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Things that make me sad about the new Expansion announcement

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> Looks like ANet will not, but they could easily - if they cared enough about their customers to do it.


Again, do NOT assume that regional pricing will give you cheaper access to the goods and services we are talking about here. For all we know, Anet is NOT offering regional pricing to customers because they care about us. They may be factors at play here that have nothing to do with customer care.



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While I understand and empathize with people outside of the US, ANet has ZERO ways of changing what you pay outside of the US. They set their sales price, and other countries add their taxes. Them making it cheaper for other countries actually would only hurt ANet's bottom line which in turn defeats the purpose of a paid expansion.


It's the cost of doing business in a world economy.


As far as the idea of cheaper goods for poor people...um...computer games are not essentials. It is a luxury item. It costs a fixed amount. Pay that or don't. Can't afford it? Perhaps save money. Can't save money? Perhaps find a cheaper hobby, get a job, or a better one. Subsidizing luxury goods for "poor" people is a broken idea. There are far more important things in this world to be sad about. GW2's price tag is not one of them.

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> While I understand and empathize with people outside of the US, ANet has ZERO ways of changing what you pay outside of the US. They set their sales price, and other countries add their taxes. Them making it cheaper for other countries actually would only hurt ANet's bottom line which in turn defeats the purpose of a paid expansion.


> It's the cost of doing business in a world economy.


> As far as the idea of cheaper goods for poor people...um...computer games are not essentials. It is a luxury item. It costs a fixed amount. Pay that or don't. Can't afford it? Perhaps save money. Can't save money? Perhaps find a cheaper hobby, get a job, or a better one. Subsidizing luxury goods for "poor" people is a broken idea. There are far more important things in this world to be sad about. GW2's price tag is not one of them.


Actually, no. ANet has as much control over their pricing as they want to have. Many games do have regional pricing, so ANet certainly could - if they chose to do so. As I said earlier, I am an American living in the Philippines. There have been multiple times I was going to buy some downloadable content, and when I entered my US credit car number... the price tripled. Many games have regional pricing. It is not hard to do, if they want to do it.


If ANent did do regional pricing I would likely still pay US prices because all my banking and credit cards are still done from the US. I have no dog in this race, but do feel for the locals here who cannot afford the game at US prices. I feel that if ANet offered regional pricing it would open up whole new markets for them. They apparently disagree.


Such is life,

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > While I understand and empathize with people outside of the US, ANet has ZERO ways of changing what you pay outside of the US. They set their sales price, and other countries add their taxes. Them making it cheaper for other countries actually would only hurt ANet's bottom line which in turn defeats the purpose of a paid expansion.

> >

> > It's the cost of doing business in a world economy.

> >

> > As far as the idea of cheaper goods for poor people...um...computer games are not essentials. It is a luxury item. It costs a fixed amount. Pay that or don't. Can't afford it? Perhaps save money. Can't save money? Perhaps find a cheaper hobby, get a job, or a better one. Subsidizing luxury goods for "poor" people is a broken idea. There are far more important things in this world to be sad about. GW2's price tag is not one of them.


> Actually, no. ANet has as much control over their pricing as they want to have. Many games do have regional pricing, so ANet certainly could - if they chose to do so. As I said earlier, I am an American living in the Philippines. There have been multiple times I was going to buy some downloadable content, and when I entered my US credit car number... the price tripled. Many games have regional pricing. It is not hard to do, if they want to do it.


> If ANent did do regional pricing I would likely still pay US prices because all my banking and credit cards are still done from the US. I have no dog in this race, but do feel for the locals here who cannot afford the game at US prices. I feel that if ANet offered regional pricing it would open up whole new markets for them. They apparently disagree.


> Such is life,


Actually no to your no. The pricing is tripled by trade deals and tariffs. Trade deals and tariffs that Anet does not control. Even if they did do regional pricing, it would be at a disadvantage to their bottom line, which is also not controlled by ANet...it's controlled by NCSoft.

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