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Posts posted by Kurrilino.2706

  1. Well.... this is why the government has to step in like they did in other country's.

    Obviously companies can't handle the freedom they are given. Shame on you A-Net.

    It would have been way better to put it directly into the Gem store instead encouraging gambling.


    It's time to end this gambling nonsense across the gaming world.

    I still remember times when you bought a game and it was 100% developed and you could play it to your hearts desire.

  2. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > No. If you read the premise it's a special instance whereby it's pk. Players can choose not to go there but forego the incentive. :)

    > >

    > > What the hell is wrong with you. This area is already in existence and is called WvW.

    > > If you want to kill people, go there and meet the other lunatics.

    > If you read the OP carefully, you'll find one big difference between the OP's suggestion and actual WvW, and that's the "3x loot and good drops" aspect. So, this is basically just another "WvW is unrewarding" thread.


    Well than make WvW 10x rewarding.....

    I don't see what all that has to do with PvE

  3. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > Your comparison is not valid in my opinion as no one is taking advantage of any exploits in GW2. They are playing within the framework of the rules as currently written.


    > My comparison is valid, because people _are_ exploiting available systems.


    > They are using normal systems in the game in abnormal ways which, though not outside the framework of the rules, is still perceived as unfair by virtue of not being the intended use. It's why, when people exploit existing systems IRL, they are partaking in unfair advantage even though they're not strictly breaking the law. "Technically they're allowed to do it" but should they be doing it? Should they be rewarded for doing it? Should we deter that sort of behavior? How?


    Well, this is where you are wrong. Because someone shouldn't do something doesn't make it illegal if the laws allow it.


    The intend of animals and zombies is that they attack enemies. GW has been pretty clear about it. A player staring at a screen or reading a book,

    while his/her zombies killing enemies is irrelevant as long as no 3rd party software is involved.


    I understand you don't like it but that is not changing the intended use.

    -Can you put 2 hot dogs in a single bun? Yes.

    -Should you? Maybe not.

    -Is it an exploit? No, because the intend is to hold hot dogs in buns.

    The Constitution allows us to put as many hot dogs in a bun as we want, doesn't matter how wrong it seems to some people.


  4. > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > **So now that this thread is going, how do we get the attention of the devs to let them know this is what the community wants?


    The community was more than clear that they doesn't want DPS meters. Feel free to communicate this to any Dev you can get hold of.

    But since we don't have a DPS meter, i assume they are already aware of the situation


  5. > @"Lyttle.9426" said:

    > > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > That is in the same category as 'gear inspection'. Too divisive.

    > >


    > Nah. An in house DPS meter can be hard-coded to give out just the account user's DPS/Heals and no one else's. Unlike the 3rd party ones that give out the entire party's DPS output from raw server data.


    Which will result in "post your output or get kicked from the party"



  6. Yeah, the episodes lately are horrible. Nothing at all is happening and contend is simulated by filling a bar of fetching stuff before the story continues.

    And then there is the mandatory sitting on a table listening to people talking about war plans.

    So 2 minutes of actual playing in a 45min episode. This really got old fast

  7. > @"Howdy its me Brad.6132" said:

    > Everyday the same players are standing around the log farm in Malchor's Leap AFK with their minions and pets farming mobs, just like the same bums you see standing around the convenience store. Now they are strategically placed on the escort trails in Drizzlewood where the mobs spawn, just like the same bums you see everyday at the traffic lights. Are they bots? Probably not, but they are AFK and the only reason they do it is because they get loot from the minions and pets without having to do anything. They don't affect me other than I gotta look at their corpses when Lyssa spawns, just like I gotta look at garbage the real life bums leave laying on the ground at their loitering spots. It's pitiful really, newer players keep trying to resurrect them out of the kindness of their hearts thinking they are helping their fellow player when they are really just helping someone who is probably playing some other game or on a different account. Call me a jerk if you want, but it's an exploit. If I ran a company that relied on gem sales as part of our income, i'd make dang sure players that trade gold for gems weren't stealing real money from us by standing around doing nothing in game. When a player is actually controlling a Necromancer or Ranger, they have plenty of AOE for loot without the minions and pets helping them... So please disable minion/pet tagging for loot in the next patch so we don't have to look at these deadbeats.


    I somehow doubt you know how gems to gold works.

    At the point where gems are available to buy for gold, someone already payed cold hard cash.

    It is irrelevant who acquires those gems and how they made their gold after that point.

    And as more expensive gems become because of free gold, as more people will pay cold hard cash for them.

    Welcome to reality

  8. > @"Zheist.6092" said:

    > Hi all and sorry if this is beyond the scope of this forum. I've been thinking of getting Guild Wars as it is such a small investment. I've only been playing GW2 for about 9 months, but I also play for an obscene number of hours each day (old, long retired, and have played online games from when they were text based and on BBS'), so I was wondering if you, the game veterans, think I would be missing out on a lot of quality gaming if I simply passed over Guild Wars? Anyway, I apologize in advance for an unusual question. If it's not appropriate for this forum, feel free to delete it. Thanks


    Do yourself a favor and get the GW1 package.

    If you ask people who really played the game, they will tell you it's far superior to anything GW2 has to offer.

    The stories are fun and getting better while the game progresses. You can equip and select your own group to your hearts desire from hillarious characters.

    Of course you have always the basic mercenaries to chose from in every town.


    You will absolutely miss out if you never touch GW1. And if you feel lost, just shoot me a pm and i play with you.

  9. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > > Dear A-Net.

    > > > >

    > > > > I demand to be released as Comander of this or any fighting force.

    > > > > When i bought the game i intended to be an adventurer hunting treasures and exploring dark forests and magical places.

    > > > > I didn't ask or would ever accept to be a leader of an army of any kind.

    > > > >

    > > > > Especially when i have no deciding power at all. Today i had to witness members of my fighting force executing people openly.

    > > > > My character was not able to voice my opinion or order it to stop. This is a game has a teen rating for kitten sakes.

    > > > >

    > > > > Logan came by and i think he would be the perfect person for this kind of atrocities.

    > > > >

    > > > > I wish this guild i never wanted to be in and the army i don't like best of luck and will be on my way into the next magical forest

    > > > > to do what i really want to do. Maybe i will build a little cabin right at a lake or a creek.

    > > > > But i will always look out for a damsel in distress like the little cute Asura in GW1 who was sad that his ears where to short to find a mate,

    > > > > going to find some special leafs as prosthetics.

    > > > >

    > > > > THIS is what i signed for.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sincerely,

    > > > > a defector (people who played the new map will understand)

    > > >

    > > > You aren't in charge of any of this or any army anymore. Especially the charr. Your group is just caught up in this mess doing the best you can. At least the charr haven't eviscerated you yet for your disagreement in their ways. They respect you enough to hear you out and end it at that.

    > > >

    > > > At the point of charr executing betrayers, leagues of charr before them did successfully side with the enemy and are almost completely annihilating the legions. Anyone deciding to betray after that should expect what is to happen to them in war.

    > >

    > > think about it: what is the purpose of the execution scene. gameplay? . cashshop?

    > > furthermore, i doubt many people log into a fantasy mmo to replay the daily news


    > The purpose of that scene is to set the stage for the rest of the episode, it's a moment in time where you get a peek at the real Smodur...and it didn't remind me of the daily news. Don't recall seeing military executions for desertion on the daily news.


    You should really start to watch news beyond the local news of Sandusky, Ohio.

    Yes, the new opening of Jebediah's BBQ Hut is great news but there is more happening on our planet

  10. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > > You must be fun at parties.

    > >

    > > Standing up against public executions is party pooping............ Now i heard everything


    > They weren't public executions, I know because the public wasn't there. It was a military firing squad for deserters and traitors.


    > No one was there, no spectators or crowds, the commander just happened to walk by as it was happening.




    You must be kidding. This execution was in public. Lot's of regular Charr around who for any reason didn't even notice the execution. You could see it even from the war room tent.

    Anyways, it would still be my duty as a descend human being to raise my voice, doesn't matter how minor you guys experience an execution.


    Stuff like that has nothing to do with a Fantasy RPG. If people buy games like Battlefield or Call of Duty, people expect shootings and killing.

    But we are in Tyria. Do people remember how we started? We were adventurers protecting Bee Hives for little coin or threw snow balls at Norn childs.




  11. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"SaiKosis.4587" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > Heroes do not fit this style of game. It just wouldn't work here - it worked in GW1 because it was an evolution of the henchman system which the game was built around. GW2 is a lot more coop multiplayer based - it's a big part of what Anet have designed the game to be about. Heroes are not in line with that even if they did work. GW1 and GW2 are different styles of games with some overlap. Heroes is not one of those overlaps.

    > > >

    > > > Imagine the AI trying to cope with a strike or a fractal, let alone pathing. And in open world would they take up a player spot?

    > > >

    > > > I'm not a "diehard" fan and I've levied my fair share of criticism at this game, but 8 years on, it's doing pretty well.

    > > >

    > > > Is it time to bring heroes in? No and that time will prob never come either for this game.

    > >

    > > No it isn't. They had a bad 2019 and likely will be a worse 2020. It will only be around as along as they're making money, won't be much longer and it will be over.

    > >


    > Yeah it is. People have been saying that the game is dying and has no future since 2013, then again after LS2, then again after HoT, then again during LS3, then again after PoF, then again during and after LS4. Yet here we are, a strong population, regular updates, an expansion on the way.


    > The game has a bigger dev team and vastly bigger population than older mmo's which are still going.


    > It has problems and has had problems since launch, but GW2 is nowhere near the end nor is it "dying" no matter how hard the minority wish it to be the case.


    I strongly advice to look at their recent quarter numbers.

    China as a new member had a 45% raise while the overall sales stayed roughly the same as the 25% drop from last quarter.

    That means beside China, players dropping like flies. Lot's of A-Net employees have been fired and it shows, looking at the new content.

    How long do you think, will NC-Soft look at that before they pull the plug and put it in maintenance mode.

    I agree the game is not yet dead yet but it already laid down and pulled the blanket to the chin.

    This is a slow painful struggle and it hurts me to see a game going down like that.



  12. Heroes are exactly what this game is missing.

    One of the best things in GW1 is to outfit and skill you heroes.

    Running around like a well oiled machine is a far superior experience than complaining, elitist, kicking groupmembers.

    And while we are at it, bring weapon customizing back. It was so satisfying to equip yourself against fire damage and just go rampage.


  13. I don't even have an opinion of yes or no.


    But if that goes through you will face an avalanche of request from people customizing their experience.

    I would demand that i want the Gw1 fighting system back.

    And how would they argue to grant the request for one but deny the request of others.


    In general it wouldn't tackle the problem people have with the game.

    It's always the same request. We want the fights more creative and challenging.

    A-Net: Ok here you go... More hitpoints and less timer.

    Players: uhm.... yeah right

  14. Dear A-Net.


    I demand to be released as Comander of this or any fighting force.

    When i bought the game i intended to be an adventurer hunting treasures and exploring dark forests and magical places.

    I didn't ask or would ever accept to be a leader of an army of any kind.


    Especially when i have no deciding power at all. Today i had to witness members of my fighting force executing people openly.

    My character was not able to voice my opinion or order it to stop. This is a game has a teen rating for kitten sakes.


    Logan came by and i think he would be the perfect person for this kind of atrocities.


    I wish this guild i never wanted to be in and the army i don't like best of luck and will be on my way into the next magical forest

    to do what i really want to do. Maybe i will build a little cabin right at a lake or a creek.

    But i will always look out for a damsel in distress like the little cute Asura in GW1 who was sad that his ears where to short to find a mate,

    going to find some special leafs as prosthetics.


    THIS is what i signed for.



    a defector (people who played the new map will understand)

  15. Yeah this is out of control.

    I don't want to be in a war and i don't want to be a comander of an army. I'm an adventurer for god sakes.

    Especially when i order all out frontal attack but being tasked with collecting apples and destroy speakers attached to trees.

    I also don't want to be in an army that openly executes people.


    What the fuck is wrong with you A-Net????

    The game was already crap but this is crossing so many red lines.

  16. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > GW2 is already inferior to GW1. So asking for GW2 being the best MMO is the wrong question.

    > > We should ask if GW1 is the best MMO ever made.


    > But gw1 isn't really considered a mmo.


    Not sure how this is relevant. GW1 is sold as a MMO by A-Net. Everything else is pure speculation by random people with irrelevant opinions.


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