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Posts posted by Virdo.1540

  1. > @"Sifu.9745" said:

    > I have been checking for some nice condi revenant builds for sPvP on MetaBattle and, oh boy, i was shocked when i saw a condi Herald build with M/Sh + Staff (condi hearald?????) and then a Power Renegade with SB! I mean a Power Short Bow + Staff Renegade???? Is this a joke or meta is completely outdated? SB is a pure condi dmg! If i want to play Herald i would go for Power build and Renegade for Condi. But meta favourizes the opposite: power renegade with SB and a condi Herald. i just can't take this serious any more. A power SB ROLF! Condition weapons are SB + Mace/Axe, but i can't find these combination on meta. Also why the Staff is number 1 weapon for pvp, no matter if condi or power?


    shortbow indeed has pretty high power dmg output too. + renegades minions do high dmg from power too.

    While condi herald is an extremely tanky build. Because condis just need "condition dmg" and can choose some extra vitality or smth, while power needs 3stats


    And staff is the best weapon on revs to increase their sustain / time before death. Thats why its a loved second weapon-choice. Even though it doesnt have much dmg output.



    But yes, most parts of metabattles revenant builds are outdated. PvP excluded this time.

  2. For everyone that says its in a great spot



    Its damage its so low, its not even on the snowcrows benchmark list...despite the fact that its support isnt that good either.

  3. > @"JekthAvid.1408" said:

    > I've played herald since HoT came out, and I have a good time playing it. Buuut there seems to be some sort of stigma against it. Herald, in the eyes of many, is just not that good (except in wvw yay!) I was wondering if anyone has any possibly unorthodox builds that could bring herald back to relevance?


    In wvw/pvp its pretty decent.

    In PvE its not. The problem is that it lacks quite some damage. Its support: can be ok. Facet of nature is underwhelming, Assassince Presence is good, Boons are meh, cuz everyone can give those to themself too (or just a firebrand).


    The best builds imo are

    for raids: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZlpQMMLyjdRdMMijJSksCigJ7lZ7E-e

    for fracs and dungeons: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZlpQMMLyjdRdMMijJSksCigJ7ld7G-e (or with glint-Dwarf, if stab-lack is massive problem)


    But to that, even with max damage, it would still only be able to hit around max. 33k damage ,which is atm not that good.

    It lacks some kind of burst. Other classes ,like soulbeasts, can reach way higher damage (~38k dps) ,with available burst, whilst having extreme buffs through its stance-sharing.

    Even power-renegade with 34k dps is better than power herald. Higher damage, higher support (renegade elite + 50% condi-weakening from heal), Assass.Pre. & might, protection etc.


    So overall ,herald is something that people can work with (like if looking for a power-dps), but its biggest problem is definetly its damage + the non-availability of an burst.

    But sadly ,there are maaaany toxic people out there that only want group compositions like from snowcrows or Discretize. Many are using power herald as a joke, even though its not Thaat terrible.


    i also opened a thread of possible (some tiny) herald-changes, that could bring it definitely back into relevance. But anet abandoned herald together with wvw

  4. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > stealth needs to be unstackable in duration ,like superspeed.

    > > > >

    > > > > together with that, reveal should make players immune to becoming invisible, not just undo invis after some seconds. Perma-Reveal,like from new taken keeps) still opens the way to perma-stealth.

    > > >

    > > > [Revealed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) already does this. I think you are confusing it with [Marked](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked).

    > > >

    > > > D:

    > >

    > > revealed? oh u mean that thing that can simply be cleansed away?

    > > also reveal from marking isnt as useful when keeping permastealth on with 0.5 seconds before the "reveal" from marked could go in action


    > I mean you can complain the Deadeye elite thing, sure. As for "permastealth." Do you mean for a long duration? Or that they are popping stealth on and off like flickering before Marked does it's thing?


    > D:


    you dont really get me. there are many ways to bypass "revealed". For example, using short-duration invis-skills. And i not only mean the "flickering on - off stealth"

  5. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > stealth needs to be unstackable in duration ,like superspeed.

    > >

    > > together with that, reveal should make players immune to becoming invisible, not just undo invis after some seconds. Perma-Reveal,like from new taken keeps) still opens the way to perma-stealth.


    > [Revealed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) already does this. I think you are confusing it with [Marked](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked).


    > D:


    revealed? oh u mean that thing that can simply be cleansed away?

    also reveal from marking isnt as useful when keeping permastealth on with 0.5 seconds before the "reveal" from marked could go in action

  6. > @"Calisanna.8732" said:

    > > @"diomache.9246" said:

    > > Question again: Why would you feel screwed?

    > > "I put in work" - No, you played wvw and farmed a legendary while playing. If you played it because you want to farm a legendary you should have taken the easy road and go raids or spvp.

    > > This mindset of people today is really terrible. Can you just stop being Karens?


    > Why are so many people missing the fact that this skin is not a legendary.



    Fashion Wars 2 is not about legendary stuff. Especially with the 2. gear slot legy stuff became completely worthless.

    In Fashion Wars only the skins count. Because "Skins are the Endgame-Content"


  7. > @"Strages.2950" said:

    > If you're only playing WvW for the rewards I really do feel bad for you. It's the only reason I can think of anyone being upset about this change. The armor itself, shiny or otherwise, looks like kitten. If you think having that particular armor will give you some sort of status, you're just... wrong. Nobody gives a kitten what you're wearing. If anything your WvW Rank itself is more of a status symbol (and even that's minor) than whatever shiny thing you're using to drop my frames.


    Yea thats a problem. Nothing is giving u anything. Nothing is worth a crap. Nothing does anything.


    Gw2 is only about effects. Even though (like with the last patch) All effect-skins are gifted to everyone that doesnt play at all. Everything is thrown at the players that dont want to spend time. Gw2 is too easy ,too rewarding for nothing.

  8. > @"diomache.9246"

    It is an issue that people waste their time for something that other players get gifted.

    > Imagine having to grind that now as new account without Warclaw, Gliding, no boosters and getting the materials together.

    That was the best time of wvw tbh

    Warclaw makes people worse than without, Gliding only is useful in desert, never used boosters either (lv1300+) and mats are nothing with specific reward tracks

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