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[Suggestions] Color Blind Option/Filter


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Okay I would not doubt that this has been brought up before, idk how much work it would take on the dev's part to set something like this up, but a color blind option or filter for the game would be _awesome_ . I know it's a bit of a rare case but even those of us who are only partially color blind or have what I like to call color distortion, can have issues. GW2 is a beautiful game and I'd hate to always take away from the color palette of it, but I think the best example I can provide is red/orange filled circles and bosses like Vale Guardian. In the case of the filled circles, such as flux bomb, they can blend in with the floor especially if there's a lot of other ally or your own attacks going on, or in my case where colors that are more vibrant (especially reds, oranges, blues, greens and purples) are out of place from where they actually normally would be, it's something with some trial and error I can learn where it was actually SUPPOSED to spawn verses were I see it, then a fellow guild member of mine who has partial color blindness rather than the weird distortion I have actually struggles to play classes like mesmer and ele because the circles and colors just sort of blend together into the ground. VG I feel is another good example because certain attack prompts he has with how vibrant he and the floors and... everything is (beautiful really) it can actually make it extremely difficult to see his attacks, when to move etc, etc due to the distortion making him and the floors be literally all over the place, can't imagine what that looks like to totally colorblind people.

Just a suggestion, I know there's more people out there than me with the color distortion thing and probably even more with partial to full color blindness. Thoughts?

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As a colorblind player myself, I'm supportive to making things clearer as long as it doesn't take away from the beauty of the game. Honestly, I've gotten so used to how I see games, I can't imagine how it looks if the colors were "right"? For the most part to me, the color choices are fine but somethings like spell effects to indeed blend together making it difficult to differentiate (unless I sacrifice a few settings to take away some beauty). As for skills, I solely play Engi so I can't really speak on how skill effects on other classes are.


There are somethings that take some time to get adapted to (which I have). This game does a good job with the colors they use (plus the little things they do for ally v enemy circles like thinner/finer lines).


I think the most problematic after all these years was Mursaat Overseer and the end of Chaos Isles Fractal (both with the floor indicators) when I tend to completely not see when somethings coming...though, like I said, I've adapted to overtime from other "tells".

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I'm not colour blind myself but I'd absolutely support this. IMO all games should have a colour blind mode (or ideally a few different options) because it's really not that rare, a lot of people would benefit from it.


Even if you're not colour blind there can be certain situations where it's hard to see what's going on, like red circles on a reddish patterned floor, and having the option to change it would be extremely helpful.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I'm not colour blind myself but I'd absolutely support this. IMO all games should have a colour blind mode (or ideally a few different options) because it's really not that rare, a lot of people would benefit from it.


> Even if you're not colour blind there can be certain situations where it's hard to see what's going on, like red circles on a reddish patterned floor, and having the option to change it would be extremely helpful.


Same \o

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  • 4 months later...

I have a mild form of red-green colorblindness. I didn't think it was that bad until I was telling people how ugly, muddy, and unplayable Grim Dawn was and they thought I was crazy. I used one of their available colorblindness filters and it was like a revelation. Things were suddenly distinct and props and mobs popped instead of blended.

What I'm saying is, you don't really know how much your color-blindness takes away from your enjoyment until you have a tool to compensate for it.

I'd love to see at least a filter for the most common type of colorblindness: deuteranomaly.



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  • 9 months later...

I've got red/green color blindness, and learned to live with it in game (focussing on movement instead of color, memorizing where events take place, simply asking people about difficult color related stuff etc). Still, sometimes it's a pain in the ass. Today I was in gendarran fields, looking for random spawning awakened events. Events are usually red markers. It's not hard on the green fields (dark vs light works well, even though it's red/green), but the hard one was red on brown, which were both dark! Even looking for movement of the event markers was pretty hard.


I think the most win can be made with event markers on the map. When applying a color blind filter, they might become red with white brim, so no matter what type of color-blindness you've got, and what the background color is, it's always light/dark contrasted, which should be visible for everyone!

The next big improvement would be the red AoE circles on the ground. Especially those that are very thin outlined (like traps in guild race events or certain mini-dungeons). These are nearly impossible to spot for color-blind people, making these events only possible to finish when following another person's footsteps! :)


I think if ArenaNet would start with a filter for a few important things, like those described above, that would be a great start! I understand that it's not possible to have color-blind support 100%, takes a lot of time and effort for little advantage (I'd say 10% of all men isn't that low, but I don't make the calls :p). But small steps are really appreciated!



I've got to say that the big red-filled AoE ground markers since HoT are REALLY helpful! This makes evading attacks so much easier!

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Color blind filters can be selected in the graphics suite that was installed with your video card drivers. It makes more sense to do it that way since your color blindness is going to apply to every image you look at, as opposed to expecting every game to spend development resources implementing their own color blindness options. If you don't find the driver options to be suitable for you, you should provide feedback to the vendor on their forums.

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