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Server disconnect in cut scenes at PS instance ends

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Anyone else seeing disconnects at the very end of instances?


I have quite a number of alts, not all of whom have completed their PS, and i've been slowly working my way through them correcting that. And I'm hitting a problem, in that, maybe one story in three, I get to the very end of the instance, the final cut scene ends, and... ..connection lost. The cut scene ends and the instance is redisplayed, but my character is standing there with the "movie reel" graphic over their head, and I can't do anything. Shortly after, I get the actual "connection lost" message. When I come back in, I've lost credit for any instance progress, so it's start again or give up. (I've never actually done this yet in an instance that has checkpoints, so I don't know what will happen for sure. I presume I'll find myself back at my last checkpoint, rather than lose full credit.)


It's a mild annoyance in short instances; I can just go back and do them again, and so far I've been lucky enough not to have it happen twice in a row.


BUT. I'm reluctant to throw characters into longer, older stories without obvious checkpoints (such as the final one of the original PS), simply because of the obvious time investment I'd lose in the event of it happening.


Personally i've only noticed it hapening for the last couple of weeks. Nor Am I seeing it in other cutscenes within the instance. And I'm not getting other, random disconnects, either - just at the end of my PS. Although I AM getting an unusually high number of BLTC-type "unable to connect to the login server at this time" messages.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can read through the 'official' Dev-posted 'Storyline Disconnects' thread for tips and tricks.


> Good luck.


Hadn't spotted that thread. Thanks. There're a number of people with Virgin Media (which I moved to around the time this seemed to start) reporting similar problems, and a possible fix, so I'm going to give it a go. (For anyone who reads this thread and sees this, [the relevant posts in that thread start on page 8.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28354/storyline-disconnects-merged/p8) Look for DannyBoy's post on October 18.)

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I'm in the UK with VM too and the same thing happens to me. I haven't tried the IP Flood Detection toggle so I will give that a shot.


What definitely works is placing your PC's local IP (192.168.0.x) into the VM Hub's DMZ and enabling the DMZ, which is not ideal and for most users should only be done in the short term.

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> @"dace.8019" said:

> I'm in the UK with VM too and the same thing happens to me. I haven't tried the IP Flood Detection toggle so I will give that a shot.


> What definitely works is placing your PC's local IP (192.168.0.x) into the VM Hub's DMZ and enabling the DMZ, which is not ideal and for most users should only be done in the short term.


Indeed. Can't see me doing that on my main machine. I spend most of my config time trying to make myself utterly invisible to the wider internet, not freely accessible.


Out of interest, do you also see sync problems in open world? For the last few days I've been seeing the classic problem of mobs suddenly not being where my client was showing them. And when I grouped with a couple of friends last night, on several occasions (specifically after we changed zones) they weren't initially seeing my character in the correct location (as seen by my client). Unfortunately that's with flood detection toggled, so - whilst I haven't yet seen the end-of-instance disconnect again - that clearly isn't the fix for all my problems (or sole fix, at any rate).

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I have never seen that. When I play with friends our character states always seem to be consistent. Sorry, but that might be something else. Sounds like latency spikes, or possibly minor packet loss.


On the IP flood detection: played with it disabled and the disconnections in story instances have stopped.

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