons why Anet should do this.


> I'd much prefer they add an official combat log, they still get all of the above features but there wouldn't be a DPS meter in the game so only those who really cared would get to see it. (The way Blizzard does it for WoW, basically, at least, they didn't have an built-in dps meter when I still played, they did have a built-in combat log though)


> It might allow official support in third party parsers and remove the reliance on "single vendor" closed-source solutions (like Arc, raid-heroes, gw2raidar,...). I mean, if the dev for one of these quits for whatever reason we have nothing again. And if the Arc dev quits then when (if) something else then pops up then we would likely have to redo our parsers ... again.


Solid point.. if it's 3rd party and the person taking care of it opts to just quit doing it.. that screws everyone. had that happen with the best controller software I ever had, the person who made it just quit.


Just one more good reason for Anet to handle things.

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> @marelooke.9708 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @zealex.9410 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > Seriously, this whole 3rd party thing is for the birds, if someone can make a DPS meter in their home, on their spare time, for free, you all can make a great one for the game that everyone can enjoy. Since you all made it clear that DPS meters are allowed,m why not go ahead and just make one for Raids and Fractals, it's not like you don't already do this for PvP with top scores for Healing, Damage, Etc... so.. just lets just make this happen, maybe give rewards for Top DPS in Fractals or something as well.

> > >

> > > Why? Anet would "share" "your" personal data even if they made a tool of their own. Why make a tool when the community is more than glad to do so?

> > >

> > > Now sure anet could make one and i like the idea of rewarding good players ( which could use more refining). But they have already given the green light to ppl to make by abet's design so it would be any diff.

> >

> > Better Quality Product, More Accessible to the players, they get to control who sees what, and it would eliminates disagreement among the players, it's simply a feature as opposed to some invasive 3rd party spyware. There are many good reasons why Anet should do this.


> I'd much prefer they add an official combat log, they still get all of the above features but there wouldn't be a DPS meter in the game so only those who really cared would get to see it. (The way Blizzard does it for WoW, basically, at least, they didn't have an built-in dps meter when I still played, they did have a built-in combat log though)


> It might allow official support in third party parsers and remove the reliance on "single vendor" closed-source solutions (like Arc, raid-heroes, gw2raidar,...). I mean, if the dev for one of these quits for whatever reason we have nothing again. And if the Arc dev quits then when (if) something else then pops up then we would likely have to redo our parsers ... again.


the game has a combatlog, but you have to make a second tab for it, and it's highly inaccurate.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> >

> > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.


> Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".


> I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


I'm going to be that guy here, honestly doing less damage than a chrono is kind of shitty, but at the end of the day fractals can be completed with everyone autoattacking, there not hard, and it's not a reason to roast you over.


That being said if you join peoples groups on a class you don't have any knowledge how to play, even on a surface level, I would imagine people will get mad at you for more than just low DPS, you're effectively wasting there time by not caring about the content and respecting their time.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> > >

> > > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.

> >

> > Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".

> >

> > I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.


> You joined a meta party. Something you shouldn't do if you don't give a kitten anymore, because you're grouping with people who do and you're pissing them off. Don't join meta parties, problem solved. Like I already said. I really don't like to repeat myself and I don't like when people insist that I do.


I **pugged** a random T4 fractal that had no description. I avoid all the parties that people ask for specific professions because I know what kind of people I will be dealing with, but I still ended up with one of these retards in my party... Honestly, I don't understand why someone obsessed with DPs meter would be pugging a fractal anywy... I'm pretty sure he problably have a competent PvE guild that do this content. Or maybe he isn't competent enough to be in one of these and rather come annoy people in pug parties.



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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > @Feanor.2358 said:

> > > > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > > Can we just don't have a DPS meter at all? I hate having some tryhard to annoy me because I'm not running a meta build that should be doing more dps than I currently do.

> > > >

> > > > It's a tool. It's not a prerequisite for playing the game. Don't use it, problem solved. Don't join meta parties, another problem solved.

> > >

> > > Other day I was playing my Weaver for the lulz (I have absolutely no idea of how to properly play Weaver) in some pug T4 fractals (Not Nightmare or Shattered) and I had this one guy complaining that I was being outdps'ed by a Chrono... Yeah, I don't use arcDPS because I don't give a kitten about dps meters anymore (I quit PvE hardcoring when I quit WoW 5 years ago) but there are those who use, and will talk kitten when they see you're not performing "as you should".

> > >

> > > I curse the guy who made arcDPS every single day.

> >

> > You joined a meta party. Something you shouldn't do if you don't give a kitten anymore, because you're grouping with people who do and you're pissing them off. Don't join meta parties, problem solved. Like I already said. I really don't like to repeat myself and I don't like when people insist that I do.


> I **pugged** a random T4 fractal that had no description. I avoid all the parties that people ask for specific professions because I know what kind of people I will be dealing with, but I still ended up with one of these kitten in my party... Honestly, I don't understand why someone obsessed with DPs meter would be pugging a fractal anywy... I'm pretty sure he problably have a competent PvE guild that do this content. Or maybe he isn't competent enough to be in one of these and rather come annoy people in pug parties.


> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm thinking the latter is the most correct option, but I still think Anet should in a meter, like they have in PvP, that tracks a whole lot more then just DPS.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @Kundry.1249 said:

> > Even in WoW, where DPS meters are the norm and everyone has it, they are made by third parties (as are the boss mods, which are also mandatory for raiding). There's no need for Anet to make their own.


> ArenaNet is all about being not-Blizzard. This is the very promise of this company and the game itself. Guild Wars 2 original manifest was about creating new, better standards for mmo genre.


If that's true then they failed. They gave in and added raids when reworked dungeons/5 man content could have filled that role perfectly. Then dps meters. Who know what's the next silly feature coming from wow? item level? world first leaderboards? Garrisons? Farming to keep your gear fed?


Expecting game devs not to take the easiest route these days is rather delusional. They see wow makes profit and has tons of raids so of course they copy wow and call it a day. One could argue that raids are rather different from the wow ones and I'd agree, to some extent. They're more similar to inferior version of wildstar ones. At least wildstar was clear about being a raiding MMO from the start though, and they had a proper interface, proper telegraphs, and not this monstrosity that looks like the aborted child of hiroshima and a christmas tree. I mean, look at any GW2 raid video, it's just a huge mess of flysing shit all over the place. Giant, obnixious effects in your face all the damn time. They're not anti blizzard, they're chasing them, and worse, they're chasing them with an UI and a game that was never meant to support raids. What kind of MMOs has aoe damage telegraphs hidden under layers of shit in high end group content? What kind of mmos makes aoe telegraphs not having a solid red color that you cannot miss? None except this one.


So yeah back on the dps meter topic, if they really want to support that feature then they should make one. Like they should support raids with a proper and comprehensive visual overhaul of the game if that's the direction they want to take. At least that would be anti blizzard for once lol. They're really the kings of half done jobs of the MMO industry.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > @Kundry.1249 said:

> > > Even in WoW, where DPS meters are the norm and everyone has it, they are made by third parties (as are the boss mods, which are also mandatory for raiding). There's no need for Anet to make their own.

> >

> > ArenaNet is all about being not-Blizzard. This is the very promise of this company and the game itself. Guild Wars 2 original manifest was about creating new, better standards for mmo genre.


> If that's true then they failed. They gave in and added raids when reworked dungeons/5 man content could have filled that role perfectly. Then dps meters. Who know what's the next silly feature coming from wow? item level? world first leaderboards? Garrisons? Farming to keep your gear fed?


And how are raids literally just not bigger group content? there is a desire for big group content too do with more than 5 of your friends, if you can honestly list any way raids are different to CM fractals or shattered/nightmare outside of scope & player count, I'd happily concede on this point.


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> @Verenhimo.3296 said:



> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Kundry.1249 said:

> > > > Even in WoW, where DPS meters are the norm and everyone has it, they are made by third parties (as are the boss mods, which are also mandatory for raiding). There's no need for Anet to make their own.

> > >

> > > ArenaNet is all about being not-Blizzard. This is the very promise of this company and the game itself. Guild Wars 2 original manifest was about creating new, better standards for mmo genre.

> >

> > If that's true then they failed. They gave in and added raids when reworked dungeons/5 man content could have filled that role perfectly. Then dps meters. Who know what's the next silly feature coming from wow? item level? world first leaderboards? Garrisons? Farming to keep your gear fed?


> And how are raids literally just not bigger group content? there is a desire for big group content too do with more than 5 of your friends, if you can honestly list any way raids are different to CM fractals or shattered/nightmare outside of scope & player count, I'd happily concede on this point.



It's mostly due to a lower barrier of entry. It's far easier to gather 5 players than 10 for an equivalent mechanical challenge.

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> @Verenhimo.3296 said:



> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > > @Kundry.1249 said:

> > > > Even in WoW, where DPS meters are the norm and everyone has it, they are made by third parties (as are the boss mods, which are also mandatory for raiding). There's no need for Anet to make their own.

> > >

> > > ArenaNet is all about being not-Blizzard. This is the very promise of this company and the game itself. Guild Wars 2 original manifest was about creating new, better standards for mmo genre.

> >

> > If that's true then they failed. They gave in and added raids when reworked dungeons/5 man content could have filled that role perfectly. Then dps meters. Who know what's the next silly feature coming from wow? item level? world first leaderboards? Garrisons? Farming to keep your gear fed?


> And how are raids literally just not bigger group content? there is a desire for big group content too do with more than 5 of your friends, if you can honestly list any way raids are different to CM fractals or shattered/nightmare outside of scope & player count, I'd happily concede on this point.



Ins't scope the whole problem with raids to start with. But, to answer your question, last I looked, which was quite a while ago, raids, unlike fractals, had roles that needed to be filled, like Condi, Power, Tank, Healer, and things like Knockback abilities, etc, as a mandatory to complete the encounter, where fractals., again, last I looked.. do not have such needed roles to be filled.


I could be wrong, as it's been a while, but I don't think I read anywhere where they removed the special roles from raids, or added them to fractals.

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