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not recieving zone completion rewards

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I logged in today and figured I would do some zone completions on my Ele. I saw that I only needed 1 poi in lions arch and so I headed there and got the poi and got no reward.

Thinking that was odd I then went to Kessex Hills and got the 2 pois I needed to finish that zone and again got no reward.

Bewildered, i then headed to Gendarren Fields to get the 1 poi i needed there and once again, no reward.


What has happened? Do we not get rewards for map zone completions anymore? My Ele is my oldest Toon maybe shes bugged cause I waited so long to start completing zones? I made her near when the game launched.

I want to continue doing map completion but if i am not getting rewards then there's no point.

And if i have to come here and ask for my items every time i fin a map that's not good either.

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You say you are doing this on your oldest character. Is it possible that you have already completed these maps in the past? Many of the core maps received completion objectives during the game's life that weren't there at launch. Lion's Arch got a total makeover, for example. If this happened on map you completed before, completion would show less than 100% but doing the missing POIs and whatnot would not grant you more rewards, since you already got them when you originally completed the map. I think all three maps you mentioned has such POIs.

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