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Posts posted by Ameepa.6793

  1. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > My biggest concern is some, like me and my wife, will force themselves to do it because they want the emote and then, it'll look like peoiple are doing strike missions when in reality they don't like them. Enough of that stuff loses players.


    Indeed, I am kinda disappointed that you ended up "voting" it being a good thing to add strikes to meta since all they now see is that it was a success and they got new people doing them.


    I'm gonna hold on to my "no" vote and leave the meta unfinished!


    Often actions are better than just talk.


  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > I believe most people probably don't enjoy strike missions. I can't prove it, but Anet will have the data and react accordingly. Just like I believe most people didn't run dungeons regularly and most people don't run high level fractals. Most people certainly don't raid.


    > The easier Strike Missions are much easier than dungeons, much easier than high level fractals (or even low level ones) and obviously much easier than Raids. They are also public content that require no group forming or roles. Touch the portal, get teleported inside, paired with 9 other randoms that did the same, kill the boss, profit.


    > > The thing is, it's easy to think when you like something that a lot of people feel the same way. I feel that way too. But I've seen over the years that the harder instanced part of the games tend to get less love than easier stuff. It leads me to believe it's not as popular.


    > Have you finished the zone meta of Daybreak? Or the zone meta of The Head of the Snake? Those two required killing Scruffy 2.0 and Caudecus respectively as part of the story, required for completion of the zone meta. Remember Seeds of Truth and the Dodgy Crowd achievement? That was pure joy, or not. The game regularly had "harder" instance requirements to get zone meta completion.


    > You know what was almost always the first suggestion? "Get others to help you!". You know what? They removed that requirement by putting the harder instanced content requirements for the meta inside Strike Missions, where you don't have to group up with others. The story of the Icebrood Saga (mechanic wise) has been a total joke so far, so they took away the harder requirements inside the story (even the story itself!) and put them in Strike Missions where you will get others to help you without trying.


    > > I mean what are the odds that if 70% of the population was running dungeons Anet would have moved away from them?


    > Dungeons, even Ascalonian Catacombs story mode, are significantly harder than Shiverpeak Pass. And more importantly, they require forming a group. Strike Missions do not, they are public "anyone welcome" content.


    I have done all those metas you mentioned and pretty much every other map meta too! Including that Dodgy crowd and other ls2 story achiements also!


    This new meta I will never complete simply because I do not raid or do anything that requires grouping up. It's not about challenge, it's about the format.

    Haven't done dungeons either.

  3. I too wish they had not made the episode meta require strike achievements too like they never have before. I don't do strikes or raids so this time I won't complete the meta. Originally I was going to skip other achies too because of this, but I do like the map so I ended up completing everything else on the map and drakkar. Left meta at the 27/37 step.


    I truelly hope this is not the way from now on.

  4. > @"kratan.4619" said:

    > If open world pvp is put in, optional or not, I will immediately un-install and never look back. The only people who think this is fun are the ones who want to grief others, there is literally no other reason. They are not good enough to camp others in the PvP arenas or in WvW, but they would be good enough to grief people with their PvP build while they are running around in their PvE farm builds.


    Couldn't have said it better. Agree 100%

  5. I had way more than enough of raiding and forced grouping before GW2. Started to play this game exactly because it had none of that. No raids at all, no forced grouping, no grinding for gear. Very solo friendly with focus on outworld PVE. Was perfect game for me. I made a decision back then that I will never ever raid again in any game. Have been happily playing here every day since launch, doing my casual stuff that I actually like to do. Best game related decision I have ever done.


    And now comes these news that makes it look like that the game is going to turn into exactly opposite direction. Trying to force everyone to group up, to raid? My decision is going to hold. I will not raid. Remains to be seen how possible it will be to continue playing in meaninful way without raiding.

  6. > @"Benethan.3657" said:

    > The thing is the difficulty of the strikes is clearly increasing and although I'm not sure if it's comparable to the easiest raids it's 10ppl group content and don't think 10 ppl group content achievements belong in the saga story meta achievement, specially when it's not a bonus but imperative to get to the needed number.


    Indeed, I think map meta achie should be doable by basically everyone who simply is there playing the story and map, without forced group stuff. Them challenging 10 man content should have their own cathegory for the ones who are into that kind of stuff.


  7. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Zanktus.9821" said:

    > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > The token does drop from the end chest.

    > > Maybe the token was a daily/achievement reward for opening the chest?

    > No, it definitely came from the chest. I had checked achievements and such before. I did get a couple on my first run, too, but I hadn't paid attention to achievements then, so no way of telling if there was one from the chest or not.


    > > @"Musha.4025" said:

    > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > > It's a new activity. Nobody knows the ins and outs of it yet. Give it a couple of days for people to figure out how to best gather stacks and get a feel for how the stacks affect the loot chance before crying "nerf". Personally, from what I've seen last night this looks to me like a welcome addition for those of us that prefer cooperative to competitive activities.

    > > Then that's a couple of days we are not able to get our full 16 Divine Envelopes.

    > It is. So what? It's a game that includes figuring out and learning stuff. It's not a participation trophy that you're guaranteed to get max rewards simply for showing up.




    It was exactly that for the last 5 years. Now you need to do all this just to get the same reward as you got previous years simply for showing up. :)


  8. > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

    > > Yeah, it would be much better if permanent vendor and trading post contracts worked like the vault contract does that it only opens the usable UI, but doesn't create an NPC.


    > I have to disagree here. Once you close the UI, even accidentally by moving, it's gone. At least with the NPC you can reopen it again for 15 minutes. I'm with the others here - keep the NPCs but hide them from other players.


    So what? Talking about permanents here and suggesting they all should work like vault one does and that thing does not have a cooldown so simply just reopen if you close it by accident :)

  9. Perhaps the breakbars should give some sort of feedback when you hit them with CC to make it easier to learn that CC does something to them.


    Also maybe the breakbars generally should be tuned to be a bit easier to break so that people would more often see what happens when they actually are broken succesfully. If breaking the bar fails 90% of times, it just leaves people confused about what it even is and what it does or what is supposed to happen.

  10. I did enjoy the story and athmospehere is great, but it is really short and the map is kinda tiny. Took only about 7-8 hours to complete the story, masteries and the map meta achievement. Felt like this episode was only about half the size of what we have previously got.


    So quality is great but I wish there was a bit more of it :)

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