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Suggestion: Lower wvw squad size to 25 ppl.


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> > @"Mizhas.8536" said:

> > Reduce squad to 25 and add a debuff that reduces DPS output by 10% and increases DPS input by 10% per every 5 extra players around the tag (starting at 25 ofc). With this and by removing downstate you might achieve something.

> So I can spite commanders by gathering more likeminded trollers and hang around for laughs while we suffer no negative effects due to not being in the squad? I like the way you think!


The debuff would affect everybody, not just squad members.


Like I said, this mechanic would be first used to troll the comanders for sure but after some time, people would get used to it and hopefully would go and roam on their own or tag up and create another group.


I specially like this idea since it would also help to mitigate outnumbered situations in a real way. The actual outnumbered buff does absolutely nothing in this matter.

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> @"Vova.2640"

VERY VERY BAD suggestion. We will get after this more dis-balance between skilled players, ans pugs,


> at least it will make coordination harder for blobs

so skilled guild blob eat this harder thing, and pugs get some big trouble and increase death rate on skilled train.


> Step by step try to lower whole number meta.

you suggestion opposite this thing.


> The game becomes so much more fun when fights are on a smaller scale

May be come time don't try with 3 people kill blob?


> by making it harder to coordinate + share boons/heals between squads) and empower smaller groups

as I say it trouble only for random pugs. So give one more knife for skilled players who already dominate is no any reason.


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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> I know this wont fix the main problem, blob guilds will just run 2-3 squads, but at least it will make coordination harder for blobs while not punishing groups that run smaller.

> Step by step try to lower whole number meta.

> The game becomes so much more fun when fights are on a smaller scale, rather then a lagfest of 50v50v50 squads.....



> Just to clarify.

> Im not saying this is a all-in-all solution that will solve blobbing once and for all.

> Im just suggesting something minor that could help discourage blobbing (by making it harder to coordinate + share boons/heals between squads) and empower smaller groups.

> Thats all


More than 90% of heals, cleanses, boon sharing is limited to 5 persons within the party. If you have less than 5 persons in your party (or if some are too far away) it'll go to an ally outside your party.

It's akways like that whatever the number of over all people in your squad.

As someone pointed out, there used to be no suqad, just a group of parties of 5 and it was already blobby.


As for coordination, you have the voice coms which are not affected by the size of your squad.


The only advantage of a squad vs a bunch of parties is that the comm can organise himself (or his lieutenants) the parties in his squad as he wants. That's all.

(I would even say that having indenpendent parties was better because people were a lot more careful about their party whereas with a squad, they just assume that the comm will fix it...)


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In the past you'd just run several 5-man parties. Same effect as squads but with much less QoL for commanders.

Lowering Squad size doest do anything for the scale of fights...


If the goal is to make small groups of better players able to take out big groups of "bad" players, then look into things like disruptive skills/utilities like Winds of Disenchantment... Scourge Shades were another example of that, but those are seemingly fine now.

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> @"Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365" said:

> > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > This does nothing to stop blobbing since pugs contribute little to the group comp in most cases. This is doubly true for pugmanders who don't have a comp at all. For those of you that understand how party structure works, you would know no matter how you arrange the thieves and rangers, it doesn't mater.

> >

> > Also WvW is a game mode that features large scale combat and most organization is carried out in comms anyways.

> >

> > Well I suppose it'll cause even more whining about not being invited because of class I guess. I would imagine most guild groups would not want to run open at all.

> >

> > The other thing is that most blobs consist of multiple bandwagon guilds holding each other's jewels. Hint: They're not in the same squads anyways.


> I agree it prob wont stop blobbing but it defo will decrease the effectiveness of 50 people stacking on eachother, no?


No, it won't. The standard sub in a squad is 5 people for optimal boon share and heals. However, these boons and heals can still hit people outside of your sub, and more importantly, outside of your squad. Being a random standing on pin outside of a squad, will still let you survive in a zerg.


It also won't matter, because squads generally aren't just 50 randoms doing random things. People try and keep 5 man subs based on optimal heals and boons. If every sub is made up of a Firebrand, scrapper, spellbreaker, and two DPS, it doesn't matter how many squads there are. Each squad could just be 5 people, and it would have the same effectiveness as one 50 man squad.


It doesn't matter what the squad limit is. Hell, you could remove squads all together, and nothing would change.

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