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Posts posted by Samug.6512

  1. > @"Strider.7849" said:

    > All professions are capable in the current meta, despite what some people say (in WvW at least). There's no key moves in this game that are the be all end all, I think that's a WoW thing.


    Well some builds clearly shine, like condi rev. Obviously it doesn't mean you can just faceroll your keyboard and beat anything with this build, but close.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if ANet gave turrets the treatment they gave traps on thief - remove them completely and give us something different and new instead.

    And I can't say no if that's the plan.


    > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:


    > I agree that WvW is a really tough challenge, maybe too hard to make turrets viable in that game mode. They are still a minion type in the end and all minion types struggle in WvW because of the huge blob fights with AoE being thrown everywhere. Ranger pets are constantly dead, necromancers can't summon minions without them dying immediately, etc.


    > But I think we can at least try to make turrets viable in PvP and PvE. Then they would at least have a place in _some_ game modes. Currently, turrets are absolutely terrible **everywhere**.

    There's still plenty of people using minions in WvW. You certainly won't see them in blob fights, but there a whole another universe in WvW beside blobbing - roaming-wise there's plenty of "zookeepers" (as we call them) around, every day I see at least 3-4 people with their personal menagerie.

    The problem is, turrets are literally a fossil. The last time they were changed in an impactful way was in 2017, _3 years ago_, when they changed the overcharge mechanic. Turrets have 1 trait associated with them, which gives them reflective barrier for 4 seconds, which is pretty cool actually, but the turret itself still dies from a random Meteor Shower or necro well. You won't see them in any gamemode because, well... **They. Are. Simply. Too. Weak.**

    Minions, on the other hand, have 4 trait that buff them and the owner in a lot of ways (like take some damage from owner, transfer a condition...), there are even runes that spawn minions and buff you when they'r around you (Rune of the Ranger).


    ANet doesn't give a damn about Engi turrets, kinda looks like a mindset: "if it ain't broken and nobody uses it, don't touch it".


    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > Static combat and janky mechanics that lag behind the player does not work good in GW2. It's the same reason warrior banners has been sidelined, it's the same reason "traps" are barely used as traps but rather melee AoE


    > I'd point out that Traps are used as melee AoE due to the nature of them being required to have an enemy stand inside them. Which, when they're a big glowy red circle, is never going to happen as an actual "Trap"


    > It's the same thing with Necro Staff's Marks, you have to place them on top of the enemy, because no-one's going to run into the giant red circle.


    Traps can't be seen by an enemy when placed. Once activated, yes, but prior to walking into them, they'r invisible.

  3. > @"Visceroff.7038" said:



    > > @"Samug.6512" said:

    > > Your build sounds everything but passive tbh. Why not just go the good ol' flamethrower scrapper with alchemy? Perma quickness, lots of mights and fury, immunity to CC just by holding flamethrower and pressing 1


    > What is a good OW flamethrower build? I have looked and there seems to be a debate between power and hybrid.


    I'd just go full diviner with pack runes, firearms for juggernaut, alchemy for hgh and backpack regen, scrapper for might on stab, additional damage with stability, quickness trait. Elixir H/Gyro heal, Flamethrower, Elixir U, Elixir B/Bulwark Gyro. Mortar for some range pewpew. Hammer for CC, cleansing sigil to deal with condi, boon duration or some stacking sigil for pure damage.

  4. IMO thief is still the fastest class even after implementing the mount. Besides, Warclaw was slowed down few weeks ago, and taking into consideration all the ports (sword 2, shadowstep, shortbow, rifle 4) thief can easily outrun anything.

  5. Weapon swap is available only out of combat. Nothing changed here really, you might as well have 2 equipment loadouts ready and swap them on demand, out of combat.

  6. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Samug.6512" said:

    > > First of all we need **proper bloody logging**. One day huge amount of guild siege disappeared from our storage, and there is literally no way of knowing who took it. ANet told us it's our internal problem and they can't help us (it probably was a friend of one of our guildies on his account...)


    > And thats a good reason why account sharing is not allowed, your friend should reimburst the guild and not have others access his account.


    If only we had any proof and not just suspicions and, "maybies" and "probablies". If there's a log of who put in and out from the guild bank, surely there's a way to implement a log of guild siege etc? And while we'r at it, guild-shared food too?

  7. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > _snip_

    Yea, there's a lot of options that have both good and bad aspects, which is actually a promising sign, as over the past few years core engi was simply bad.

    I messed around with Tools (Streamlined Kits, Adrenal Impact), Alchemy and Explosives, and... Runes of Speed. Zooming around with perma 2 minutes of swiftness is quite satisfying.

  8. Funny, I actually started testing yesterday power pistol core builds, despite how ridiculous power pistol sounds. Shield is worth it as it provides extremely good protection capabilities, but the lack of weapon damage needs to be compensated.

    Maybe try toolkit instead of elixir gun? Magnet could help vs ranged classes and Gear Shield buys a lot of time to find LoS break. On the other hand, you loose a stun break... And how about nades instead of bomb kit? Again, a bit more range to counter range classes.


    Lack of Stability is very hurtful on core engi buildcrafting. We are basically forced to use Elixir U and Elixirs naturally follow that, which often locks us out of using stuff like Tools, which is a nice combo for Explosives (endurance regen trait).

    @"Cal Cohen.2358" please have mercy on our adventurous core engineer buildcrafters' souls and give core engi more stability.

  9. If I run holo, I use marauder+berserker+diviner (a little). I still do all right vs most professions, except eg. condi herald (13-15 torment in 5 seconds in meele range), thief (ANet forgot to nerf mobility, almost no way to keep up with them), some soulbeast builds.


    Most holos disappeared after holo shock~~wave~~fart nerf. And honestly if core engi had one-handed power weapon, I'd probably prefer core to holo.

  10. Too much work for them, remember it's engineer profession we'r talking about.


    Make 6 new underwater weapon skills for weaver, on top of utility skills? Sure! Oh boy do we love ele!

    Update some engineer skills so we have more than a third of our utility skills usable underwater? Ehhh.. what's engineer again?

  11. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Kontrolle.3514" said:

    > > Mortar shells are projectiles, so they can be countered to easy. You can even kill your own team really fast if they get reflected from a burnig guard/FB.

    > Indeed. Turkeyspit above got it all wrong, because obviously it **is** coincidence as the WvW dps meta scrapper **does not use the mortar**. It uses the sneak gyro just like the meta healer, as thats the primary use outside of healing. A mortar engie wouldnt be accepted in zergs because it offers zero use - better to bring another bomb scourge then. Mortar kit is nearly useless in WvW.



    I disagree. It may be useless in zerg fights that's correct, but gameplay exists outside of that. It's almost as dangerous when defending as burn guard, mortar + rockets can clear an area very quickly when used correctly. I use mortar when roaming on holo as it offers a lot of useful stuff like chill, blinds, water field, and decent aoe damage.

    It's far from useless.

  12. > @"LilBiM.3581" said:

    > _snip_


    I was typing a long, detailed post, but all I'll say is, most of Gadget skills are very underwhelming and not powerful enough to be considered useful for Engineer. We depend on utility skill much more than other professions because of the lack of weapon swap. There is very limited pool of useful skills (Elixir U, Bulwark Gyro) that offer both defensive and offensive values, and then there's Throw Mine that does no damage and tiny CC, same for PBR.

    Utility Goggles are a joke skill ANet changed to show us they still remeber there is an Engineer profession, it's used only during the opening of GvGs and swapped immediately after toolbelt skill is used. Getting caught in combat with them still on the skillbar is punishing not only for you but for the whole squad.


    If 15v15 PvP mode will ever see the daylight the skill won't be ever used as it's not possible to swap skills during PvP match.


    Turrets are not used because:

    1. they go down too fast if you accidently place them in an AoE;

    2. they do 1 thing and then turn off, god forbid you forget to pick them up or explode immediately to start recharging them. There are much more useful utility skills like Elixirs.


    Every time engi utility skills are being spoken of I need to hold myself to not start ranting and swearing about ANet's balancing and skill design teams.

  13. Lack of Stability on core engineer is extremaly limiting for build diversity on Core Engi especially.

    Right now any build that is not Scrapper is forced to use Elixir U, and Elixirs traitline is what naturally comes after that. It is the only reliable source of Stability for core Engineer and Holosmith, other sources include:

    * sacrificing one trait line for Firearms, which is bad, and one utility skill for Flamethrower, which is also bad in most situations;

    * Thumper Turret toolbelt skill, for a whole 1 second of 1 stack of Stability;

    * Throw Elixir B, which is a relatively long-cast skill, that also requires aiming AND elixir flight time, that prolong the overall use time. On top of that it's a projectile and can be reflected, body-blocked (even if you are blinded and it hits an enemy it says "Miss" and no effects applies) etc. Despite that IMO it's the 2nd best source of Stability, and is also an Elixir; there's no reason to choose it over Elixir U, as all the boons from Elixir B come as minor trait from Elixirs traitline (Minor Elixir B\).

    * Transforms from Elixir X, which also lock you out of your skills.


    Some simple ideas that come to my mind:

    * Stability upon using a toolbelt skill with 10s ICD;

    * Stability on Gadgets - the skill type lays dormant and untouched, quite hard to fit into builds except Rocket Boots and AED (IMO Mine and Ram are mostly a knock-back meme skills);

    * Stability on Explosive Entrance with some ICD;

    * Stability on weapon swap to buff kits, or even tie that to Streamlined Kits;

    * Turret(s) to pulse Stability as long as they are placed down;

  14. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > One request though, as I've suggested before, if we add more maps they need to be disabled during off-hours to limit coverage.


    > I think that's the opposite of what we need, isn't it? We want people spaced out and all over the place! Sure, we also want fights, but if we begin with the premise of us being so near to one another that it's impossible to attack anything effectively, what's the point in trying?


    > The mounts have effectively shrunk the playing area of WvW, so another map might help to counter that effect.



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