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Posts posted by Doggie.3184

  1. I shall buy all of them for my Treebro when/if they release. I love anything underwater/swimming oriented both IRL and in games. I woulda settled for naked Khaki shorts outfit but those actually go beyond and become pretty lore-friendly and look kinda barbarian/tribal-ish, which is another style I love. Not that any of that lore-stuff matters with some of the other outfits, armor and weapons already in-game but either way, they look nice.

  2. So what time frame are you looking for to complete your weapon? It certainly doesn't take 5 years. I've made 6 legendaries which took around 3-6 months each depending on how much I feel like playing since I'm generally half-asleep most of my life. This is while working (+ going to college for earlier ones.) Time gating was the least of my worries considering all the wood I always needed, especially for HMS Divinity, and Analmelted Gemstones, and Mystic Coin Price. The Time I got all that stuff I already finished the time gated stuff since I knew about it before-hand from the wiki. I also always had tons of Laurels too and the majority of them I cashed in for gold so the easiest part was just logging in for free money every day.

  3. Nah, I rather reach daily cap and be rewarded with the freedom to not need to do them for AP anymore lol. Unless I really wanted 2g. They're such a chore, even more-so now that I cant just complete them in 1-2 Spvp customs. anymore. You should be overjoyed to reach cap. Do what you want and not what the game wants you to do.

  4. If there's one thing GW2 can learn from another MMO (other than armor hide toggles, non-buttcapes and universal skins) is that Archeage's sailing mechanics and Big-Fish fishing mini-game are something to be inspired by (The afk/autofishing is terrible though; please never do it. No idea why game devs think it's cool). Despite Archeage being trash overall that was one feature to be praised. Ideally people would want the combat/mechanics to be fleshed out in water with all utilities available, and if dreams could come true all weapons usable in water in some manner and spears on land. I love underwater content but of course even I hate having the majority of my character locked when I enter it. Maybe even player housing could tie into boats/subs if they can pull it off. Honestly I don't know how much or how little to expect from Anet with the next expansion or what they're fully capable of at this point.

  5. > @"Myrdreth.6829" said:

    > I just wanna play a Skritt ;_;


    > A new race would be awesome.


    Every single living story I explore the new zone immediately in search of an Endless Skritt Combat Tonic (since every entry seems to add a new tonic at heart vendor) and I've still never found one. :(

  6. You guys must of been scammed by a lot of KR MMOS to have such low expectations to believe it's just a reskin. It's a new mount. It's cute and based on one of the few good small critters most people don't murder immediately (pill bugs/roly poly), and it probably defies logical science with the way you ride it.

    As mentioned it's role is to break walls like Koolaid guy and it looks pretty speedy. It will also fulfill the role of our continued mount skin only updates to gem store every single Tuesday for the rest of eternity. :v

    I also give the unofficial official statement that it will be usable in other maps because why not?

  7. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Doggie.3184" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > Personally I’m not ready to see a Charr wearing a bra. ? But maybe that just me.

    > > > >

    > > > > ...Charr don't really *need* a bra. Cat kitten don't come with an externally visible breast, really, they just kinda ... attach to the surface. More like a human dude, only a bit flatter.

    > > >

    > > > The female outfit comes with a bra regardless of whether or not there is externally visible breast. A Charr wearing a bra would look ridiculous.

    > >

    > > It'd look fine, It'd even look fine on males. Asura has flat chest and is wearing it and it's fine. People want options. We don't get options.

    > > In reality everyone could wear whatever the hell they wanted no-matter what. GW2 isn't realistic with clothing though unfortunately.


    > Envoy armor, female Charr, first iteration


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/KzgVMOOm.jpg)


    > Female Charr don’t have human style breasts and putting a bra on them (which adds breasts) looks ridiculous.


    The Outfit doesn't add breast, as shown by Asura females, it's just a fancy flat cloth: Which is why I want that version on males instead of the butt huge umbrella. I could be like Albel the Wicked from Star Ocean.

  8. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > Personally I’m not ready to see a Charr wearing a bra. ? But maybe that just me.

    > >

    > > ...Charr don't really *need* a bra. Cat kitten don't come with an externally visible breast, really, they just kinda ... attach to the surface. More like a human dude, only a bit flatter.


    > The female outfit comes with a bra regardless of whether or not there is externally visible breast. A Charr wearing a bra would look ridiculous.


    It'd look fine, It'd even look fine on males. Asura has flat chest and is wearing it and it's fine. People want options. We don't get options.

    In reality everyone could wear whatever the hell they wanted no-matter what. GW2 isn't realistic with clothing though unfortunately.

  9. Malice is completely useless to me now. The elite spec went from mediocre but still fun to bad and unfun. Now I have to wait several months for the chance that they'd revisit and re-balance. To think I was so surprised and happy back when they patched Malice to not reset on mark refresh. They dun screwed everything up now.

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