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Posts posted by Doggie.3184

  1. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > I'm in complete agreement, but according to Anet, they want you to _SELL SELL SELL_ those so that we're not hoarding them and driving up prices. Well guess what Anet, they're going right to my bank.


    Yes, lets drive that 27 copper price down so low that it bugs and goes below vendor price and never get sold to orders ever again.

  2. I just wanna know what the point of the army was when they didn't even help against Balthazar or The Sahelanthropus directly. Your Dragon Watch allies don't join in against him either. It was the same 1v1 as the last time, which caused your death. So their plan was to build an army to distract Balthazar's army, who weren't even an issue in the first encounter, so you can fight Balthazar 1v1 again. But this time he has a Metal Gear with him at the same time so he's even stronger. Sure you have Rytlock's sword but that was a spur of the moment thing that wasn't planned. Aurene being able to help is pure luck. So the whole mission just seemed setup for an even bigger failure than the first time you fought him but you somehow manage to do it this time. There probably should of been more writing put into making the commander's victory more believable/rational. I'd settle with something simple even, like Grenth, who seems like probably the only chill god left (probably cuz necro) actually assisted you in some way with a magic blessing of some sort.

  3. I enjoyed the story but the last battle confused me. It ended in another duel against Balthazar that your new army didn't directly effect.


    New armor is disappointing: Same old awkward looking buttcapes that don't fit correctly and random abstract asymmetric parts.


    Deadeye: "Peripheral Vision's" radius too short- doesn't hit allies near target like "Fire for Effect," which clashes with Deadeye's long-range theme.

    Rifle and Pistol/Pistol are too similar and both have no AoEs causing poor synergy together. Perfect time to re-add Ricochet.

    Losing stolen item when mark ends makes Mercy not work with "One in the Chamber."


    The generic dagger animations for Spellbreaker make me sad.


    You made someone who doesn't care about mounts (me) actually find them fun.


    Yay for juicy big maps.

  4. -Put Pierce on the AA even if it's only while kneeling or standing... and do something about it flying over everything's head and not hitting them.

    -Make Peripheral Vision's boon AoE happen on yourself as well as enemy like Fire for Effect. Increase radius.

    -Let us keep stolen items if mark ends or at least make One in the Champer ALWAYS give you a stolen skill no-matter what in combat so that it can work with Mercy.

    -Change Ankle Shots to Ricochet. Let Rifle be the crippler and give Pistols back their trait.

  5. Legendary Staves are meh for Thief. I made Great Destroyer Staff instead.... it's a much cooler melee weapon. Rifle probably wont be a meta for anything in PvE without some changes but the traitline is okay for other weapons. I made HMS Divinity though cuz I couldn't pass up shooting things with a cannon.

  6. Is this really intended or an oversight? Since "Mercy" drops your Deadeye Mark it makes the "One in the Chamber" trait fail to give you a stolen item since you don't get them if you have nothing marked. I wanted at least one of the Cantrips other than the Elite for the build I wanna use with that trait but the main Cantrip I wanna use is incompatible with it. So I wonder why exactly was it designed this way?

  7. Only thing that does damage is the Kneel 4. Anything else you mine as well use Pistols unless you can't reach a boss or something. The Rifle 3 and Pistol 3 are pretty much the same skill, with Pistols being the better version by a landslide. Both Gun sets have a useless #2 skill of almost the same concept as well. ;x Pierce in that manner just isn't useful unless it's on the auto attack. Neither weapon has AoE which makes using them together problem.

  8. I tried this trait with allies near enemy and me at a distance and it doesn't buff them like "Fire for Effect" does when you're out of range. Which means it's a trait that requires stacking on top of allies in melee range on a class that is designed to be at long range. That seems really odd to me. Why not have it work the same way and hit both target and yourself with boon aoe? The radius on both condi and boon aoes are also super tiny and it makes me sad.

  9. I need some AoEs on full gunz blazing build. Give me back Ricochet already, please. It's frustrating that I have to keep asking. Ini-cost Pierce is not enough and isn't even reliable, hardly hitting much.

  10. I made a new Sylvari character and when I reached the Dragon in the tutorial instance my controls/camera reversed after the cutscene. It basically rotated my camera the opposite direction and left it there. So moving forward moves me backwards and etc. It went back to normal after exiting instance but when I got on mount the controls reversed again until I got off of it. Reverses everytime I use him. So I'm forced to rotate my camera back to the correct position and hold down left click to keep it in place forever or run blind. Relogging didn't fix the bug, it's permanent.

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