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Posts posted by Ameepa.6793

  1. At least your exotic jewels are wrong,

    Trinkets have base stats of 75, 53, 53 + gemstone 25, 15, 15 = 100, 68, 68 per trinket = 200, 136, 136 ( you had only 162, 116, 116 on these for some reason)

    Rings base 90, 64, 64 + gemstone 25, 15, 15 = 115, 79, 79 per ring = 230, 158, 158

    Amulet 120, 85, 85 + gemsone 25, 15, 15 = 145, 100, 100


    So your calculations are missing at least 99 points from exotics which would make it 3081 vs 3302


    Did not check other items.


    Edit: back item also, base 30, 21, 21 + gemstone 25, 15, 15 = 55, 36, 36, so that's 7 missing points more


  2. I think that it's actually good design and I like it. For me they look and feel much more natural this way instead of character like instant rotation. It is something you just have to get used to when controlling the mounts. That and their unique abilities makes them different than mounts we have seen in other games.


    Matter of opinion of course, some like it, some don't, doesn't mean it's broken.

  3. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > One important thing to know about the nodes is that they are never going to pay themselves back. They are just something to collect and complete for people who like that kind of thing.


    > The ones you can get from achievements and laurels will pay themselves back. I do suggest that people get those if they plan on hitting them frequently.


    > The ones out of black lion chests/gem store will not. Those I only suggest for collectors.


    OP was talking exactly about bl chest/gem store ones.

  4. > @"Thromos.7038" said:

    > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > I think it's very fair to allow us to buy gems with gold. Never seen such a thing anywhere else.


    > LOTRO - in game gold could buy their LOTRO points. Paid for quite a few perks that way.


    Oh they added that system? I used to play it too before GW2, but it did not have it then yet so did not know :)


    Edit: how weird, their Wiki does not mention anything about them being buyable with gold https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/LOTRO_Point

    and can't find the option to do so in game either.



  5. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > Does sound a bit unbalanced if people indeed get like 10 of these per year and everyone needs 500.


    > But not everyone needs 500. It's like Mystic Coins, there are few sources for them in the game. But not everyone needs 250 for legendary weapons per quarter. I spent way more Mystic Coins than the average player gets in the time I'm playing. It's only possible because there are lots of players who don't craft legendary weapons, or at least not at the point they are at on their journey.


    > I don't care at all about the achievement this thread is about, I would gladly sell any dumplings I get.


    Not everyone gets 10 of them per year either. Point was just to compare the amounts, 1 vs 1 person.



  6. Saying in guild chat that you are not happy with the guild and are going to leave and make your own guild does indeed look like an attempt to recruit people from the guild to your new one before leaving. In most of the cases it also is exactly how it seems. That kind of behavior is not tolerated even if it is not clearly written down in guild rules.


    Kicking a person who does that is very understandable thing to do since the person in question is going to leave anyway so it's better to prevent them causing harm to the guild before they go.


    Maybe you will understand this better when it happens to your own guild the first time.

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