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Posts posted by Ameepa.6793

  1. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > oh nice, I have 3 eles with 3 different build in pve and pvp


    > let's see how the build templates fulfill my needs


    > it's seems like I gonna need pve and pvp toons


    > I prolly gonna need a 4th exclusively for pve


    It should fill your needs just fine since nothing was taken out. You still have your three build templates per each character (can be expanded). Only difference is that you just have to switch them now manually instead of them switching automatically and now you can also use all three saved builds in any game mode. Also you have gear templates now too.

  2. > @"Despond.2174" said:

    > I don't get why they removed the 2 free auto templates spvp and wvw gave... now I have 1 less template then before. If I want a fractal and 1 open world build then I have to manually change every time I pvp. Am I missing something here? The 3rd tab requires gems, so before I had 3 templates and now I have 2.


    You have 3 build templates, named by default after the old pve, wvw, and pvp builds and 2 armor templates. So you are probably looking at the armor ones.

  3. > @"Zynk.9015" said:

    > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > Home instances are not nerfed. Change affects only the new ascended nodes, which was kinda obvious that it was not ment to work like that. Instances are now back in the same state as they always were before ascended cooking.


    > IDK about that. Everytime I use another players home instance now I open everything and the few nodes at my HI are open as well when I go to check it. I'm still not exactly sure what the latest nerf did but I'm talking about HI nodes as they were released, where you could farm another players and our own nodes would be unaffected. The time when guilds had players dedicated to HI farming each day before that nerf happened. It was reasonable to make back the gold earned from HI farming back then, but it's nowhere near as popular now so what's the point of having the prices so high now if it's just going to be a novelty?


    That is how it has always worked. You have never been able to farm someone elses AND your own nodes. Same node shares the same cd in every instance. You can gather each node only once per day per account. Always worked like that.



  4. > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > The only way we can have a taste of PvP in PvE is (in my opinion) to activate the "friendly fire" in the World Boss events. After the initial "fun", then, to complete a World Boss event the players should look at the build, skills, weapons. And to use only what they know they can controll, hitting the target without killing everything around :#.


    > HM =) - I don't think we may hear too soon the complain that the Claw of Jormag is boring =)


    Yeah I'm sure that system would not be used to troll and grief people at all... :P


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