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Posts posted by Kurrilino.2706

  1. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > We were all assured that Arenanet's developers are willing to continue Guild Wars 2 and that expansions aren't ruled out, as the Director himself pointed out in a most recent interview.




    So the director himself saying, no expansion in near or distant future, makes you believe that an expansion is incoming


    Respect, that is optimism



  2. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > Can't calculate the odds but anet has made no hints that there will ever be any more especs. They said "expansion level content" but that in no way means "especs".


    > What's more "expansion level" than e-specs?

    > I think we just need another round of them. 3 especs for each class would be perfect


    Well if you look at what "expansion level" actually means you will figure out that you don't want elite specs with this saga.

    Just look at the "Masteries" Something like open a chest or float enemies for a second but only if they are not powerfull at all.


    You Elite specs would be something like on critical hit you do 1 point more damage but you also get a blue aura around you.

    There is a reason why they call if "Expansion Like" content and not expansion.

    It's like you buy a "car like vehicle" instead a car


  3. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > Have to repost, because the video in my previous thread was in German. So, here is solely the link this time:

    > > > https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/2014609

    > > >

    > > > Looks like resources are being coordinated elsewhere again.

    > >

    > > At least it's not for mobile and yes, I have a phone.


    > The mobile market is booming. We would be lucky to have Anet produce a higher performing mobile game bc that would mean GW2 would also benefit from the increased resources.


    Wow.... that delusion.


    Sure, Anet will develop something new to keep something dying artificially alive.

    And all that for the good of GW2 players. The 2nd coming is finally here.


    Wouldn't it be easier to develop something cool for GW2 to keep GW2 alive?


  4. The only way to make it happen is to buy it off A-Net hands.

    Which would of course never happen because they are not stupid. As soon as GW1 will get graphics updated and the never released Aztec expansion

    would be finally released, is the day when GW2 has to close the gates for good.


    We don't even need nonsense like time gates or whatever. Just disconnect from GW2 and collect the cash.

    The former teens and young adults from GW1 are not the moneymaker of the society and i could spend nearly unlimited amount of gaming money.

    Let the cool people come together, after GW2 had a couple of month fighting for the regular slummy pennies.

    Maybe they will join and make GW1 even greater than it already is

  5. I don't get the confusion, Anet has been very clear what's right and what's not.

    If there is any action required they send someone to walk by and whisper. If that person answers, everything is fine.

    I farm myself like that for years. They usually whisper and when i respond they are usually super nice wishing me a good day.


    And IMO this is the right approach from A-Net. They can easily remove botters from the game is they remove the trade post and introduce

    way more interesting game play. I simply do it because i have nothing better to do in game. I have all my Legendary weapons, over 15.000 gems

    and i hate raiding. There is absolutely nothing else to do for me.

  6. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > Common misconception. Guild Wars 1 didn't store your build templates, and didn't remember your gear.


    > But by all means, do continue harping on about it long after the decisions have been made. Surely that'll make you feel better.

    > "We want Build Templates!"

    > "Okay, here's some Build Templates"

    > "EEW! Not like *THAT*!"


    What the fuck are you talking about??????

    You had build templates and Equipment Sets to toggle

  7. What the hell is going on with you PvP people.

    You open 4,374,862 threads asking about bringing PvP to PvE.

    And every time you guys get a clear "NO"


    You guys are lucky that certain words are not allowed in this forum or you would get an even stronger response.


    So i try a last time


    HELL NO, stay out of our PvE world nobody wants or needs you here !!!

  8. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > I can't help but notice that Gem prices are at its highest since the release of the game...

    > Is this a sign that the game is still healthy or am I reading it wrong?


    You absolutely read it wrong.


    Gems are high when lot of people buy gems with ingame gold but very few buy gems with real money and sell them.

    This is the exact opposite of what you want to read into that.

  9. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

    > > > Open world wont kill gw2. PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way. PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW. What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart. I know WvW players playing the game doing only WvW, not knowing what a guild hall is even. I know PvE players who havent played WvW a single time. I know PvP player that does only tournaments. Why all of you think splitted community is a good community ? WvW struggle for fresh blood ? How do you suggest they do that ? Go out in LA spreading the good word and putting posters on the bank and trading post ?

    > > >

    > >

    > > Buddy, you really don't get it do you?

    > >

    > > The PvE community doesn't want any kind of PvP in their PvE world.

    > > I agree, PvP is dying but don't make it other peoples problem. Especially when they voiced their opinion

    > > in 457.254.390 threads before this one.

    > >

    > > I make it easy for you. I am living in a world where i am competing against other people 24/7

    > > and i don't wish to do so in my spare time. On purpose i choose a place where all that is shut out for 1 or 2 hours.

    > > And i couldn't give a kitten WvW or PvP is dying or will be removed because this here is mainly a fantasy RPG.

    > > If i like hockey I don't want to be taken to basketball despite we are all sports people.

    > > In this case a splitted community is good because i can focus on what i like, hockey.

    > >

    > >

    > > Is there anything unclear about that?

    > >


    > & i already told you. Both can coexist in the same world map with out affecting one game mode or the other. & can assure you, theirs as much if not more WvW & pvp' players combined that makes up more then half of the Gw2 community population. So your in the minority if you want to measure pve community to pvp'ers. .


    You can tell me as much as you want.

    I DO NOT WANT TO COEXIST. Deal with it. And i don't care who is majority or minority.


    There is a reason A-Net made different communities. Is that so difficult to understand?

  10. > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

    > Open world wont kill gw2. PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way. PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW. What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart. I know WvW players playing the game doing only WvW, not knowing what a guild hall is even. I know PvE players who havent played WvW a single time. I know PvP player that does only tournaments. Why all of you think splitted community is a good community ? WvW struggle for fresh blood ? How do you suggest they do that ? Go out in LA spreading the good word and putting posters on the bank and trading post ?



    Buddy, you really don't get it do you?


    The PvE community doesn't want any kind of PvP in their PvE world.

    I agree, PvP is dying but don't make it other peoples problem. Especially when they voiced their opinion

    in 457.254.390 threads before this one.


    I make it easy for you. I am living in a world where i am competing against other people 24/7

    and i don't wish to do so in my spare time. On purpose i choose a place where all that is shut out for 1 or 2 hours.

    And i couldn't give a kitten WvW or PvP is dying or will be removed because this here is mainly a fantasy RPG.

    If i like hockey I don't want to be taken to basketball despite we are all sports people.

    In this case a splitted community is good because i can focus on what i like, hockey.



    Is there anything unclear about that?




    Im absolutely not tired of reading threads people comparing Gw2 vs wow or why wow has more viewers on twitch than gw2. This discussion needs to start. Im making this thread to keep this discussion running forever!

    Which GAME is the better GAME??


    I don't wanna to hear about player base nonsense. Of course its a ANet game. If GW1 isnt a ANet game it would be dead by now.


    Also no payment/subscription method reason why i play Guild wars 2. Like dude. Get a basement. Then you can play any game you want.


    This discussion Is about which Game is the better GAME .


    Time To start This Debateand keep it updated!

    Guild Wars 2

    World of Warcraft


    But we all know who the real winner is. GW1

  12. Dear OP,

    i don't even know what to say.

    So you go to a GW2 Forum and ask who is better, GW2 or WOW........ brilliant.

    Who would have thought that GW2 got more votes. While we are at it, we could also go to Manchester United Fans and ask, what's better: Soccer or Basketball.


    You didn't even ask the more important question first: GW1 vs GW2

    After this has been done, there is no need anymore to ask is GW2 is better than WoW.




  13. > @"Xeneth.9260" said:

    > What the hell ?

    > Today I come back to the game after 1 week break, I bought about 2.2k bags of rare unidentified gear. Boosted my mf up 770 % in Silverwastes and started opening them, hoping for some decent exotic drops.

    > I got LESS than 15 exotics ? 15 !!!! From 2.2k bags!

    > What.the. kitten.

    > I feel cheated out of the money I spent buying them. Did anyone else have a similar experience ? Is this a bug, should I report it ?


    Well this is a Fantasy RPG, not a stock market. If you use the game other than intended i can't feel some pitty.

    I would advise that your time is better spend at the NY Stock Market. If you rock this, you don't care about the loss of a gaming currency anymore.

  14. GW2 is a really weird game.


    It is supposed to be a RPG but it certainly isn't.

    You wanna be a treasure hunter ?? You wanna be bandit ?? You wanna be trader or an animal trainer ??

    Just forget it !!!!

    You are the general of a whole army. "Great" you say "i can decide wars"................ well... you don't have any say in whats going on.

    In fact you were just given the title of commander because people were wondering , what is my purpose here? I mean nothing to this world.

    So A-Net let the NPC's call you commander without actually being a commander.


    That leads to the next weird thing. You like to meet epic people or create a famous warband out of handpicked and customized characters?

    Than keep looking. Doesn't matter you like it or not, you are in a group with people you don't like or want and they call it a guild.


    Are you into epic always changing stories? Not here buddy, you will have to live with a fixed plot.

    Dragon awakes..Dragon corrupts land..group of people don't wanna team up to fight it... you make them team up... you kill the dragon.

    We had that rinse and repeat now with multiple dragons and the good news is there are Plenty o' Dragons left.


    Did i mention they are creating new maps with every living story chapter ??? Sounds great right ? Constantly new maps with breathtaking landscapes full

    of medieval live and villages to travel and have adventures for years and years. Well... New Maps yes... but imagine an empty shoe box and you throw 2 hand full

    of little enemies in there.... thats it. No lore, no exploring no adventures... just a constant war zone you visit exactly 1 time and never again.


    So what kind of game is GW2 and who is it for?

    I have no freaking idea. Certainly not Fantasy RPG people.



  15. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > players like you, who want everything free, are in large, part of the reason those layoff happened not to long ago. not all content will meet your standards of good, but more content is better than less content.

    > > >

    > > > with no expansion on the horizon any time soon, how do you expect they will keep the lights on? how will they keep the wheel turning? magic?

    > > >

    > > > the freeloader player base can be antagonized all day, they are not what keeps the game going.

    > > >

    > > > EDIT: seriously, dude. what are your awesome suggestions that they can do right now and make more money. old content won't keep your game alive, especially when it's free to play. you slapped them all down like you have some kind of high ground, but what idea did you put forth? NONE.

    > >

    > >

    > > No idea why you attack this person.

    > > Just for the case you didn't notice. The lights will go off anyways.

    > > If you decide to throw money at a dying game it's your thing to do. But don't attack people who are not oblivious to the world around them.

    > >

    > > Firing a huge chunk of the staff including key position people and openly announcing there will be no future content is not ringing a bell i assume.


    > When did they say no future content? I saw that no expansion were currently in the works, but I also saw they are moving forward with LS content as planned. Since that is not today, that is future content.


    > Whatever the direction was, it was obviously wrong.


    > Also for attacking "this person", read their initial response to my OP. Imagine they responded in that way to a list of your suggestions to get some perspective.


    > The game needs revenue to survive. More free content, and no expansion in sight doesn't feel good.


    > If the game dies, I can move on and forget it. It's not a family member or a pet, but it has been a good way to past time and drink beer.


    They announced it right after they they apologized for firing all the good people. You can also look into their job postings.

    Every single job posting has been removed. No connect the dots. Tons of people were let go and none will be hired.

    That screams tons of awesome future content.


    My personal guess is they deliver the next living season and let the game slowly die off after and hope people still throw money at them

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