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Can we get some communication finally?

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If the intention was to shake up the competitive scene so it could be balanced further, could you provide us with some kind of recognition that the outliers will be addressed? Players don’t need much time to figure out what’s strong and what’s pathetically weak, so why do we have to wait so long for someone to even acknowledge things need to be adjusted further?

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They are choosing to be a little patient and put some thought into what to do next instead of knee jerk dumpstering everything that seems to have a strong build. At least, I hope that's what they are doing....


Besides, the patch hasn't been out all that long. Next week something may pop up that's even stronger and shift things completely. There were a ton of changes after all.


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> They are choosing to be a little patient and put some thought into what to do next instead of knee jerk dumpstering everything that seems to have a strong build. At least, I hope that's what they are doing....


> Besides, the patch hasn't been out all that long. Next week something may pop up that's even stronger and shift things completely. There were a ton of changes after all.



While I don’t vehemently disagree, to even consider that they will “be a little patient” implies they ever actually acknowledged outliers in the first place. This is a HUGE patch that affects many many players, and if anything seems to be over performing, underperforming, buggy or just not functioning as intended, I would like to know if Anet has any intention of discussing these things with the community.


There are ALOT of posts about this patch, and zero responses.



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Anet: Balance will be chaotic after patch, but we'll be trying to get to this stuff fast.

Community: Can we get some communication on this?


If you know it about the issues and countless people are complaining, then Anet knows about them. ALl you're really asking for is them to say we know about them. I'll do it. They know about them.


They're figuring out how to fix them. Taking the time to type we know about them, helps pretty much no one.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Anet: Balance will be chaotic after patch, but we'll be trying to get to this stuff fast.

> Community: Can we get some communication on this?


> If you know it about the issues and countless people are complaining, then Anet knows about them. ALl you're really asking for is them to say we know about them. I'll do it. They know about them.


> They're figuring out how to fix them. Taking the time to type we know about them, helps pretty much no one.


Well I’m glad you are able to have blind faith, but Anets track records say otherwise.


This is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, has nothing to do with complaining. Has everything to do with being a competent company.


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> @"Shadow.1345" said:

> The patch has been out a week tomorrow. Chill the f out bro.


People just can't read. If they did they would of knew this was expected and that Anet said that they would begin to stamp out anything that is over performing with future patches.

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> @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > Anet: Balance will be chaotic after patch, but we'll be trying to get to this stuff fast.

> > Community: Can we get some communication on this?

> >

> > If you know it about the issues and countless people are complaining, then Anet knows about them. ALl you're really asking for is them to say we know about them. I'll do it. They know about them.

> >

> > They're figuring out how to fix them. Taking the time to type we know about them, helps pretty much no one.


> Well I’m glad you are able to have blind faith, but Anets track records say otherwise.


> This is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, has nothing to do with complaining. Has everything to do with being a competent company.



If you don't have faith in what Anet says, then how will them saying they know about stuff indicate they'll be able to fix that stuff? This has nothing to do with blind faith. This has to do with ANet saying something is going to happen and then people asking for them to reassure them something is going to happen. If you dont' trust them why would you trust them to fix it?

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > Anet: Balance will be chaotic after patch, but we'll be trying to get to this stuff fast.

> > > Community: Can we get some communication on this?

> > >

> > > If you know it about the issues and countless people are complaining, then Anet knows about them. ALl you're really asking for is them to say we know about them. I'll do it. They know about them.

> > >

> > > They're figuring out how to fix them. Taking the time to type we know about them, helps pretty much no one.

> >

> > Well I’m glad you are able to have blind faith, but Anets track records say otherwise.

> >

> > This is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, has nothing to do with complaining. Has everything to do with being a competent company.

> >


> If you don't have faith in what Anet says, then how will them saying they know about stuff indicate they'll be able to fix that stuff? This has nothing to do with blind faith. This has to do with ANet saying something is going to happen and then people asking for them to reassure them something is going to happen. If you dont' trust them why would you trust them to fix it?


Why are we defending corporations? They just want our money. Anet doesn’t get a free pass, they deserve critical observation, and as a consumer of their product, I have every right to ask. Nobody is complaining, I just wrote the post from the perspective that we haven’t ever gotten much communication, and if this huge revamp intends to change things, I would like to know.

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> @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > Anet: Balance will be chaotic after patch, but we'll be trying to get to this stuff fast.

> > > > Community: Can we get some communication on this?

> > > >

> > > > If you know it about the issues and countless people are complaining, then Anet knows about them. ALl you're really asking for is them to say we know about them. I'll do it. They know about them.

> > > >

> > > > They're figuring out how to fix them. Taking the time to type we know about them, helps pretty much no one.

> > >

> > > Well I’m glad you are able to have blind faith, but Anets track records say otherwise.

> > >

> > > This is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, has nothing to do with complaining. Has everything to do with being a competent company.

> > >

> >

> > If you don't have faith in what Anet says, then how will them saying they know about stuff indicate they'll be able to fix that stuff? This has nothing to do with blind faith. This has to do with ANet saying something is going to happen and then people asking for them to reassure them something is going to happen. If you dont' trust them why would you trust them to fix it?


> Why are we defending corporations? They just want our money. Anet doesn’t get a free pass, they deserve critical observation, and as a consumer of their product, I have every right to ask. Nobody is complaining, I just wrote the post from the perspective that we haven’t ever gotten much communication, and if this huge revamp intends to change things, I would like to know.


I'm not defending anyone. If you don't trust them, anything they say is going to be mistrusted and so asking them to say something is pointless. It's the simplest logic there is. I don't trust you, so tell me every single thing you're doling every step of the way so I can personally vet it. It's not going to happen. it's not realistic to expect it. At best, it just means if plans change, you can say they lied and then you have more reason to distrust. If plans don't change and they don't implment it gives more reason to distrust. I personally would rather not have pointless communication at this time. I'd rather give a company time to figure out how to proceed before they communicate. Maybe it's just me.

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I said blindly trust, and then referenced the past. Heres the thing, Anet has a horrid patch track record, and almost zero direct communication with their playerbase. How audacious do you think I’m being, if Cal and Ben BOTH said they wanted feedback?


The last few years, ANYTHING pvp related posted on the forums was effectively like shouting into the void, you should know this. How do I know thats not still the case?


And if you need evidence, look at my post history. Electro whirl reflect hasn’t worked in the pvp lobby for over two years, multiple people have posted about it (including me) with literally zero response, or acknowledgment.


How can I feel like anything has changed if they have put in zero effort to make me think otherwise? I promise you, many people feel the same way as I do.


But no, we have all these monkeys coming out of the woodworks defending Anet like they pay them!


Guys, businesses are for profit, consumers fuel businesses, so don’t you think it’s reasonable to ask for better communication? Thats because it is reasonable, what is unreasonable is asking for feedback without communicating that the feedback is being heard.

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> @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> I said blindly trust, and then referenced the past. Heres the thing, Anet has a horrid patch track record, and almost zero direct communication with their playerbase. How audacious do you think I’m being, if Cal and Ben BOTH said they wanted feedback?


> The last few years, ANYTHING pvp related posted on the forums was effectively like shouting into the void, you should know this. How do I know thats not still the case?


> And if you need evidence, look at my post history. Electro whirl reflect hasn’t worked in the pvp lobby for over two years, multiple people have posted about it (including me) with literally zero response, or acknowledgment.


> How can I feel like anything has changed if they have put in zero effort to make me think otherwise? I promise you, many people feel the same way as I do.


> But no, we have all these monkeys coming out of the woodworks defending Anet like they pay them!


> Guys, businesses are for profit, consumers fuel businesses, so don’t you think it’s reasonable to ask for better communication? Thats because it is reasonable, what is unreasonable is asking for feedback without communicating that the feedback is being heard.


They wanted feed back. Give them feedback. Asking for them to post something now won't give you any satisfaction because it wont' be fixed yet. The only thing that will eventually satisfy you is having it fixed. They're not going to give you a running report of everything they're doing period. It's not happening.

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Now you aren’t even reading my posts. Running report = confirmation of feedback?


Intentions of providing better customer service = fix everything?


Hmmmmm. I think what I said made too much sense for you to argue, that you made up something in your head to respond to me with.


Here I’ll simplify it for you : I have every right to ask for better communication, and Anet is in a very good position to give their communication a facelift. If they don’t, then that’s on their own incompetence.



I’m genuinely blown away at how low a bar this thread set for Anet. It’s almost as if some of these posters don’t understand how lack of communication is a form of incompetence, and disrespect to the consumer. Reverse woke out here.

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> @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> Why are we defending corporations? They just want our money. Anet doesn’t get a free pass, they deserve critical observation, and as a consumer of their product, I have every right to ask. Nobody is complaining, I just wrote the post from the perspective that we haven’t ever gotten much communication, and if this huge revamp intends to change things, I would like to know.


I agree, defending corporations is a fruitless endeavor. They're happy to staunch any tears your words might cause with the wads of cash players toss at their feet.


This isn't about them. This is about the little guys, the devs, the playtesters, the people who come in and work their daily 9 to 5 to put food on the table. These guys, frankly, recieve a lot of flack. Some of it is deserved, but in cases like these where they've already established that **this was an expected result that will be addressed**, it's worth pointing that out.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > Why are we defending corporations? They just want our money. Anet doesn’t get a free pass, they deserve critical observation, and as a consumer of their product, I have every right to ask. Nobody is complaining, I just wrote the post from the perspective that we haven’t ever gotten much communication, and if this huge revamp intends to change things, I would like to know.


> I agree, defending corporations is a fruitless endeavor. They're happy to staunch any tears your words might cause with the wads of cash players toss at their feet.


> This isn't about them. This is about the little guys, the devs, the playtesters, the people who come in and work their daily 9 to 5 to put food on the table. These guys, frankly, recieve a lot of flack. Some of it is deserved, but in cases like these where they've already established that **this was an expected result that will be addressed**, it's worth pointing that out.


And I have no quarrels with any single developer, but Anet themselves. How crazy am I to think this is a great opportunity for the company to give their community engagement a well needed facelift?


Am I supposed to have compassion for the person whos job that is? Cause anyone who’s ever worked retail will tell you thats not how it works.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> Communication is a 2 way street lads. Some do it right ( Path of Exile ) Most dont ( GW 2 ).

> P.S

> Out of boredom I went to mesmer subforum, scrolled down down down down down.

> Last time Dev posted there was in 2018.... communication btw :D


Bex is an incredible example of communication. Shes not exempt from harassment or bad comments, but she understands how the community operates and preservers.


If I recall, Anet did the total opposite when faced with adversity.

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> @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > @"Shadow.1345" said:

> > > @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > > > @"Shadow.1345" said:

> > > > > @"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:

> > > > > > @"Shadow.1345" said:

> > > > > > If you don't like how they run things then go make your own game, nerd.

> > > > >

> > > > > While you bend over like the coward you are.

> > > >

> > > > Ohhhh internet tough guy here.

> > >

> > >

> > > Says the goof who called me a nerd LOL

> >

> > Goi make your own (blank) nerd(s) is statement said often about all kinds of things.

> > >

> > > Defending a corporation is embarrassing, you should feel bad

> >

> > Again, if you don't like how they do things then move on. Nobody is keeping you here but yourself. That or go make your own game and show them how it is done. Chances are though, you work for a corporation and aren't even good at your job there. That is if you even have one.

> >

> >

> >


> I’m sorry dude but if you think me asking for better communication is grounds for you to start attacking me then you have to take a step back. I think its widely accepted we’ve been starved for communication, and it’s unfortunate this turned into a flame war, I apologize for being rude to you.


Apology accepted and I apologize for being rude to you too.

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> Communication is not too much to ask even if it takes them multiple weeks to push an actual patch. Anet has never been good about communicating with it’s players, especially not in regards to PvP.


They already said that they know stuff will be chaotic before they released the patch and they would make fixes to it. Try not to be so impatient. It's only been 6 days.

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> @"Shadow.1345" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > Communication is not too much to ask even if it takes them multiple weeks to push an actual patch. Anet has never been good about communicating with it’s players, especially not in regards to PvP.


> They already said that they know stuff will be chaotic before they released the patch and they would make fixes to it. Try not to be so impatient. It's only been 6 days.


That’s great, they 100% have the ability to share what they are working on to put the community at ease. Again, that is not too much to ask for.

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