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10th class idea


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I like even numbers, 9 classes seems like a lot, but really to me seems incomplete.

I know since there's elite specialization, they don't really need to add another class, and it would just cause a lot more headache **BUT for fun and discussion sake**, i had an idea for the 10th class.


Problem with what we got is what right now is we have an equal amount of armour classes, 3 scholars, 3 Adventurers and 3 soldiers. Adding one type would mean you would might as well add 2 more so it would be like 4 of each, and highly doubt that would ever be a thing.


My idea is inspired by the scion class in Path of Exile,

For those not familiar with it, PoE has 7 character classes that share a giant passive skill tree. Each class has a different start point on said tree, which is broken down to the game main stats (strength, dexterity, and intelligents). 3 classes focus purely in one stat line (starting at a location that mainly focuses on that), 3 classes share 2 stat lines and the 7th class the scion share all 3 in the middle. Now any class can build in anyway they want provide they have the necessary amount of limited skill points, but the point is that the scion can fill any role on her own with varying success.


Which brings me back to GW2, the 10th class (calling it X for now) would be this class type. A Class that could not only wear all 3 armour type at anypoint, but could swap armours in combat like a warrior swaps weapons (F skills).

How that works is that in your equipment menu, X would have 2 more armour slots, and players could put 2 more full set of armour in those slots. First slot you can put in any single armour type, and the other slots would be for the other 2 armour types each.

Now for the poor people or those that don't want to out-fit this profession with 3 full set of ascended gear with all the bells and whistles, if you put one set in the first spot the game will create the other armour type in the other slot with the same stats (beserkers) and rune in the other slots. the look of the other two would be the other armour types for the same set, T3 human, CoF etc


Or for those min maxer, they can put armours types with different stats ( vipers, minstrel) and rune for there builds.

Plus it would be a fashion war person dream/nightmare.


How weapon skills would work would be like the elementalist. Swapping armour sets would swap weapon skills, but keeping the same weapon and working like a normal weapon swap for sigils effects. An actual weapon swap is up for debate.


Other than that, not much to say about it, general concept. Realize this would be a lot of work and might not be a thing but whatever.



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we don't need any more classes 3 per armor type is plenty Also Anet has had problems in the past with add on classes The Rev, is in a bad place and in GW1 The assassin and Rit bounced from being too over powered to Nerfed to oblivion repeatedly Than the nightfall professions the Paragone (From the game) was removed from play very quickly save for a PvE build that required pve only warrior skills the Dervish Started out Over powered Was slapped to oblivion than later buffed to the point that it removed other melee classes from the meta game (the dervish still sits in this spot) SO adding any more classes is a very bad idea

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Adding on to dusanyu's comment a bit as I agree with the majority of what he's said (only skimmed over it.) There really wouldn't be overly much point in being able to swap armour as there's no reason to not go heavy. It's not like other games where heavy may be worse against magic damage or some such... in gw2 heavy is just flat out better. As you say there's the fashion wars aspect of it, but that's really not a great foundation for a whole new class imo

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I understand how gw1 expac classes were treated and seeing the rev follow the same root. Again only for the sack of discussion.


As for the fact that most people would stay heavy would be a balancing issue.

You can easily give the light and medium better version of skills than heavy, more damage, utility, swapping out range or melee options within one weapon.

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> @TwiceDead.1963 said:

> > @"Goyim God.6873" said:

> > Let's make music man class


> Bard? Hell yeah! I'll finally have a reason to run into combat with my harp/trumpet/bass-guitar/flute/lute/younameit.


You know they are just going to toss that onto a Mesmer and call it a day

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I'm not sure the op really get what the scion is in PoE...


The point of the scion is that it's a character that can become anything. A warrior, a spell caster or a silent assassin. it's not a matter of armor or anything. It's a matter of sheer versatility. In GW2, reaching such a thing at this point is somehow difficult but in reality, that's exactly what's the revenant is meant to be: someone that absorb the energy of some specialist and become a specialist in this field. You can become a PoE auramancer by using glint's energy, you can become a PoE trickster by absorbing shiro's energy, you can become a PoE occultist by absorbing mallyx energy, you can become a PoE chieftain or hierophant by absorbing kalla's magic... etc.


Beside in GW2 armors are mainly cosmetics. Put a zerk heavy armor and you won't have more survivability than if you had put a zerk cloth armor.

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How about a vagabond class. It can equip any weapon & any armour. It'll be the starter class everyone starts with before they pick a profession after actually understanding how to play the game.


It's special quirk would be being able to fight with fists (no weapons equipped). Like monks from JRPGS.


It's utilities and traits lines will give access to weaker versions of utilities and traits from the 9 classes.


Nahhhh, I like the classes as they are.

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a 10th class? Really? Well it's not like revenant still a beta class and the balance between the class is not perfect at all after all...


> @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

> Monks.


Actually i would be very hyped for a pure support Monk Elite spec for guardians. I wait for this since the release of gw2.


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> @Korvous.6340 said:

> Adding on to dusanyu's comment a bit as I agree with the majority of what he's said (only skimmed over it.) There really wouldn't be overly much point in being able to swap armour as there's no reason to not go heavy. It's not like other games where heavy may be worse against magic damage or some such... in gw2 heavy is just flat out better. As you say there's the fashion wars aspect of it, but that's really not a great foundation for a whole new class imo


What could be done is made it so that wearing heavy armor makes you hit harder but makes you slower. Light would be you wouldnt hit as hard but you would be faster and medium would be a balanced mix. Of course this wont ever happen, but its still good to dream.

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Profession* not class ( it's even in the name of this forum).


But seriously - There is no need for 10th, Elite specs can fill basically every gap given time, There is the Mesmer with the Chronomancer, even though in GW1 there wa smesmer and the IDEA of chronomancer for utopia

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> @gannondorf.7628 said:

> > @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

> > Monks.


> Actually i would be very hyped for a pure support Monk Elite spec for guardians. I wait for this since the release of gw2.


I think 1 traitline is too little for a monk class. Divine Favor would be the elite :p But honestly, a monk profession with some dervish traits for more uses than "just" healing would be really cool :D Also, I miss scythes.


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I'd really like a class that are purely pet related, but not like ranger.


- 3 type of pet, attacker, support, and healer (or maybe more)

- The character itself doesn't have any skill

- The character able to switch between 3 type of pet and use the pet skill

- Pet can be geared with armor

- Pet have it's own skill trait


This is unlikely to be implemented, just sharing my thoughts. ;)

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> @dusanyu.4057 said:

> we don't need any more classes 3 per armor type is plenty Also Anet has had problems in the past with add on classes The Rev, is in a bad place and in GW1 The assassin and Rit bounced from being too over powered to Nerfed to oblivion repeatedly Than the nightfall professions the Paragone (From the game) was removed from play very quickly save for a PvE build that required pve only warrior skills the Dervish Started out Over powered Was slapped to oblivion than later buffed to the point that it removed other melee classes from the meta game (the dervish still sits in this spot) SO adding any more classes is a very bad idea


Man I miss my dervish

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  • 2 years later...

Well clearly the 10th profession should be a combination of all 3 classes, being bit by bit of a scholar, adventurer and a soldier altogether the world's end! They could even wield all armour classes, mixing inbetween them ehehehe--And needles on threads to say, their skills would be combos of major three elements or whatever i'll label them from hereon as 1. defence&health 2. attack&stenght 3. magic&ranged 4. lawlcakes just a jest okso and the other seemingly logical aspect could be the effects lenghts, like how diff classes maintain either the bunch of conditions by default, or bunch of boons, or for a third uhhhh whatever would that bee in a hive i'll leavbe as something for outsiders to pick on and i've ought to carry on my carrots elsewhere now buh bye~

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