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Posts posted by Tayga.3192

  1. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > Even then, clearly one team was noticeably stronger. I can see 100-150 difference as still reasonably competitive, but 200 points is way too far. I do not recall I ever played a game that was competitive which I won or lost with 200 points difference.


    I meant 300-500 as something like "losing with 150-200 points".


    Getting 300 points means you held 1 cap + got some kills for at least for 7-8 minutes.


    Depending on the length of the game, that's pretty impressive if the teams weren't at least close in skill level.

  2. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > 200-500 is one thing but I wouldn't consider 300-500 to be a one sided match at all

    > This is very one sided. If the difference is beyond 100 point clearly one team is much stronger. 300 point difference is a major failure in match making.


    300-500 in this game means pretty good matchmaking, you can see scores like this in MOTA and mAT etc where almost equal teams fight.

  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Pve stats/gear is waaaaaaay stronger than pvp stats/gear.


    > The pvp unique amulets sigils/runes are just compensations for the things that pvp does not get from pve/wvw stats. In no way are pvp unique stats nearly as good as anything in pve/wvw.


    > You can make monstrously broken builds in wvw man.


    The only exception I can think of is demolisher

  4. Since English doesn't have a gender-neutral "he" or "she", people tend to use "they" instead.


    As far as I know, Arenanet always used "he" or "she" for the dragons, no? Dragons have genders, and for obvious reasons they made Jormag a nonbinary (?) dragon. That's why sentient races call Jormag "they".

  5. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > There's nothing in GW2 that is "high effort," but conditions, as DoTs, inherently reward only the initial hit and discourage further engagement so long as that DoT sticks to its target. I can technically kill a target with conditions by striking once and then hiding behind a box for a few seconds whereas at least if its just raw power damage, I would have to keep hitting the target while in line-of-sight until its red bar empties.


    Tell that to oneshot mesmer, literally any thief or oneshot ranger, they can do their "initial burst" and discourage further engagement.


    Next two scenarios have the same end effect:

    - Power build doing 10k initial burst in 2-3 seconds and running away

    - Condi build doing the initial burst in 2-3 seconds and running away, which deals 10k in 4-5 seconds


    In the end you got damaged for 10k and the enemy ran away after a few seconds.

  6. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > These revive skills lately are just too much. They need to AT LEAST do something like double the cast times of those skills so there is realistic time frame to interrupt them.


    For starters they MUST fix mist form/glyph bug. Then we can sit down together and have a long talk about how op holo and scrapper is.


    Oh and also about banner and glyph I guess.

  7. Reminds me of one of today's matches.


    So there we are on the Forest map, and the enemy ranger knows their stuff, they were kiting pretty good. I was playing explosives scrapper (not the best scrapper player but I am comfortable taking most 1v1s).


    When I noticed I was falling behind in tempo vs ranger on the right sidenode (I am very inexperienced in this matchup), I changed places with my grenade holo who can throw grenades to kite spots. After that initial duel, I only engaged the ranger when I was sure it was a teamfight or when I had a lead on cooldowns.


    I'm not saying ranger is bad, but it's possible to outrotate it when the ranger has a team with less... game knowledge.


    > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > What I got out of this is you are a ranger that goes far all game and get mad when your team rotates to you.


    Funny enough in the same exact match I explained up there, we also had a ranger who went far all game lol. I guess ranger players are like that.

  8. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > 10k retaliation damage is 50 hits. With 50 hits you can kill the guard 3 times even if use multi hit skill exclusively. If you use single hit burst skills you can kill the guard 10 times before retaliation kills you.


    > In the average fight against a guard that can keep up retail the each time he is attacked, it does something around 2k damage before the guard dies. There is nothing to complain about for a boon that requires a specific build with tradeoffs.


    As a necro of course you can kill guards, but most classes can't kill it (holo included to a degree). At least decap scrapper can knock them away.

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