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72 Hours For Gem Delivery

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So, when I've bought gems in the past, directly, they are always added to my account immediately.


Why then, do the 4,000 gems from the Ultimate Edition of Path of Fire take 72 hours. **Not** "up to 72 hours"... 72 hours, period. It's closing in on that mark for me and still no gems, there are multiple forum posts across different sites that all state it took them a minimum of 72 hours to get, and a support ticket I just got specified it takes 72 hours.


Why then, the deceptive "may take up to 72 hours" message plastered all over the sales description, when you **will not** get them for 72 hours, minimum.


And I still have no response as to why a direct order of gems results in instant delivery but not when buying the expansion. Did I have to wait 72 hours to play the game?


Support team also ignored my question if I could downgrade to the standard edition of Path of Fire, but that's par for the course I guess.

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This topic has been discussed many many many..........time both here and in the old forums. It has been explained and why they have this policy and have had for quite a while. In fact you gems may take even longer. Goggle search and you will have all the answers without rehashing them again and again. Buying the game and with gems is different from buying gems in game.

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I'll actually give the reason.


Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


So ANet decided to make it so that the payment had to fully process through the system before the gems were delivered.


And to not have a repeat of last time, they kept the same process of waiting for the payment to fully go through for Path of Fire.


It's a case of the few ruining it for the many.


As to the ignoring, it could just be that they haven't gotten to your ticket yet. They've been swamped with tickets.

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> @Seera.5916 said:

> I'll actually give the reason.


> Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


Thank you for the actual reason. However, I'm still failing to see how this would be different from purchasing gems by themselves.

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> @Blude.6812 said:

> This topic has been discussed many many many..........time both here and in the old forums. It has been explained and why they have this policy and have had for quite a while. In fact you gems may take even longer. Goggle search and you will have all the answers without rehashing them again and again. Buying the game and with gems is different from buying gems in game.


I love when people say "google it" when they themselves don't even give the search terms to use. I did search, for official responses, and got none. Try not to be **that guy**.


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> @avohec.9143 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > I'll actually give the reason.

> >

> > Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


> Thank you for the actual reason. However, I'm still failing to see how this would be different from purchasing gems by themselves.


Because the amount of fraud involved, the amount of dollars/pounds/euros, and the difficulty in reversing a gem purchase rather than an account wide upgrade.


This is also one of those situations in which we can't reasonably expect to be told all or even most of the reasons, other than that ANet has had to change policies more than once to deal with stolen credit cards or accounts. I don't expect any of us to like having to wait, but I do hope that folks like the OP can accept that this sort of inconvenience is going to happen more and more often.

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> @avohec.9143 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > I'll actually give the reason.

> >

> > Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


> Thank you for the actual reason. However, I'm still failing to see how this would be different from purchasing gems by themselves.


For any fraud prevention they have to run the benefits of it vs the cons.


Chances are the cons of having a delay for gem only purchases outweighs the benefits. If you think about it, legit purchasers are more likely to be buying gems only than buying the Ultimate package of an Expansion pack.

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> @avohec.9143 said:

> > @Seera.5916 said:

> > I'll actually give the reason.

> >

> > Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


> Thank you for the actual reason. However, I'm still failing to see how this would be different from purchasing gems by themselves.


Don't forget: the account will be terminated once the fraud is detected. It would be easier to create a new account that came with a goodly amount of Gems than to compromise an account in good standing, and use it to purchase Gems.

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  • 5 months later...

> @"Kain.7629" said:

> thank you for posting this. It was the first hit when i googled it lol so "try googling it" wasn't the best.



Well, back at the time of the suggestion to 'use Google', the old forums were still available, and many posts/information could be gleaned from them. Now, of course, the Google links are either gone, or don't point to the archived old forums. Pity, that.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you to the person who actually answered this question without being a tool. This helped me a lot. I will say, that while I understand their reasoning behind waiting 72 hours, I wish they stated that it would take 72 hours right in the product description before purchasing (if they did, then I missed it). Also, if fraud is such a problem, then maybe they shouldn't offer the gems with the ultimate edition. Most people, purchase the gems so they can enjoy it right when they purchase the expansion. If I had known it was a 72 hour wait, I would have just bought the standard version and then purchased the gems separately.

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