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[Spoilers] second time i really hate devs decision in my favorite game

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> It would still be considerate to add a spoiler tag to your thread title. What's the harm? /shrug


unfortunately forum rules do not let me edit my original post title, content or anything else, i would have done it long ago, to get ride of the "smart" ones who like only to create arguments from everything around them :(

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:


> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > It would still be considerate to add a spoiler tag to your thread title. What's the harm? /shrug


> unfortunately forum rules do not let me edit my original post title, content or anything else, i would have done it long ago, to get ride of the "smart" ones who like only to create arguments from everything around them :(


Ah, you don't yet have enough stars.

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I'm not sure what the issue is exactly. You can't do in-game flashback episodes in an MMO the same way you can in TV. The player character is not omniscient and could not have seen a number of things thus it makes sense to change the player character to be an NPC or nameless grunt. There's multiple fractals that do this, the Caithe missions of LW2, and the new Forging Steel mission off the top of my head. GW2 is also not the only game—let alone MMO—that has done this. And then there's the end of HoT where story-wise you are battling Mordy in their mind, but open world-wise you are fighting their body. Sometimes you need to suspend your disbelief or recognize the character you're playing at the moment isn't your personal avatar in the game world.


This is also far more preferable to some of the things that the player character has had to do in stories. One of the most glaring ones is playing a charr and being forced to join The Shining Blade. That was bad for all non-human races, but it was especially egregious for charr players. I'll take playing a different character and doing something bad over having my character do something that they would not do, would not be allowed to do, ignoring all previously established lore in the process.


And with Darkrime Delves in particular, it develops characters that haven't had much contact with the player character and who were extremely guarded around the player character. You can be sure none of the banter would have happened (thus none of the development) if any other character was around, and the ending would have been far different. Playing through a flashback also makes the whole thing more engaging and emotional than reading about it or being told about it would, which is a common complaint people have had with GW2's writing—people want to see stuff, not be told about it at a later date.


You may personally not like it, but it is a legit writing and development choice given the medium.

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I don't like to play the bad guys, and usually refuse to do so. There have been whole games I've avoided because you play as the "bad" or "evil" guys.













I thought that the "bad" charr would just be fighting Icebrood and Svanir, so it wouldn't be too bad. But even still, (the player's avatar) Ryland didn't kill Almora - Bangar did. We learn that Ryland was misguided, and sincerely regretted Almorra's death. This may even lead to a turning point for him, where he stops blindly following Bangar and starts thinking for himself.

(edit - spelling)

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:

> Yeah, unfortunately it is not what I was expecting. ( I know it s a boost these days of many bad players who enjoy being elitists for no reason and play "smart" = rude and killing others game time ... ) Since I was quite clear it's no point of telling me i should deal with it or "leave it" and other kinda rude replies, else then what I really was looking for: people who are kind and do care enough to play the nice side, not the bad kitten side of characters and are really troubled by the design of this part of the update.


I have a question for you...when you found Almorra's grave in the first episode did you not wonder who killed her? This is the devs way of letting you find out, it's a memory of the past, it's not your character doing anything bad at all. I think you're looking at it with blinders on and not seeing it for what it is, exposing the truth behind the death of Almorra. Honestly though, you're still playing the nice side, you didn't kill her, Bangar did, you just stood there and watched him deal the final blow...something I've seen plenty of nice characters do in games.

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> @"SunCat.7839" said:


> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > It would still be considerate to add a spoiler tag to your thread title. What's the harm? /shrug


> unfortunately forum rules do not let me edit my original post title, content or anything else, i would have done it long ago, to get ride of the "smart" ones who like only to create arguments from everything around them :(


It's a pity the moderating is done by bot here. You could have asked one of them to do it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> And one of them _did_ do it.


> A bit off-topic: I saw a post moderated by the person who created it with only one star (in the Bugs sub-forum). I'm not sure 'stars' is the defining part of being able to edit.


I'm not sure if it was changed, but early on it was only possible to edit your post within a few minutes of creating it (10 minutes I think) and Gaile told us permanent editing would be unlocked once you'd posted enough to increase your forum 'rank'. I know a lot of people asked for that to be changed but I'm not sure if it was changed or not.


OP - You're right that the information is available elsewhere on the internet, but in general that's in places where you have to go looking for it. If you decide to go and read about the latest episode on the Wiki before playing it then yes, you should expect spoilers. But based on the title your topic could have been about literally anything in the game (my first guess was it's about the recent balance changes) so it's entirely possible some people would click on it not knowing it's about a key plot point in the latest episode and wouldn't realise that until they've already read the spoiler. That's why it's helpful to have a tag so everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to read spoilers.


Also whilst I understand the frustration I agree with the people saying it's not your character doing it. Had this been any other story-telling medium the player character would have been a passive observer - sitting in a trance watching what Ryland did like it was a dream or a movie. But in video games players expect to be, well, playing. Cut scenes are one thing but I can't imagine a release which mostly involves sitting watching an extended flash-back scene would have been well received, so they gave you a more active role. But it's still a vision of something which happened in the past and which you have no control over. Your character might have been seeing it through Ryland's eyes, but they could not change what happened.

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/shrug I like Almorra and I like Bangar. Well know Ryland kinda feels like he was indoctrinated, and wasn't for killing Almorra, through, Bangar killing her? I thought he had esteem for her. He's a tactician, kinda dumb from him to turn a whole order against him. Would have preferred him as ally, but well, they needed a bad guy...

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I enjoyed the fight very much, really was a fun little skirmish. Though I really don't care about almora too much as Im not the fondest of the charr at this stage; I will say I play the bad guy in most games I play so I see it through a darker view. I will say Im happy they gave us closure as to what happened, her relationship with bangar and how this all ties together.


It also showcases that ryland is beginning to turn on bangar...

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I hate to be the smart a** geek of the group, but technically it wasn't "you" who killed almorra.

Meaning, not your character, to be precise... YOU were just seeing a memory of somebody else (Ryland).

Playing the part in somebody else's "shoes".

I think it was intentionally done that way, so you don't feel so bad.


Furthermore, if it serves of consolation, she did attack you (Ryland) first without hesitation.

She meant to kill "you".


But as others said, if you felt remorse, then the devs done it right.


To me personally it made no difference whatsoever.

It did came as a surprise back in bjora marches, when the team firt found her in the cave, but hey... after so many have fallen to the dragons already, you should be used to it by now.


I think trehern's demise was the most disturbing in my opinion... and I mean really disturbing.

Trust me, I played most of Silent Hill games, and I'm not easily disturbed by videogames... just proves my point.

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