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New Races - Stumbling blocks and solutions

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > > The only one i want is a machine "race". I think i have ever playd 2 games where you could play as a machine and yes, they had the problem of humanizing them, as always. I know why they do it but would be nice if someone would do something original for a change.

> > >

> > > Asura in golem body like Blish race ? :D

> > >

> > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > > > > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > > > > > I want Vampires.

> > > > >

> > > > > They're not intelligent enough to be playable. They don't wear clothes !

> > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/33/Vampire_Beast.jpg

> > > >

> > > > That does solve the problems of having to voice them and the need to adjust armour to fit them...

> > > >

> > > > Kasmeer: Commander, Joko has attacked Almoon!

> > > > Commander: Grawarrr

> > > > Kasmeer: Yes Commander, I'll meet you there.

> > >

> > > I laughed !

> >

> > That would be more like a cyborg Asura than an actual machine but i guess i will take what i can get.


> A golem with a nicer shape than the big chunk ones you see in Rata Sum ?


Would depend, would they like for you to wear armor or get some upgrades for your new body. I don't really care, as long as i could get something. Too rare in games to be able to play a machine.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > > I want Vampires.

> >

> > They're not intelligent enough to be playable. They don't wear clothes !

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/3/33/Vampire_Beast.jpg


> Not that kind.

> I was thinking along the lines of Dracula from van hellsing or the ones in the movie blade.



There's no such thing.

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I want to point out one thing, regarding story:


The Pact Commander was only one Commander in the entire Pact, so you can eliminate the entire Personal Story except the parts with Destiny's Edge (mostly dungeons and a few story instances) and some of the Orr campaign parts and it'll still be Lore-accurate with the rest of the story, because almost nowhere in the entire story from Orr and onward is the Commander's race talked about, their order, or their former allies (Warband, etc.) and stuff like that, so you wouldn't even need to have a storyline to join an Order or anything.


(I think the one exception is the NPC that appears in Hearts and Minds, and gets referenced a few times before that.)


Pact Commander: Abridged Edition

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I want to point out one thing, regarding story:


> The Pact Commander was only one Commander in the entire Pact, so you can eliminate the entire Personal Story except the parts with Destiny's Edge (mostly dungeons and a few story instances) and some of the Orr campaign parts and it'll still be Lore-accurate with the rest of the story, because almost nowhere in the entire story from Orr and onward is the Commander's race talked about, their order, or their former allies (Warband, etc.) and stuff like that, so you wouldn't even need to have a storyline to join an Order or anything.


> (I think the one exception is the NPC that appears in Hearts and Minds, and gets referenced a few times before that.)


> Pact Commander: Abridged Edition


That's the thing in the "chosen hero" stories. Maybe wasn't chosen yet in the pact but it would work just as well for being aurenes pet. The commander didn't have what it takes? Then aurene just chooses the next mook to do the prophecy garbage. Of course you won't fail, it's been predetermined, you can't fail because it's your destiny/fate. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy this kind of crap. You don't do it because you choose to, you do it because you were chosen. If it wasn't you, then any other mook would do just as well, puppets don't need to think. Off topic but whatever... just want anet to know their story sucks. At least it can't get any worse.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Vampires aren't really a race, though, are they? Isn't vampirism more of a disease? I mean, vampires make other vampires, they aren't born that way, right?


According to lore, Dracula was made... who then started converting others into vampires.

I wouldn't call it a disease. It's more like mutation.

But our vampire race doesn't have to be so generic. There could be a background story to it.

I think it's easier and cheaper to come up with a story than an entire branch of new armour.

Vampires are already human like, so most of the armour would suit them just fine.

I know a lot of people are asking for tengu, but if our devs are working on them, it must be taking a tremendous amount of work.

From poligons and wireframe to animations, to textures.


As much as I like the tengu... and believe me, I do!

I personally would find more interesting a playable vampire race that perhaps could have come from vizier Kilhbron (The Lich) for instance.

But again, it's just my preference.


Imho, I don't think vampires have any business in GW, and certainly not a priority over Tengu or already existing races.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What if a new feature of the next expansion includes new races. Specifically sub-races. These sub races do not have a personal story, but are customizable as a side-kick if you will, that can be switched to use instead of your main character. Either they could make it so it has the same build as your character, or if they could pull it off, make it so you can choose a different profession for them. They would be accessible outside of battle. They could have story instances where they are required or optional, etc. of course this does bring up a question of equipment, but perhaps they have their own equipment tabs to gear themselves up. Could be interesting. Think of being allowed to swap to a different race/profession setup outside of battle. Could make story, raids, and wvw a lot more interesting.

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> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> What if a new feature of the next expansion includes new races. Specifically sub-races. These sub races do not have a personal story, but are customizable as a side-kick if you will, that can be switched to use instead of your main character. Either they could make it so it has the same build as your character, or if they could pull it off, make it so you can choose a different profession for them. They would be accessible outside of battle. They could have story instances where they are required or optional, etc. of course this does bring up a question of equipment, but perhaps they have their own equipment tabs to gear themselves up. Could be interesting. Think of being allowed to swap to a different race/profession setup outside of battle. Could make story, raids, and wvw a lot more interesting.


I like this... you proposed a very interesting concept.

A very good alternative to heroes.

Since Heroes would be a difficult thing to add in open world, mostly due to lag issues, then they could be used in private instances; and use your concept to switch character in open world on a key press.


Of course a cooling time would have to be applied, just like ranger pets.

Also if one of the characters is downed, you'd be forced to switch and a skill would pop up to revive it.


Again, I really like this concept, and it would be really awesome to be able to do that.


However, I don't think that is something that ANet would ever consider doing in open world.

Perhaps on instanced missions... maybe?


It would be interesting to use tengu as a side kick for certain missions, or have them assist us, rather than being a full playable race.


I know this is nit picking, but I just can't see the tengu underwater.


Also, there is the fact that as story progresses, you'd be further in the future, so how do you intergrate the tengu storyline all the way back to personal story?

Not impossible, but highly unlikely.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> > What if a new feature of the next expansion includes new races. Specifically sub-races. These sub races do not have a personal story, but are customizable as a side-kick if you will, that can be switched to use instead of your main character. Either they could make it so it has the same build as your character, or if they could pull it off, make it so you can choose a different profession for them. They would be accessible outside of battle. They could have story instances where they are required or optional, etc. of course this does bring up a question of equipment, but perhaps they have their own equipment tabs to gear themselves up. Could be interesting. Think of being allowed to swap to a different race/profession setup outside of battle. Could make story, raids, and wvw a lot more interesting.


> I like this... you proposed a very interesting concept.

> A very good alternative to heroes.

> Since Heroes would be a difficult thing to add in open world, mostly due to lag issues, then they could be used in private instances; and use your concept to switch character in open world on a key press.


> Of course a cooling time would have to be applied, just like ranger pets.

> Also if one of the characters is downed, you'd be forced to switch and a skill would pop up to revive it.


> Again, I really like this concept, and it would be really awesome to be able to do that.


> However, I don't think that is something that ANet would ever consider doing in open world.

> Perhaps on instanced missions... maybe?


> It would be interesting to use tengu as a side kick for certain missions, or have them assist us, rather than being a full playable race.


> I know this is nit picking, but I just can't see the tengu underwater.


> Also, there is the fact that as story progresses, you'd be further in the future, so how do you intergrate the tengu storyline all the way back to personal story?

> Not impossible, but highly unlikely.


I just feel that a new expansion has to have something huge that will give people the need to buy it. This could be that something. HoT had gliding and new professions and stuff, PoF had mounts. This could bring something fresh to the game.


The sidekick could end up becoming a member of Dragon’s watch, and as far as story goes, either you choose to go on a mission or him. He could be inaccessible during certain story dialogue parts, and then playable afterwards. The greatest part would be swapping to a different character or profession based on the situation. Could bring some fun customization to the table.


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Honestly I think people are overestimating the workload for the wardrobe, tengu, kodan, largos, and I think even dwarves all use existing race skeletons. The main races people would want added anyway. And for voice acting they could add more actors moving forward but as for old content, the text bubbles come up but no dialogue is spoken, like how no quarter is currently.

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