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Posts posted by Ameepa.6793

  1. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > I dont care about it. To me it's meaningless whether these items or mats or whatever cost 999999999 gold or are for free. I roll with the flow and I for sure keep on rolling. Im a roller and you can't stop me.


    My favorite comment this week! Keep on rollin! :D

  2. > @"Dan.9304" said:

    > > @"Friday.7864" said:

    > > That's not a new story chapter, that's a festival where you do various activities to earn items, some gold, achievements and such.

    > > It comes back every year for a few weeks.


    > Ya but all the NPCs always say different stuff then normal


    Festivals are the same every year. They don't need to record them again every time.

  3. > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > Blizzard already did this at the launch of WoW and then later removed the need for ammo because it would take a lot of time to gather the materials just to play your class as well as it took a lot of inventory space (thousands of arrows for raids). lets not repeat their error.




    No one back then liked the system. It was a a huge nuisance for hunters to stock up ammunition all the time. It simply does not work and is not wanted in an MMO.



  4. > @"Lucy.6529" said:

    > Thanks, how do I find these people though? I want to be able to experience doing some Fractals etc but struggle to find anyone in my timezone on the EU server I'm on. I'd like to join a guild that I can do things with, hence why I would like to know if there's any servers with a good population from Oceania because there is none where I am.


    Your server does not matter at all except in WvW. In PvE every server in that region plays together.


    Think it like this:

    -There is only one server in EU and one in US.

    -Your homeserver is only the name of your WvW-team.


    Only thing that would have an effect to the population is changing to whole other region, in your case from EU to US. There probably is more Oceania players playing on US-world.

  5. > @"Tom.6478" said:

    > I have looked everywhere for a simple explanation but have found none. I have seen many videos of people targeting a foe or just a particular spot. You would see green concentric circles at the target or spot. How the hell do you do that? No matter what I try....no green circles.

    > I'm sure its something simple, but I'll be dammed if I know what it is.

    > I'm trying to defeat Canach where you have to target the mines, but I always miss.

    > Any help on this will make my day.


    Options -> Combat/Movement-> Ground Targeting -> Normal

  6. > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > Are you sure about that? It didn't work for me... When I needed to go for the skyscale, I had to redo all of it to be able to open the last door because the door didn't open when I tried straight at first. Or is it something that got changed?


    > Edited for an add: Or could it be it needs to be with same toon who did it the first time?


    No I am never abosolutely sure about anything. I only know that I did not repeat the whole thing when I got my skyscale things. Can indeed be character related.

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