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Posts posted by Tayga.3192

  1. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Warrior suffers alot from too long cd on utilities. They are pidgeon-holed to use greatsword because no other weapon offers mobility.

    I disagree, it's just that greatsword is the best choice for power warrior (the most common build). You won't see greatsword in heal warrior or in condi warrior.


  2. > @"Wrain.6792" said:

    > I'd be willing to bet money you are NOT using the geforce 1050 and your card is defaulting to "internal" intel graphics. You need to make sure you are FORCING the geforce card to run by going into nvidia control panel and selecting the Gw2 exe file, and selecting the GPU. That laptop will easily push the game on med at 60+ fps. Good luck

    That's pretty aggressive but you don't need to worry about that, I did that thing for every laptop I had and this is the only time I'm having issues.


    > ****you "may" try going to the laptop drivers for that vendor, and using the SUPPLIED graphics card drivers for it...I know they will be dated but if you are unable to figure out how to force the card 1050 to run..thats your only option."**** Sometimes the laptop vendors have funky locks /issues with driver codes to where you cannot use the newest nvidia drivers without it getting confused. At least this will let you play.

    As I said, I'm using latest OEM drivers for nvidia instead of latest generic drivers.


    Thanks for your input anyway :smile:

  3. So I opened a ticket, and they said I should disable every overlay I have (they said discord, shadowplay etc but obviously this includes arcdps and dx912pxy as well). Now my game uses the Nvidia gpu, but the game is unplayable now because I lack discord and dx912pxy lol.


    Edit: I also read that directx12 has a feature that makes stuff use integrated intel gpu + normal gpu at the same time so that might be why it's freaking out, since the game doesn't natively support dx12.

  4. 1) Mesmer is one of the best classes for open world and raids.

    2) Mesmer is one of the worst classes (but it's definitely usable) for LFG fractals, but it's okay for statics. Still not the best.


    I'd say make a mesmer and some fractal meta class, gear the other class for fractals, then gear your mesmer for raids. That way you can play 2 out of 3 big pve game modes with mesmer at least.

  5. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > You can actually force any game to use the dedicated graphics. Open the nVidia display settings panel and go to "Manage 3D settings", choose the "Program Settings" tab, pick GW2 from the list, and set "Preferred graphics processor" to "High performance nVidia processor". That should be it.


    Yeah I had that before, just to be sure I redid it but it still uses integrated graphics. I'll open a ticket at this point, thanks for your help!

  6. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Play with these settings: Shadows, Reflections, LOD, Model character limit, model character quality, as they affect the CPU the most. If they are already at lowest move on.


    > > Yes, GPU 0 as Intel graphics and GPU 1 as Nvidia. Intel one is 10 times of Nvidia gpu (20% vs 2-3%). Since I configured everything so GW2 runs on nvidia, I guess that's just because when I minimize the game I change back to intel graphics?


    > No. Even if you switch to desktop, it should still show a high number for the nvidia gpu. Plus, it's a graph, you should see the nvidia gpu having a very high usage just before you alt-tab. Open Task Manager first, go to Performance tab and THEN launch the game. After you play a bit, alt-tab back to Task Manager and check the graph.


    > Also, in your graphic settings switch to Fullscreen, if it's not set to that, because Windowed Fullscreen has the habit of not using the dedicated graphics card.


    > Edit: 1GB of VRAM usage is normal for Windows


    Just tested another game, I am now 100% certain GW2 doesn't use my GPU and instead uses intel graphics. It says GW2 uses GPU-0 while that other game uses GPU-1.


    I'll try full screen.


    Edit: Still uses GPU-0. I also deleted my drivers with DDU and redownloaded OEM (?) drivers from my manufacturer's website yesterday but it also didn't affect anything.


    Edit 2: I tried a few other games, funny enough all of them uses GPU-1 while GW2 uses GPU-0 in full screen or in windowed full screen.

  7. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > You need to open Resource Monitor so you can see individual core usage. A "30% CPU usage" doesn't tell us anything Guild Wars 2 is very demanding on single core performance. So you'll see things like CPU 0, CPU 1, CPU 2, CPU 3 etc based on how many cores you have. Then find the core that is being "hammered" the most and note the usage. For example on my machine I rarely get above 30% CPU usage, but one of the cores (windows makes the assignment, it's not always the same) goes up to 80%+ usage.

    One CPU core get around 80-90% and one of them gets 60-70%.


    > Ambient Occlusion is exclusively GPU demanding, since it had a performance effect it must be your GPU that is struggling.

    Could be, yes.


    > Do you see 2 GPUs or one on Task Manager? GPU 0, GPU 1 etc?

    Yes, GPU 0 as Intel graphics and GPU 1 as Nvidia. Intel one is 10 times of Nvidia gpu (20% vs 2-3%). Since I configured everything so GW2 runs on nvidia, I guess that's just because when I minimize the game I change back to intel graphics?


    > Find the text called "Dedicated GPU memory" and see if the game goes near the limit, if your GPU has only 4 GB VRAM for example, it's quite possible to hit the limit, especially with Ambient Occlusion on.

    It's way below the limit. It uses less than 1 GB and I have up to 4 GB.


  8. So I did some stuff:


    * I did CHKDSK and defrag on my HDD, I don't think it changed anything much since I do automatic weekly defrag and chkdsk found no errors. I'll do a ram test if that's even a thing later.

    * I tried Vulkan addon, it didn't change much from no addon version so I changed back to dx912pxy.

    * I disabled hardware acceleration in discord, no idea if it had any affect (probably yes).

    * Best performance impact so far was increasing textures and environment to medium and disabling ambient occlusion. This gave me around 5 more fps so I am averaging at 30 right now instead of 25.

    * The game is still stuttering.


    > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Press CTRL+ALT+DEL, select task manager, go to performance tab, click on open resource monitor, go to CPU tab and check your core usage.

    > On the performance tab you can also check GPU usage, make sure the correct GPU is working on Guild Wars 2, by checking the 1050 usage while running the game.


    Average 30%-40% CPU usage but sometimes it goes down to 15-20%. GPU usage is very volatile, it's around 30% usually (up to 35%ish) but sometimes goes down to 5%. I increased my environment and texture settings to medium though.


    > @"bpatrick.9635" said:

    > Greetings Tayga.3192

    > It could be not your computer it could be where you are. There is a lot of internet problems today for some reason. Check this website and click on where you are. For instance Turkey currently has 223 website down.


    > https://livemap.pingdom.com/


    Funny how that's where I live, lol. However my problem is FPS not ping.

  9. > @"dronte.3416" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > @"dronte.3416" said:

    > > > I haven't seen a fair amount of mesmers. I go further, I have only seen Misha and Helseth play mesmer (specifically chrono)

    > > Because they are the only good mesmer mains left in the game lmao

    > It doesn't change the fact that basically noone is playing mesmer any more (mesmer, chrono and mirage included). In top ranked you see one like every 5 games or even less, in mAT there were 2 players who can make mesmer work with literally any build because of skill differences.


    > What's your point? That mesmer is still viable? You are wrong.


    > (not to mention Helseth's team crashed out thanks to him being farmed constantly in games)

    So close yet so far. This thread is obviously a meme lol.


    > > > Chrono is good for one thing, countering holos, which we had an abundance of in most games.

    > > It's good for a plenty of things, misha talked about the build a few days before mAT in a public discord.

    > I would be happy if you shared his ideas.

    You can join it and talk to him yourself, no need for a middleman tbh


    > > But I give 7/10 for having an actual idea about mesmer, congratulations.

    > You listened to Misha talking about mesmer and now you act like someone who has a clue, congratulations.

    I don't define myself with misha don't worry, I almost always play some variant of my own builds.

  10. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > With all that configuration you should be getting always 40-60 FPS on that system even with GW2's outdated engine. Just using dx12pxy or DXVK combined with turning Character Model Limit to Lowest should keep the game always very playable.

    I'll try DXVK.


    > Does the game run especially bad on Nightmare Fractal?

    Yes it's unplayable-level bad on nightmare and mai trin.


    > It sounds like you're encountering a bad shader, or some other bugged object that only appears in certain areas. The first thing to do is to check the disk for errors with a full surface scan, since you said its not on an SSD. Then, fully defragment it (make sure 30%+ free space is available first) and run a repair on the game data. Finally, examine the game logs for anything suspicious.


    > This is standard routine to fix any possible bad data, and keep loading as fast as possible.

    I'll try these, thanks.


    > Using lower settings can make things worse. Modern video cards are not optimised for 2010 tech. Instead you need to set everything to highest and turn things down one at a time in a secluded area to find out what actually affects FPS on your setup.

    Yes I actually noticed it but I thought I was just biased, lol.


    > Try using DXVK instead of dx12pxy. Vulkan is a different hardware API and may not exhibit the same problem.

    Yeah I'll try DXVK thing out.


    > Last ditch effort is to move the Gw2.dat file somewhere else and let it re-download the entire 40GB again, which will result in a completely clean file. Patching for years on end makes the entire datafile heavily fragmented, since it works similarly to a disk.

    I guess yeah I can do a clean install, but my laptop is relatively new and I downloaded the game around last few LW4 episodes I think.


    > Try the game on another computer and see if you have the same problem.

    I can't do that sadly :/


    > Try another OS (such as Linux, with Lutris). Installing it isn't needed, since that's what makes most people shakey. There's some versions designed to boot into a full desktop with graphics acceleration from a CD, DVD or USB.

    I was thinking of dual boot stuff, I might test it if I have time.


  11. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > When did this start? Has it always been like this?

    I think it was better before but I'm not sure.


    > It shouldn't be THAT bad. Have you done the annoying stuff like disabling Windows Game Mode and garbage like that? That used to completely destroy many frames.

    Yes I disabled it.


    > Clear your GW2 cache, under C:\Users\Name\Appdata\Local\Temp, the ones with "gw2cache" are fine to delete. Over time this adds up and can actually become a source of lag and long loading times.

    I'll try this, thanks.




    > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > Try turning hardware acceleration off for discord. It is a hog, but a bit less of a hog without hw accel.

    Okay I'll try this as well.


    > max fov? I would start there.

    I am a PvP/WvW main so I can't change my camera settings sadly.


    > 1050 is a very anaemic card.

    No can do about my laptop for now.


    > also what do you consider 'configured properly'?

    High Performance mode on windows, and I open gw2 with my gpu instead of that intel graphics thing.



    First things first, my system:

    Laptop with relatively good cooling (Cleaned recently)

    OS: Windows 10 version 1909 (up to date according to windows update, newest version is not supported yet)

    CPU: Intel i7-7700HQ 2.80ghz

    GPU: Nvidia Geforce 1050

    Ram: 16 GB


    My observations/additional info:

    * Game is not on an SSD.

    * I have dx12 thing (game is unplayable without it) and arcdps.

    * My power settings are configured properly, same goes for my nvidia settings (99% of them are default).

    * My drivers are up to date but with the driver my laptop manufacturer released recently.

    * My settings are everything on lowest setting possible, player model quality is on medium and player model count(?) is on low. Only animations are high and rendering thing on native.

    * I use highest FoV.

    * I get VERY low average fps in fractals especially (it's becomes like a powerpoint slide when it's crowded)

    * I actually have stable ~25-30 fps in WvW maps even when it's 10vs10. I don't know about the desert map since I don't play in that one.

    * I get low average fps in Heart of the Mists (around 10 fps) but for some reason I can get up to 60-80 fps in older PvP maps though.

    * I get pretty bad stutters. I guess it's because of background stuff but I don't even have that many things open, mostly only discord (with hardware acceleration).


    Anything more I can do?

  13. > @"dronte.3416" said:

    > I haven't seen a fair amount of mesmers. I go further, I have only seen Misha and Helseth play mesmer (specifically chrono)

    Because they are the only good mesmer mains left in the game lmao


    > Chrono is good for one thing, countering holos, which we had an abundance of in most games.

    It's good for a plenty of things, misha talked about the build a few days before mAT in a public discord.


    But I give 7/10 for having an actual idea about mesmer, congratulations.


  14. We saw both Mesmer and Warrior in a fair amount of teams that made pretty far into EU mAT.


    Some people were saying those classes were unplayable, useless and dead but in the end it was a diverse mAT with way too much engineers and revenants in general and I noticed only one ranger (which was a druid lol).


    We also saw less necros and less elementalists though there were still both of them in mAT.


    Should be a nice discussion thread, no? :)

  15. In general I think of gemstore stuff as "universal items" that you can buy playing whatever you want (because gold -> gem conversion) while most "in game rewards" limit you to playing one map.


    While the latter is pretty good, I think former also has a place. Just my thoughts.

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