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Huge Ping Spikes

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Hi guys, I now started playing WvW like 4days now. I absolutely LOVE it lol. However, when large scale battles start my ping hit like 2k-4k. I die then goes back to WP and the ping is normal once again. I also noticed it in open work meta event. Basically once a large amount of player are on the screen my ping goes out the roof. My FPS hovers around 30-35 cause I play on Low-Medium settings. I try other games and I have no issues with the ping. Seems like something is happening with my game when I start these fights. If anyone has had this issue and knows a fix or any advice I'll greatly appreciate it.

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I can relate, I was in PvP not long ago and I would get ping spikes mid match completely random. It hadn't happened in a while, but did recently again. My discord ping was fine along everything else while I tested during the issue, eventually lost connection to the game for I had to come back and just start lagging again for an hour or two, these issues seem user specific since no one complained about lag during my match.

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I have exactly the same problem. + i had it as well last Sunday. The ping spikes are sometimes 2500ms+. This is the second time in 6 days. Its getting annoying. And its nothing on my side, other games work fine.

Seems like not a lot of people have it though considering the amount of posts in here... I really hope this doesn't mean that nobody cares.

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