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Posts posted by Kurrilino.2706

  1. People have to start to understand that LW1 is not really a LW chapter to experience.

    It's more like the Centaurs attacking the Bridge event without the bridge. Random Blobs of monsters spawn on a random part of the map.

    No story no progress no nothing. Nobody wants to relive that

  2. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.

    > > We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMO

    > > and not a Stock Market Simulator.

    > >

    > > Bot away guys............. flood the market


    > And another vote for the subscription model, check. ANet when are we going to sub based price model?


    This will never ever be a real topic in GW2. Rightfully so.

    Please play another game if you insist on subscription model

  3. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > Found a really good way of spotting macro users now. Get the Bouquet of Roses, use skill 4 while on their character. If that character is still attacking with multiple skills without changing weapon to remove the roses, you can guarentee they are macro users.



    And how does it guarantee anything ????

    Not to mention the madness to get the Bouquet to do what exactly?

    See what weapons a Standing Farmer is using?

    If they read a book while Stand Farming, they just smash buttons from time to time, doesn't matter what other people do.

    You guys should really go back to play the game

  4. Isn't the whole idea of expansions to generate a huge amount of income to make it through the drought until next expansion?????


    Why would they give expansion stuff away for free.

    I mean we are talking what ? $29? I got thousands of hours out of those $29. There is no other hobby that comes close to that ratio.

    If you want to play a game, pay for it. What's wrong with you people?


    I can't believe you guy make me defend A-Net for once

  5. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.

    > > We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMO

    > > and not a Stock Market Simulator.

    > >

    > > Bot away guys............. flood the market


    > But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?


    You are preaching to the choire here.

    I am simply annoyed by those daily Standing Farmer posts and really wish it would be like they say it is.

    We need the economy removed or totally destroyed so people can go back and actually play the game.

  6. Yeah great idea................ 2h of fractals and at the final blow to end the fractal, i am downed and last one alive.

    My pet is rushing back to pick me up....well it disappears and we have to restart the Twilight fractal.


    Your guys obsession to blindly punish everyone who has pets for absolute no reason, is really starting to annoy me.

    I don't deny that there are a handful of people who use their pets not as intended but for the love of all existing gods,

    leave us descent people alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    If someone needs to be punished it's the person who opens a thread every 4 hours complaining about AFK farming

  7. > @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

    > I just really wanted a new log-in screen, like that one they had up during the announcement, an icebrood army slowly coming out of the massive blizzard... along with the superb music and sound effects that this Saga has definitely offered.


    Didn't they already do that or are we talking about the Character selection screen?





  8. > @"cyres.9140" said:

    > Just so you people start to realize what they do not pay for but Arena Net does

    > Story has to be written and someone gets paid for that

    > Voice actors have to be hired in 3 different Languages, all of them have to be paid

    > Server Maintenance costs money

    > Developers have to be paid

    > Graphic Designers have to be paid

    > The Area where their offices are, have to be paid

    > Electricty has to be paid

    > Taxes have to be paid

    > The equipment in the office is not sponsored by someone

    > Customer Support has to be paid

    > The Video Designer have to be paid

    > Translator have to be paid etc. cc.

    > And yes, i am sure the Gem Store is a nice income. But to think of it, i hardly doubt that there are many people who spent high amounts of money on it nowadays. Especially if you count the people in who buy their Gem Cards on various dubious sites. Or Goldseller. And yet you complain that the stuff you get is not the quality you want it to be.


    I try to figure out how all that is related to the question of "Did A-net deliver Expansion content"

    Sounds like a huge apology for why they didn't deliver.


    Some people come with the same argument.... it's free. But being free doesn't mean it's great just because it's free.

    If i want a car and someone offered me his car but it has not wheels and motor, it's Garbage. Yes it's free but i don't want it.


    This is the same for LW episodes. If it is not entertaining, it doesn't matter it's free. Especially when announced that it will be Expansion Tier content.

    If for any reason it is not possible to deliver content the way they do it, they have to stop because it is hurting the game in the long run.

    People just say.... what *kitten* is that mess and don't play it.

    GW1 had the perfect model. Expansion every 6 month including new connected landmasses, new classes skills and high quality stories.

    Everything was customizable, from weapons to armor to heroes. Even the damage or resistance elements could be chosen. It was fantastic

    Elite armor were affordable and sold by ingame characters. No time gate or other *kitten*. There was also no ingame economy.

    Why A-Net abandoned all that is far beyond me.


    And NO, feee stuff doesn't equal all those experiences just because it's free


  9. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > One of the points people make is that "Expansion like Content" is judged by the players not declared by A-Net.


    > Why make a senseless poll about things that are incomplete?



    If you would read past the 1st line you would know that the purpose of the poll is to have 2 parts.

    The first until right this point and one at the end.

    Then compare the polls against each other.


    But thanks for your senseless comment

  10. > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > I don't get why people in the forums freak out with negativity after every chapter release.


    Maybe because they don't like it ???? Ever thought about that?

    If you paint a picture and people hate it, it's time to think about your painting skills, not blaming the people


  11. > @"Kameko.8314" said:

    > No - had no poll pop up. Anyway, no. Big no. Living world season at best. Expansion quality? Not found. No new race. No new abilities , no new bug brain ideas. It's the same mill they been spinning since lws2. Got an enemy? Jormag. Got new maps. Got new mastery that is basically useless. No new features (wait, maybe parachuting). A new SaK - okay maybe it is expansion level? J/K still say no.


    Poll is on the 1st site.


    No idea why it doesn't carry over to the following pages

  12. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet


    > Where WvW is concerned;

    > * There was ZERO content for WvW in the Path of Fire "expansion",

    > * Therefore ZERO content IS expansion tier content.



    I am not in the loop of WvW at all.

    What do you mean by zero content? Did you guys got nothing at all in those expansions?

  13. > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

    >I don't know and who knows really what is "expansion level" content.

    > I expected nothing and I didn't get disappointed. I enjoy the new stuff so far, I only wish they cared more about other game modes than story.


    I assume the 80% voting NO, know exactly what "expansion level" would look like.


    A new area with a true meaning that doesn't exist only because of waging war. With starter areas like Queensdale.

    Maps that are full of live with something that lives in there. Also full of lore and adventures.

    Skills and specs that somehow mirror the new environment.

    We all remember the skills that came with Cantha or Elona in GW1. Ninja skills for Cantha and Dervish skills for Elona.


    Something that somehow tells a story of a whole package where everything is linked.

  14. Honestly the story itself isn't that bad.

    It's the gameplay in general. Those Table sitting sessions you can't skip, since you are not part of any descision making anyways.

    And then the mandatory entering the map first, bar filling for 20 minutes to simulate that content is there and way more which makes the playing a

    dull and bad experience overall.


    Beside that absolutely nothing expansion worthy was added. Like skills or specs or even more important a complete themed are.

    All this 1/10 of a map additions per episode destroy the feeling of entering a complete new area.

    Also those new maps serve the purpose of a war against charr only. There is no live to the map, no exploration, no adventure.

    It would be the same if we remove the villages and the cool surrounding in Queensdale because we need a warzone against the centaurs.





  15. > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > As some might say that it is too early to judge if "saga" had expansion level content - let's not be surprised if there is gonna be a cascade of negativity and disappointment by the end of it.


    My plan was to do another poll at the end of the Saga to see if anything changes to the good or worse and compare it

    to arguments made at this thread.

    The purpose of all that is, if people are really that upset as it seems in the other expansion threads and how valid concerns or praises are

    as well how valid the argument is "Does Anet decides what is expansion content or the player"

  16. > @"kratan.4619" said:>

    > Parents need to be the ones who are monitoring what their children are doing. They need to be the ones to teach their children about what is right or wrong. That is not Anet's job. I love the ability to buy keys and open chests and it should not be impeded by bad parenting.


    I assume you would argue the same if drugs would be the topic?

    We all know that parents can't be everywhere and that those shady individuals try to create a demand.

    And this is where i compare Anet with shady people. You need a precursor to enter the end game content of crafting a legendary.

    Parents have no influence here




  17. There are lot of discussions about the Ice Saga.

    One of the points people make is that "Expansion like Content" is judged by the players not declared by A-Net.

    So i keep it a simple yes or no poll for now.

    I know there will be the regular crying "The season is not over yet". But i highly doubt we will get more or different content then what we got so far,

    but this is for another time.

    I worded it "yet" so please stay away from, we will get this super awesome content everyone is waiting for soon.

    We only judge what has been delivered until this point in time



  18. > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > ....that is not pay-to-win, that's cosmetic.


    > Pay-to-win basically would be opening a black lion chest and getting a higher tier item above legendary with better stats. That does not happen.


    > I repeat: _Cosmetics is not pay-to-win!_


    > Now, loot boxes are a problem in and of themselves. It's a question of whether they should even be allowed in games in the first place. ANet's way, at the very least, deals only with cosmetics. As everyone says, other games abuse this system way worse.


    Well yes and no,


    A precursor is not cosmetic in any meaning.

    It is an item you NEED to enter the end game content of crafting a legendary.

    Precursors are also high priced items and offering an easy way out doing gambling is the critical issue here.

    If they would have thrown random yellow or exotic meaningless weapons in there, nobody would care at all.


    So no, it's not pay to win but it highly encourages gambling to take a short cut.


  19. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > This BLC loot slot changes every few months. I think somewhere around winter they put PvP/WvW reward track tonics in it. Noone complains about that either, despite the fact that it let's you gain PvP / WvW exclusive skins and rewards like Gift of Battle without ever playing those modes.


    > There are no Sub Fees, so I guess they somehow have to make money via the gem store. Really, that's not an issue.


    You are right, that's no the issue. The issue is they expose children to gambling addictions

    And yes, they have to make money............. what about an expansion every 6 month?


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