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Next Festival anticipated and prolonged...

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Why doesn't Arena Net anticipate the Super Adventure Festival? Since much of the world is being quarantined, I think that would be a perfect plan to keep players busy and inside their homes. Anet could not only anticipate the festival, but also extend its duration in the game. #Takecare #washyourhands #CoronaVirus #FromBrazil

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Afaik some skins would need a lot of years - if you wanted to get all of them. (And I only returned the last year June and missed some SAB years.) It wouldn't be a bad idea - since SAB is fun and has more of a "happy mood" - to make it run a bit longer.


I had hinted at this suggestion in the other thread where someone suggested a free outfit for Corona awareness. Such an option (also players can organize their own fun stuff in game ... RPing or doing low level stuff to help noobs) would be nice.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm not sure I understand what 'anticipate' means in this context.

> I'm sure the Devs regard SAB as probable, and expect it to be released in April.


I believe in that context it means bringing it out sooner to keep players busy longer.


I'd have thought Visions of the Past would have done that to be honest

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> Historically, SAB returns on the last Thursday before 1 April, which would mean this Thursday for the upcoming festival. There is no reason to suspect they changed their schedule so you only have to sleep 3 more.

> Patience is a virtue.


And It's the thursday before the 1st. It didn't go Live, maybe Tuesday.

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@"lummuss.6850" Did you read https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/looking-ahead-to-spring-summer-and-the-future/ (A very recent news) or what makes you think it isn't coming? I wonder why people always assume something when there is no reason to?! They said that it is coming after Visions of the Past is released.


> Our next release following “Steel and Fire” is Super Adventure Festival, when Moto will open up the Super Adventure Box in Rata Sum again to welcome all jumping, bauble-collecting heroic types.

**New** Content just came out **less** than 2 weeks ago. I really don't get it.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Don't forget: they're quarantined, too.


They didn't communicate that it would affect their release schedule in any way so far. I'm now guessing that the SAB event will start on Tuesday, 31 March. It always included the weekend before 1 April ever since they made it an annual festival, that's why I thought it would return this week...

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@Wubbbi.8172 under no circumstances did I say that I didn't believe the SAB was coming. I just created an idea that "if SAB came earlier, it would be much better for everyone". Because the world is in quarantine, and with that we could use this time "at home" so we can play the festival for longer.

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> @"lummuss.6850" said:

> @Wubbbi.8172 under no circumstances did I say that I didn't believe the SAB was coming. I just created an idea that "if SAB came earlier, it would be much better for everyone". Because the world is in quarantine, and with that we could use this time "at home" so we can play the festival for longer.


And what about the people that dont like sab are they just out of luck?

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> @"lummuss.6850" said:

> Well, those who don't like SAB could continue to go about their lives as normal, keep your pvp or wvw having fun (i hate pvp).


So the

"if SAB came earlier, it would be much better for everyone".

Should just have said

"if SAB came earlier, it would be much better for me".

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Anet has stated they've delayed the SAB release to not overlap with April Fools. ([sauce](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101436/super-adventure-festival-2020/p1))

I think this is a terrible idea personally, for exactly the same reasons, why change something (overlapping SAB with April Fools day) when it wasn't a big deal in the first place to overlap. ([More sauce](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1200670#Comment_1200670))


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> So the

> "if SAB came earlier, it would be much better for everyone".

> Should just have said

> "if SAB came earlier, it would be much better for me".


Actually, it's more akin to;

"Can SAB be release on it's usual schedule like previous years (last tuesday before April Fools)"


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I was looking forward to my first Super Adventure Box during quarantine. I hope they have a big unexpected patch on Tuesday. Now is the time to get people to play with cool new things and get some publicity when people are home..


This would also be the perfect time for a:

_____ Supply Drop Requisition. We are overdue for a new version, and I think a lot of people would buy it while quarantined. Also overdue for new mount pack.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Don't forget: they're quarantined, too.


Indeed, but they could have just said so ("We are having trouble getting SAB on the way on schedule, so we have decided to postpone the release for two weeks this year."). Instead, they came up with a different explanation for the delay, even made it a "It's going to be like this every year from now on" thing.


SAB was always live by April 1st, and now it's not, and people are disappointed.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> SAB was always live by April 1st, and now it's not, and people are disappointed.


Anet best have something amazing for April first for this 2 week, unexpected, delay to SAB to warrant it.


> Indeed, but they could have just said so ("We are having trouble getting SAB on the way on schedule, so we have decided to postpone the release for two weeks this year."). Instead, they came up with a different explanation for the delay, even made it a "It's going to be like every year from now on" thing.



According to [this statement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-message-to-our-community-about-covid-19/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=news&utm_campaign=rss), Anet are making steady progress on all planned Guild Wars 2 releases, and they'll keep everyone up to date if that changes.

SAB for 2020 was most likely finished by early March at the latest tbh.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > SAB for 2020 was most likely finished by early March at the latest tbh.


> I don't think so, or they would not be asking questions like, "What would you like to see added to the Weekly Vendor?"


The Weekly vendor is probably the easiest thing to update in the box, it requires no new assets to make, given that Anet can add things already existing in the game to the vendor.

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