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Posts posted by Doggie.3184

  1. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Each weight class has their own "skeleton", meaning they're specifically made to work with that type of armor. Outfits are different, because they are made using their own weightclass technically.


    When the game was released armor preview allowed any weight combination and most of it worked perfectly fine so that's no excuse really. They just don't feel like doing it. Elder Scrolls Online beat them to it and long surpassed what used to be the best reskin system and it just makes me disappointed in Anet.


    They don't even try to make universal skins for the ones that literally aren't capable of clipping, which is basically any chest without a buttcape attached to it which is pretty much any non-medium chest since heavy/light attach it to the legs. The Metal Legion TShirt and Xmas Sweater are some of the only universal chest pieces. Non chest pieces have even less clipping potential. There's no excuse outside of they just don't care and/or have some dumb silhouette ideal no single player on earth cares about (and outfits totally render it irrelevant) that Paul Ella mentioned on stream (gone from Anet now, I was hoping it'd lead to some fashion improvements with his departure), which is one of the only times Anet ever spoke up about their fashion critisim.



  2. It's been years since I've bought gems simply cuz they keep adding awful things like this all the time. Who exactly is there target audience? Warcraft players? They'll never leave Warcraft nomatter how hard you try so why bother? Target GW1 players. Give me GW1 Assassin armor.

  3. Any plans to make Thief Pistol Trait not a useless self-nerf, I mean I can't swap it out mid boss battle or anytime there's only one target so why the -damage? And pierce skills on Bullets arch upwards on large enemies and miss things behind them so Ricochet was a much better AoE mechanic for bullets. Sword weapon sets are pretty useless in PvE with the stealth attack serving little purpose and idk if Pistol/Dagger will ever be a thing in PvE since launch. I often wonder why you make PvP only weapon sets by design on a class with very little weapon choices compared to others.

  4. Just poppin in after taking a break for a few months or so. I'm disappointed this "thanks for nothing" self nerf trait hasn't been adjusted yet.

    Man, Ricochet was so nice, I really miss it.

  5. There are sooooo many weapon skins that I honestly feel like it's wasted effort now. I rather they focus on making armor skins that go in a different direction for once since everything has generally been the same concept since release, even Elona skins followed the same overused GW2 style of things instead of GW1 Elona's. I hope the same doesn't happen to Cantha, I want them to bring back GW1 Assassin style to diversify the ocean of coats and buttflaps.

  6. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Doggie.3184" said:

    > > I dunno about mounted combat though unless it was tied to a specific mount and/or a new class's feature. Just makes me think of Tree of Savior's mount system.


    > Always dangerous. I remember the first time WoW added mounted combat, most players disliked it because you spend all this time developing your gear, rotation, character identity, etc, but now you're using a catapult to kill a boss?


    > Saw some concerns about Visions of the Past as well, being forced to play Ragnar...which I found was handled quite well by the devs, so if they wanted to do more of those types of mini missions, a la GW1 missions, I would be interested.



    Tree of Savior (a Korean indie sprite game that isn't too bad if u aren't picky) actually does it pretty neat but there are specific classes that can use their skills on mounts, or have skills only useable on mounts. Everyone else with a mount; it'd just follow them like a pet and they could ride them outside of combat for travel speed only and dismount the moment they attacked and a few pet classes that instead of riding it could make it use unique attack skills.


    With that in mind if GW2 did something like that with a new class I could see it working and not forcing everyone to have to suddenly mount combat as most viable method when I'm sure many wont want to. The new class could get it's own set of pets like Ranger does, but use them as a mount for calvery combat. Might be a bit cluttery on screen though with how big some races are so I dunno.

  7. 1) SAB Tribulation Mode World 2:Zone3 because it's extremely long with some tricky corner jumps but most of all the Ice+spikes+wind room took me forever the first time. That room alone I consider the hardest JP.


    2) SAB Tribulation Mode World 2:Zone2 because of the spike trap PTSD it caused. I started seeing them everywhere, even outside of SAB, by the time I finished it.


    3) SAB Tribulation Mode World 2:Zone1 not really too hard but fulla spikes and can't think of anything else that would take 3rd place. The rapids were intensely rediculous before they nerfed them though.

  8. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Heh...just be glad summoning the mount is instant, with no cast time...


    Yeah, one of the reasons I was against mounts as they ironically waste time to save time with stupid cast times (and the fact that they replace waypoints/fast travel making things take longer in the 'long run' anyways). But thankfully they implemented them much better than other games.

    I dunno about mounted combat though unless it was tied to a specific mount and/or a new class's feature. Just makes me think of Tree of Savior's mount system.

  9. I still want a face similar to Trahearne for my Sylvari male (surprised how long it's been since new ones were added) and something done about the forced purple and green coloring with many faces with certain skin colors. Oh and removing gender requirement for hair styles.


    Example of skin color issue that always bothered me; there's no way to change the 2ndary coloring and it ends up looking odd so I just don't use certain faces with certain skin colors:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/SrtCJgK.png "")




  10. I just want more useable weapons for my Thief. I don't even care if there're no Elite Spec trees for them. It's what we initially wanted from the start but Anet wanted to add more to it, which is great and all, but it seems to have created too much design work for them to be able to keep adding more.

  11. All I want is more combat Tonics for non-playable races like we got for Kodan. (adding more features to tonics would be a nice bonus, like riding mounts.) It's unlikely I'd reroll to any of the current non-playable races over sticking with my favorite race; Sylvari, but the tonics are fun to mess around with. Every new LS zone I cross my fingers for a combat Skritt or Quaggan Tonic.

  12. So after this time of testing and shenanigans I've deemed it much more beneficial to simply stick with Practiced Tolerance over Pierce since it just isn't helpful VS the damage loss. We're better off continuing to use use the Shortbow and Staff for AoE till they give us Ricochet or more incentive to use the hardly useful Pierce than having less Ferocity and 5% less damage and bullets that may or may not hit your targets and are useless and hurt you the moment there's only 1 target. Quite unfortunate for Pistol lovers and "HOPE's" name remains ironic.

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