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ArenaNet, Can you please undo the WvW Patch? That was more fun before


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Ed. I just realized that this was an old thread that had been necroed and I had already responded to it, haha. Oh well, I'll let this sit here anway :3 .


I'll give Kronan one thing though: They are surely taking their time with iterating upon condition balance. I would have assumed it to be polished by now.


Other than that I don't think my post in march contradicts this one in any way. Systemic balance is better, choices made impacts more. Class balance is more highlighted, not necessarily worse but certainly sees more attention (which doesn't have to be a bad thing if the obvious cracks get fixed in due time).


> @"Kronan.6712" said:

> - We cannot use the guild arena anymore, for training, or to test our builds, like the PvE and WvW have now very different gameplay.

You're right that the february patch mucked up the GH arena but I think you are confusing the years. It was the february 2017 patch that was the deathknell of the GH arena seeing any regular use B). I agree with the sentiment nevertheless. ArenaNet have mentioned that it is difficult for them to implement WvW physics in the GH arena. However, it is also rather ridiculous that they have not been able to come up with an equal or better alternative to GH in 5 years. It can not be beyond them to create some kind of space with WvW physics and some measure of instance ownership control to stave off griefing so players can run player-made tournaments and events again. This is clearly one of those things that are down to ArenaNet not caring about their own game and players enough. From any objective clean-slate point, creaing such an environment is not difficult, especially not one where demands are so low.


> - We are forced to use condi builds only to be efficient.

Hasn't this remark had so many holes poked in it already that it is looking like a sieve by now? There are still power builds out there who can take 50-75% of a typical HP pool (under combat conditions with might and vulnurability flaring up higher than protection there are even situations where significant damage like that is done to tanky builds like support tanks). That doesn't mean that the current patch doesn't have balance issues: It does. There are some condition builds or tank-relatives that are overpowered right now (Revs, Shadow forms etc.) and the changes to CC-damage also impacted smaller-scale balance and roaming class popularity quite alot, in a way that made small-scale roaming less diverse. However, power can still do suficient damage even at smaller scale, larger scale is arguably better balanced now (even if it is still range-dominated) and there are certainly things you could have said about smaller-scale balance before the patch too (eg., the patch may have hit classes like Warriors far more than classes like Thief and Thief was already dominant, but Warriors have also traditionally been part of a very dominant trio or quartet of classes for small-scale or roaming content and they are now more in line with alot of other things - helping shine a more clear light on the balance issues that remain).


> - The WvW is now "slow". The idea to be able to move faster on controlled territories was greate. Before the patch each factions was able to join the fights more quickly.

This difference between friendly and hostile territories that you mention also always came with balance issues, same as any change that may throw engagement balance PvP. When the Warclaw outpaced all builds on foot, it made larger groups even more powerful relative smaller groups and it was compounded by hometurf advantages that just deincentivized smaller groups from attacking things and creating content that way. It was simply bad for the mode, giving it less content.




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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> Anet, I used to gank people with my unbeatable thief, mirage and ele builds in under a second, now it takes me 3 seconds and they might actually expose my lack of skill on a zerg build, I hate this game.


Impressive that you can expose someone else's lack of skill by letting yourself die in a slightly longer amount of time I guess...


There are these things called build templates and equipment templates that you can use while running to the tag to temporarily play a solo oriented build. But learning to play a different way might be too hard...

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> Ed. I just realized that this was an old thread that had been necroed and I had already responded to it, haha. Oh well, I'll let this sit here anway :3 .


You are very welcome in this old thread Supervision, and that was very nice to read your interesting comments; Thank you.


> I'll give Kronan one thing though: They are surely taking their time with iterating upon condition balance. I would have assumed it to be polished by now.


Sadly, they do nothing on this point since February. In the European, small or large group only use condition for DPS. Necro, necro, necro, everywhere.


> You're right that the february patch mucked up the GH arena but I think you are confusing the years


Well yes and no. the Guild Areana do not follow the WvW physic from a while indeed. But it is even worst from the "Unbalanced Patch of Feburary, 2020". You simply cannot test anything related to direct damage now.


> Hasn't this remark had so many holes poked in it already that it is looking like a sieve by now? There are still power builds out there who can take 50-75% of a typical HP


Changing specs to improve the balance of the game is a good thing. All competitive online games do this. But the February patch completely erases gameplays that a lot of gamers enjoyed. Nobody in the gaming industry does that. All other games are just trying to be fair. The balances are done by small variations. No one in this industry changes weapon damage from 4000 to 20.


Imagine a game designer arriving in the morning with the following idea: "Hey, today we are going to try to frustrate as many players as possible". Who could accept such a stupid idea?


Imagine a game designer arriving in the morning with the following idea: "Hey, the most powerful attack of heavy weapons, like the hammer will now do infinitely less damage than the smaller attack of any light weapon." Who could accept such a stupid idea?


No one except Areanet.


It's not just stupid, it's also a huge disrespect for the community. The real community, including all players, experienced AND beginners.



> This difference between friendly and hostile territories that you mention also always came with balance issues, same as any change that may throw engagement balance


Yes I think you are right about the hometurf advantages.


Thanks again Subversion :)


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> nice patch. Very strange what someone unhappy, but make happy everyone not possible I think.


Hi Lare I hope you are well :) The day of the patch mostly 95% of my guild was sad. Same feeling for the complete server. So I think is it wrong to say "someone unhappy" when mostly all the players agree that the patch was a terrible idea.

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> @"Kronan.6712" said:

> The day of the patch mostly 95% of my guild was sad.

but what about other 5%? or 1%? we shoudl make tham happy sometimes too


>when mostly all the players agree that the patch was a terrible idea.

but may be it ok? we should eat few kg salt to make spoon of sugar from future more sweet.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Kronan.6712" said:

> > The day of the patch mostly 95% of my guild was sad.

> but what about other 5%? or 1%? we shoudl make tham happy sometimes too


> >when mostly all the players agree that the patch was a terrible idea.

> but may be it ok? we should eat few kg salt to make spoon of sugar from future more sweet.


Although ur English isnt great, google translate I'm sure, I will say u are one of the most positive posters on any forum I've ever seen lol I have never seen a negative post attached to ur name, no matter the complaint subject of the thread u are responding with some version of "it's ok, everything's fine" lol

It's like no matter how bad this game gets ur just happy to be able to play it.

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