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LFG for achiev, then disband


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I happened several times that I joined a group to help someone for some achievement/story, when I see a group in LFG. The problem is... most of the times the person simply ignores me (although I see him/her moving on the map). Fine, I think, maybe he's busy fighting, I'll wait a bit. But then they disband the group without saying anything.

Sometimes they even reply to my greetings (after a couple of minutes) and still disband the group shortly after...


What's wrong with these guys? Don't post a group in LFG with exclamation marks and emotes if you don't even want to say "hi" to someone who wanted to spend his time for you. If you already completed your stuff and forgot the post in LFG, just say it.

I'm sorry for the ppl who really need some help, but this (repeated) behaviour really makes me leave these requests there forever.

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This happens alot in WvW squads as well, most of the time its due to the group leader (commander) leaving before you've joined, rest of the players in the group would assume the event is over, sometimes a 50 person squad evaporates in an instant due to this, there's currently no "auto-designate leader feature" at the moment, ways to solve this could be:

**- Commander/Party leader leaves -> panel pop-up says to existing players asking: 'Group leader has left, would you like to lead?"

- Alternative 1: Panel displays a countdown timer of 60 seconds, when timer ends, a group leader is "auto-assigned" to whoever has a commander tag

- Alternative 2: Panel pop-up says: 'Group leader has left, a random leader will be chosen after 30...20..10 seconds...' with/without Commander tag, panel could even have a "Apply as leader** button :)

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Yes, this can also be a reason. But why don't tell it? If I see a single person with a post LF help, I think that it's yours. Wouldn't be easier to say "we've done, ty" rather than wait 3 minutes (non AFK), say even "hi" sometimes and just after disband the group, when I already teleported to your map? If you don't want to waste 10 seconds to type something, just disband as soon as I type, so I understand that you forgot the group up.


This already happened several times, usually in the tabs Story and Achievements, so small groups (there's never a tag).I only join when I see a single person, if there are 2 ppl I think that someone is already helping.

It's not the end of the world eh, I'm not crying over it. Just annoying behaviour. Sometimes that are really ppl that need some help, and I'll think twice next time.

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