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Posts posted by ugrakarma.9416

  1. well coming back to this topic after PoF.


    The good news, is that rune of spellbreaker work very well with vanilla GS warriors. Althought the new elite itself inst target to this niche.


    Our "update" is that rune.

    if use sigil of accuraccy+precision signet u get 70% raw critical chance, with.

    if dont want stack so much critical chance, use air sigil+any other utility, get nice damage.


    when i get more time i will post a build.

  2. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > 3. Based on [Garden of the Gods](wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_of_the_Gods) they're going to another world, a world without major problems like the Elder Dragons, to begin anew with humanity or possibly other races.

    > This would be the most hilarious kick in the kitten if it turns out to be true. I mean, can you imagine it?

    > The gods brought humanity to Tyria, seemingly fleeing some cataclysm on the world they came from, and now, once it turns out this world also has a cataclysmic event going on, they just leave it, not even bothering to attempt to evacuate even the humans?

    > Its like "You guys are cursed, so we are just leaving you here to die, have fun!"


    So if Balthazar succeded their deserver the revenge!

  3. WvW, is the most "play as u want" gamemode, unless u want run with a guildmanders.


    -Guildmanders: theses guys have a spreadsheet with builds, they run tests, their groups much tied to specific roles. Do not break your head trying to get into their group.

    -Pugmanders: usually guys who take pleasure in blobing, and carry everyone, they like big battles.


    Everyone type, has its disadvantages and advantages.


    **Guildmanders**, has the good side to make you professional, will actually kill many and win more if you follow them, at the price of having to adapt.

    **Pugmanders**, good side, play the way you want, but the guarantee of victories is less, and sometimes it ends in disaster that demoralizes the whole server.


    Some guildmanders also like to be "pugmanders" at times, but they are the minority, the weight on their shoulder is heavy because they are coordinating a mixed group of professionals and non-professionals.



  4. > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > I tried queue'ing plat2 ranked with scourge. Didn't go so well. Probably will go back to reaper since power reaper can actually fight a spellbreaker.


    i play scourge, is dumb style but fun. literally need stay mid ranged and appling condis. but is 50/50 chance to get ganked and die in few secs. i use hybrid with minions to create confusion, avoiding being ganked.

  5. but is theres a POI or just a empty area? if theres a new POI, so new stuff/easter egg is coming.


    Probably is the strongest point of Anet is how deep they going on detailing the maps.

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