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Any chance of a new race, ANET?

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I wouldn't be against a playable race. Tengu would definitely be an awesome addition and I can tell you right now, I'd instantly buy character slots and make a ton of Tengu characters. IF they do add Tengu, I want Liam O'Brien or Kyle Hebert to voice act the males and Cristina Vee or Karen Strassman the females.

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From what the Devs said new races are very unlikely


[GW2 meet and greet](




>I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> From what the Devs said new races are very unlikely


> [GW2 meet and greet](



> >Redditor:

> >I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.


I am relieved now.. <3

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They won't give it to us for two reason.

1) The limitations of the personal story. They won't add a new race because it means adding new starting zone, new personal story, and then making that personal story fit into the main one.

2) New Race would have to be humanoid in shape. No more unique looking races like Asura and Charr. All because of the mapping of textures for armor and outfits. You can tell ANET gave up with Asura and Charr halfway since a lot of the armor on them gets really bad, especially the helms. So any new race would have to be copy paste humans to make the texture mapping easy for them.

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Obviously going to have to wait on an expansion announcements to ever find this out, anet wouldn't say yes to anything until it was basically ready to be out the door, otherwise it would be taken as a grand promise and hyped to the moon. Besides of which they already have a hard time creating armors and outfits for the current races with the clipping, doubt they want to add to that trouble.

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> @Jinroh.4251 said:

> They won't give it to us for two reason.

> 1) The limitations of the personal story. They won't add a new race because it means adding new starting zone, new personal story, and then making that personal story fit into the main one.

> 2) New Race would have to be humanoid in shape. No more unique looking races like Asura and Charr. All because of the mapping of textures for armor and outfits. You can tell ANET gave up with Asura and Charr halfway since a lot of the armor on them gets really bad, especially the helms. So any new race would have to be copy paste humans to make the texture mapping easy for them.


1) It would not be that hard to create a personal story for a Tengu that leaves their home and ends up joining an order, going on to become commander of the pact, etc. They would have to find a creative way to involve the tengu in Destiny's Edge but still.

2) I am pretty sure tengu use the same base model as charr, they would have similar clipping issues to charr but honestly I hardly noticed the charr clipping issues...


It would be really cool to experience a whole new races story. But even with the factors I mentioned, it would not be an easy task for the anet team. I would greatly enjoy this kind of spiced up revisit to the core game, but I understand that for the time being anet wants to stay focused on moving their story forward.

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> @Jinroh.4251 said:

> They won't give it to us for two reason.

> 1) The limitations of the personal story. They won't add a new race because it means adding new starting zone, new personal story, and then making that personal story fit into the main one.

Personal story is not a deal-breaker. They already added five of those for the core, one more is not a lot of work. Especially if they cut corners.


Tengu, for instance - they could have the starting character choices to be 'diplomat, trader, or spy'. And the character is sent to work with (or spy on) the core races, in which case they could reuse the existing starting areas... and it'd also make it far easier to explain how the character becomes the pact commander.

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it's possible, but it would take more efforts than in most MMO's, where a new race doesn't have their own racial stories. it would be tricky to implement. but I'm pretty sure that if they'd figure out a way to do it (with all the support of the community to add a new race) they would eventually do it. the same thing can happen here as it happened with the mounts story, "no mounts" became "yes mounts". all we can do is wait and hope.

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There are many people speaking out against a possible new race and so on, which is understandable, because there are many issues with the current races, others saying the personal story could be a problem (but that is easy to fix really).


At this moment we do not know if any new race would be implemented.


But it is my belief that in the future, in another expansion, eventually there is a high chance a new race might come into play.

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The Devs never said, "No Mounts", that was posters on the forums; where speculation eventually becomes 'fact'.

When the Devs don't talk about something, or say, "It's on the table", there may be a chance of seeing it.

On the other hands, it's not likely they will lie and say it's something that has little chance of ever being implemented, just to throw the playerbase off.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> There are cheap ways of doing it, but it's unlikely that they'd even bother. For example, they could have done the Awakened by simply using the human model with a voice morph. There wouldn't be a problem with the existing story since they'd be normal humans prior to dying in PoF.


Can... we make this happen? I really liked the Awakened when they weren't fighting me. They were fun, funny, cute, adorable, and really likable.

Same for Joko when my character wasn't a piece of Skritt to him.

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Alright you guys bring up a good point about the previous dev statements of 'no mounts' and here we are in POF with mounts. I want a new race as much as the next guy but I am not going to have high hopes. I feel it will just be a human reskinned. It's easier for them to work with, why do you think three out of the five playable races are 'human' shaped. It's just easier to make armor on a human then tweak it slightly on a Sylvari and Norn then call it a day. Where as they have to work a little harder for Asura and Charr. Hell they gave up with Asura and Charr with the head pieces on a lot of the gear and outfits. Like since when do Charr horns VANISH when wearing certain hoods? Same with Asura ears when you were certain helmets. If they make a new race it will be human shaped guaranteed. You know what, quote me on this and save the quote. So if I'm wrong in the future I will totally be surprised and eat my words!

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> @Jinroh.4251 said:

> Alright you guys bring up a good point about the previous dev statements of 'no mounts' and here we are in POF with mounts. I want a new race as much as the next guy but I am not going to have high hopes. I feel it will just be a human reskinned. It's easier for them to work with, why do you think three out of the five playable races are 'human' shaped. It's just easier to make armor on a human then tweak it slightly on a Sylvari and Norn then call it a day. Where as they have to work a little harder for Asura and Charr. Hell they gave up with Asura and Charr with the head pieces on a lot of the gear and outfits. Like since when do Charr horns VANISH when wearing certain hoods? Same with Asura ears when you were certain helmets. If they make a new race it will be human shaped guaranteed. You know what, quote me on this and save the quote. So if I'm wrong in the future I will totally be surprised and eat my words!


I only have 1 asura and 1 charr, which I rarely use, since the classes aren't the ones i like that much. but I never knew that they had such bad designs for their helmets, I never had a helmet on my charr to begin with though, thought it looked better without.

Then again, I've always been someone for the Jotun race (which will obviously will never be the playable race if there is going to be one), Just really like the lore they have.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Can you link a dev statement that says "no mounts"?

They never said that, just like they've never said "no new races".


Even the first FAQ stated:

> Will there be mounts?

>Other than map travel and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 **upon initial release**.

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The difference between mounts and a new race is that mounts added something functional to the game for everyone. A new race is likely much more work, and it will only be a cosmetic bonus for players who choose to roll a new character of that race. It doesn't have any real game play impact like a new transportation method or new Elite specs do.

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> @Cirrion.8951 said:

> It doesn't have any real game play impact like a new transportation method or new Elite specs do.

New elite specs add nothing for players who choose to play other specs instead. So that's no different from new races.


Now that mounts are in the game, I can't think of any major new additions that'd add functionality for everyone. And they're going to need _something_ to keep selling expansions.

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