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Every game mode should be given equal attention/resources

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Resources should be based on game mode population. Put the effort where the most revenue will be generated so the game lives longer. To be fair, cut back too far on the game modes that don't make the most money and they will die faster.


> This is a MMO...not a single player RPG with multyplayer attached, if people just want to kill some AI mob all day can choose to do so in PvE in a MMO or go their way and play Final Fantasy 7 or similar


You say that like there is a specific set of rules all MMO's must follow regarding resource distribution. Fact is they will most likely make decisions based on what brings in revenue. They could always choose to take a risk but if we as the players slap their hands by not spending they will stop taking risks and follow the cash flow.

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I believe that there are only minorities doing one activity without to touch the others. The majority is with players having preferences of course, but touching at more than one activity. Globally, the game has a concept linking the modes together. Soon or later, a PvE player will need to do a bit of WvW and a WvW player will need to do a bit of PvE. Also, once players have seen a bit everything of a given activity, what keeps them at the game is that they can start with another one, to see new stuff.

All in all, for me, it is very important that GW2 keeps its wide choice of activities regularly extended, because that's part of what makes the game strong. A wide content with a wide community of different types of players.

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I suspect PvE players doing other game modes are in some way forced into it. I can't speak for all PvE players, but pretty much the only time I touch WvW or PvP is for an easier daily than what PvE offers, or in the case of WvW, if I need the gift of battle for a legendary.

I know there are others that mix more PvE and WvW. For PvP, I often look at the non tournament matches (ones I can join for a daily), and <20 people are in all of those PvP games. I see more people than that on just a single PvE map.


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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> I suspect PvE players doing other game modes are in some way forced into it. I can't speak for all PvE players, but pretty much the only time I touch WvW or PvP is for an easier daily than what PvE offers, or in the case of WvW, if I need the gift of battle for a legendary..


I enter PvP to test a build against the golems. I enter WvW to grab ranger pets and spend currency I keep accumulating for some reason. Same with the PvE modes.


One single strike because Anet locked Almora's final story behind it but I won't be doing the next story they hide behind a strike because it was a chore. Like trying to do Octovine with people who wont wait for the burn signal... Ugh.


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What does equal resources even mean?


One area or even just one compotent is more resource intensive than the other. It doesnt make any sense to demand equal resources on everything.


Edit: The polls answers are also too specific. I would say No to the Polls question but I also dont agree with only one main area they should invest in.

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> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> IIRC even at the game's height of popularity the side content never had anywhere near a majority of players darkening their towels. Splitting off the dev's resources and manpower from the game's main selling points to please a crowd much louder than they are numerous is a big "Nah, son."


> That having been said, the side content should have something new added every development cycle. It's only reasonable. Like how McDonald's keeps the Fillet-o-fish on their menu: Someone will want to eat it.


It happens when your pvp launches with a single mode around capture points, class design doesn't allow any more fun modes, and your wvw is just hitting gates 24/7. They were all really popular at first until everyone got bored and realized what a joke the potential of esports was in a buggy spammy game with 0 visual clarity.


Pvelords love using the term side content for anything pvp related but realize pvp is pretty popular in most games that have it and its not any less relevant. Pvp was immense and really well designed in GW1 and earlier expacs of WoW. Notice the trend of more braindead faceroll gameplay and you see pvp die in these newer xpacs/MMOs.

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> @"Rukia.4802" said:

> > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > IIRC even at the game's height of popularity the side content never had anywhere near a majority of players darkening their towels. Splitting off the dev's resources and manpower from the game's main selling points to please a crowd much louder than they are numerous is a big "Nah, son."

> >

> > That having been said, the side content should have something new added every development cycle. It's only reasonable. Like how McDonald's keeps the Fillet-o-fish on their menu: Someone will want to eat it.


> It happens when your pvp launches with a single mode around capture points, class design doesn't allow any more fun modes, and your wvw is just hitting gates 24/7. They were all really popular at first until everyone got bored and realized what a joke the potential of esports was in a buggy spammy game with 0 visual clarity.


> Pvelords love using the term side content for anything pvp related but realize pvp is pretty popular in most games that have it and its not any less relevant. Pvp was immense and really well designed in GW1 and earlier expacs of WoW. Notice the trend of more braindead faceroll gameplay and you see pvp die in these newer xpacs/MMOs.


Interesting. Aion, advertised as PvPvE, and released as such, had to make a "Fast track server" where there is no PvP. swtor had to shut down their PvP server due to low population.


Also interesting: You can play GW 2 for years and never PvP. That tells me that it is, in fact, side content. The main servers in Aion were PvPvE, and PvP was a big part of the game, to the point where it really wasn't side content. As mentioned, I've completed the main story multiple times, and never had to PvP once, as compared to Aion, where I leveled a ranger from 30 to the then cap of 50 doing nothing but PvP. You see, some of us look at relevance, and whether or not you actually have to touch it, ever, to play the game when we decide that something is side content.

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